STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

I have a decent home gym set up like a lot of y’all, half rack with the pull-up bars & adjustable dumbbells

Only problem is I woke up with a bad stiff neck about a week ago, thing still hasn’t gotten much better. Super tight from the upper back to neck. Hoping I just need a few more days.

Sucks missing out on these corona gainz
I brought my own disinfecting wipes to the gym today. :lol: :smh:

I BEEN bringing these :lol: the gf makes fun of me but I don't care — out here trying to avoid that COVID-19.

Wore my Metcon Reacts for the first time today, they're amazing.




Pull-ups (5-7)
Weighted sled pulls (3 plates)
Farmer’s walks (115 lbs each)
Curls (8 with 25lbs)


Assisted pull-ups (20 reps)
Curls (drop sets until failure or 20 reps)
kinda funny people been going to the gym with colds and flu for years. never cleaned equipment before use. barely after. all I saw today were people wiping down machines
I usually wipe down equipment after I'm done using it but it just whatever part my hands touch or I sweat on.
Grabbed a dumbbell to do goblet squats today and whipped down the entire thing before and after.

I'm gonna have to switch my routine to mornings since nobody goes then and work with just 1-2 pieces of equipment in isolation.
Bout to be that guy that hogs the squat rack for my entire workout....
People keep telling me "I read the gym is one of the worst places if you wanna avoid COVID" and I'm like yeah a full gym. My gym been like 15 people max and everyone so spread apart since it's so empty. Probably more distance between each person at my gym than most people who still gotta go to work
Yup exactly what I was thinking.

I been reading multiple articles and health professionals been saying it’s okay to go to the gym but just take extra caution with wiping down stuff. They said stay away from any classes like yoga or cycling. Anything that involves close quarters.
I read that the gym is one of the worst places also which does make sense, but if everyone is avoiding it then maybe it becomes safe for those still going.
If everyone ignored that then I think it would be the most dangerous.
The usual suspects not wiping down equipment, people breathing heavy, bad ventilation, etc.
a dude was working out in Latex gloves today. I just looked and shooknmy head. the grips on DBS and barbells. would tear them up. smh.
how you wearing latex gloves but got a cut off shirt and shorts.
TODAY :sick::sick::sick:

With 15lb medicine ball: jumps straight up, then toss ball overhead as high as possible (both explosive) x 5 reps

Hex bar jumps x 5 reps (155lbs)

Squat x 5 (215 lbs)
30’ box jump with 15lb medicine ball x 5 reps
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a dude was working out in Latex gloves today. I just looked and shooknmy head. the grips on DBS and barbells. would tear them up. smh.
how you wearing latex gloves but got a cut off shirt and shorts.

yesterday someone told the host at work she shouldn’t wear a crop top because it’s spreading corona virus.

like bruh **** you’re out here taking risks, live with it. Tbh I think he was just racist because she’s Korean.

**** made me legit mad, like how is that spreading it and how is it different thanshort sleeves?
yesterday someone told the host at work she shouldn’t wear a crop top because it’s spreading corona virus.

like bruh **** you’re out here taking risks, live with it. Tbh I think he was just racist because she’s Korean.

**** made me legit mad, like how is that spreading it and how is it different thanshort sleeves?
That not even how its spread, person is a **** head.

I haven't gone to the gym in a few days because of the RONA , I may go at like 5 or 6 am one of these days and hope its a ghost town.
Oh I know, dude would have been kicked out if it was up to me. Don’t come in talking **** to the staff.
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