STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

I feel like if big boss cut down to single digits he could show dudes how it's done natty. He would have to swallow his pride on the strength but his physique would be well respected and what many would view as attainable. He's done a lot in a short amount of time.
I feel like asking him this is equivalent to asking anyone why do they are they going to take pre workout / creatine/ whatever hot new supplament is "legal".
Doing it his way is as he said a cheaper way to get better results than all stuff put together combined.

Didn't y'all say there's a lot of risks health wise too though? Forgive me I'm pretty naive to the effects/risks/etc
My bad
I was going to try out some sarms but it was like $300 for 5 weeks of osterine and gw for like 5lbs of gains plus full pct. Nobody even knows what those chemicals do long term and it seemed like a hefty tag for the unknown.

You have no idea what youre pinning either though with ugl test. I'm not throwing shade, just pointing out a fact.
I'm a member of numerous source boards where random samples are sent to labs. I don't order willy nilly hoping for the best.
Didn't y'all say there's a lot of risks health wise too though? Forgive me I'm pretty naive to the effects/risks/etc

i didn't mean any thing negative in my post.

There's only really risk if you do it incorrectly (as with everything) and even then you have to be doing it incorrectly and often. which isn't the case for him.

but no more damaging then when i personally see some of these fools taking like 4 scoops of prework out a day.
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