STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

I’m no deadlift expert, but meth form looks off. Maybe a little dangerous. Specifically, he’s lifting his butt to start the lift and then his back ends up being parallel to the ground.
Yes, he broke neutral. However, he is 6"3, and it seems as if he has flexibility issues which contributes to what looks to be improper form.

However, he is getting it in. Props to him for trying to stay in shape.
Fatigue as hell as I just came back from a nyc trip yesterday. Still completed today’s training program

Squat: 315 4x4
Pause Bench: 230 4x4
Pendlay row: 4x8
Weighted pull up: 4x8
Face pull: 3x15
Dynamic Blackburn: 3x5

Post workout meal + protein shake
That ATG chill position more difficult than it looks, one of my friends does that and the rest of us decided to try it, nope. AKA "the asian squat"
That ATG chill position more difficult than it looks, one of my friends does that and the rest of us decided to try it, nope. AKA "the asian squat"

Gopnik squat something serious.

Also, Korean man's be in a semi circle all ATG tumping bogeys.

Definitely impressive. Asked my dude at the store about it, he said it's basically a bad man pose that one.
The 50 yr old that ain't played in 20 years moving weight ain't impressive?

No? If anything him not playing in 20 years has helped him more when it comes to getting stronger and recovering. Its all about perspective though.
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most people complaining bout pics being posted aint Eem posting they own pics. they prob posting other members' pics tbh
Running around gate keeping a stay in shape thread, questioning the viability and relevance of a hall of fame athlete no less. Chumpstyle.
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No gate keeping. Just want more pics/vids of members. And no I don't want random quad pics saying you racking the whole incline leg press.
Why should anyone care about what you want? People are here under their own volition, not simply to please you. If you are constantly worried about what others can do, or are doing? Then you are the one with the problem.
Why should anyone care about what you want? People are here under their own volition, not simply to please you. If you are constantly worried about what others can do, or are doing? Then you are the one with the problem.


Ok my guy. Keep posting your celebrities working out I guess.
Also everybody ain't going in the gym with a full camera setup to be taking videos and all that

That **** is annoying by the way
Need to start using the foam roller...age is catching up to me. Recovery time is slowing up.

Any advice? Do y’all use it and how often?
I use it all the time. I wouldn't get the cheap straight up foam one. Mine got soft and warped very quickly.
I have one now that's like a thick pvc pipe with a thin layer of foam around it. Been using it for years.
Foam rolling the hip boi.... hurts so good.
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