STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

Story of my life. If only you knew about regular daily stuff


Whoa hold up....this dude saw you carrying the 45 plate....asked if you were using it, then tried to actually take it from you??

Would have hit him with the

Then immediately followed with

Your gym has the most bizarre stuff go down. Only thing that tops this is Soundviews prison yard gym, where that roided dude KO'd the 105Lb fit-tea model :lol:
Whoa hold up....this dude saw you carrying the 45 plate....asked if you were using it, then tried to actually take it from you??

Would have hit him with the

Then immediately followed with

Your gym has the most bizarre stuff go down. Only thing that tops this is Soundviews prison yard gym, where that roided dude KO'd the 105Lb fit-tea model :lol:

He just asked if it was 45 and i didnt respond. Man started approaching me with his arms out like how u do when someones letting you hold their baby. Im like wtf

Damn i remember he told us bout that. That was ****** up

Bumping Sade is prolly the weirdest thing tho

You will watch your mouth when speaking of my wifey.

Dont make me pull up on your block bumping Smooth Operator
Whoa hold up....this dude saw you carrying the 45 plate....asked if you were using it, then tried to actually take it from you??

Would have hit him with the

Then immediately followed with

Your gym has the most bizarre stuff go down. Only thing that tops this is Soundviews prison yard gym, where that roided dude KO'd the 105Lb fit-tea model :lol:
Lmaooooooooo I forgot that happened. I felt so bad that weeked and it kept replaying in my head. By Monday, I felt like a new man and I forgot she even existed.

People still talk about that and tell other people the story, I heard someone telling someone else 2 weeKS ago.

I wonder where dude is because he already got kicked out of Star Fitness

The owner is the idiot. Dude launches an incline through the mirror, doesnt get charged for repairs and you retain his membership? Uhhhhhhhhh ok

EDIT; forgot to tell yall her daughter tried to fight dude. It was her first day there lmao. She was like 18 and probably 120 soaking wet. She tried to hit him and did no damage. She tried to pick up a weight and hit him, but the barbells were too heavy to use as a weapon lmaoooooooo

I got mad stories lol
Anyone ever do bench press with cables? Had a shoulder injury a while back and it feel so much better than dumbbells. There's a machine at my gym with narrower set cables, like just wider than shoulders. It's made for shoulder presses and a few other things but it's perfect for like a standing bench press :pimp:
You could still go full keto allegedly with 30-60 grams c. SF energy drinks have like 2 grams in a whole can. G2 Gatorade has like 14grams in a whole bottle. Most protein bars have like 20-30 grams.

Basically all it took for me to do it was going with sugar free redbull, switching from regular milk to light almond milk, and cutting out cereal from my diet. I'm not a huge bread guy so I never got the itch for those types of carbs.

I love rice and sweet potatoes tho
Say bruh. I just came from Vitamin Shoppe to get some more protein, and I picked up some PEScience Select (Snickerdoodle), since I've heard so much about it.... and bruh. This is the best tasting protein I've ever tried. I did the ultimate test by just using :nerd:z of water and I was blown away. I'm in shock.

That is all.
Say bruh. I just came from Vitamin Shoppe to get some more protein, and I picked up some PEScience Select (Snickerdoodle), since I've heard so much about it.... and bruh. This is the best tasting protein I've ever tried. I did the ultimate test by just using :nerd:z of water and I was blown away. I'm in shock.

That is all.

Is it whey.
Say bruh. I just came from Vitamin Shoppe to get some more protein, and I picked up some PEScience Select (Snickerdoodle), since I've heard so much about it.... and bruh. This is the best tasting protein I've ever tried. I did the ultimate test by just using :nerd:z of water and I was blown away. I'm in shock.

That is all.
Is it whey.
Na it's dookie

But seriously wasn't a fan of milk chocolate and snickerdoodle from them. Only whey that snickerdoodle was decent was with a glob of peanut butter.

And protein and water ? :sick: I could never trust anyone who has oatmeal, hot chocolate, and protein mix with water. Hasn't steered me wrong yet :lol:
Na it's dookie

But seriously wasn't a fan of milk chocolate and snickerdoodle from them. Only whey that snickerdoodle was decent was with a glob of peanut butter.

And protein and water ? :sick: I could never trust anyone who has oatmeal, hot chocolate, and protein mix with water. Hasn't steered me wrong yet :lol:

LMAO soon as I seen dude mention PES Science Snickerdoodle being good, you was coming in for the kill. I been saying it is one of the best whey/casein protein out there. I would only drink it at night though.
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LMAO soon as I seen dude mention PES Science Snickerdoodle being good, you was coming in for the kill. I been saying it is one of the best whey/casein protein out there. I would only drink it at night though.
At least you know me fam! *cues swole handshake
Cake batter ON>>>>>>>

Gonna give Keto a try, lets see how it goes.

Edit: after more research Im just going to go on a low carb cut, I want cheat/refeed days :lol: didn't realize how much fat you had to intake and this one article says your body can go out of ketosis if you eat too much protein? Da fuq
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guys i messed up today.

i sometimes mix a scxoop of c4 w monster.

tonight i decided to do hyde and monster.

awesome chest workout but my head was starting to pound lmao

never again
Damn son

And I thought I got the jitters after drinking some Coke Zero :rofl:

dawg i was singing Luke Bryan and Usher to get the fear of passing out off my mind. even did some abs before i drove just in case
guys i messed up today.

i sometimes mix a scxoop of c4 w monster.

tonight i decided to do hyde and monster.

awesome chest workout but my head was starting to pound lmao

never again

You're wildin man :lol: Thank god your heart ain't explode.
Na it's dookie

But seriously wasn't a fan of milk chocolate and snickerdoodle from them. Only whey that snickerdoodle was decent was with a glob of peanut butter.

And protein and water ? :sick: I could never trust anyone who has oatmeal, hot chocolate, and protein mix with water. Hasn't steered me wrong yet :lol:

You love tuna, don't you? And chicken salad?
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