STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

Did some Deficit Snatch and Clean Pulls...Worked up to 300lbs. 

Trying to focus on being patience and providing power from the Ham on the first pull. 

Trying to prevent that stripper booty.. (Butt goes up without the bar)

MBoiz is right about the DL, 


2x5 145lbs

1x3 220lbs

1x2 310lbs


1x5 370lbs
So I'm working in with this guy to warm up before I squat. He asks me to spot him so I oblige. He quarter squatted 
. He asked me how it looked so I was honest and told him he probably should be going deeper. I think he got mad cause he just said, "OK" then walked away. 

Anyway, I'm slowly getting back to squatting heavier. I wanted to do some front squats today but my wrist wasn't having it. I didn't even know it was hurting until I positioned myself on the bar. So I settled for 5x5 on back squats 

This was my 2nd set. Felt pretty good but a form check wouldn't hurt, right? I kinda felt like I was dive bombing it so I sorta made an effort to take the last rep a little slower.

(Pardon the portrait filming

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Alright I'll mix it up maybe I'll do deficit tomorrow with light weight. You ever pull sumo? I never have I heard mixing that in works as well.
yep I have done more sumo this cycle then I have in awhile. That actually what style I used at my first comp because I didn't like how conventional felt. 
Srs question, im still learning so if it sounds silly then my apologies.

I work graveyard shift (7am-7pm) so during the day i prefer going to the gym once instead two-a-days so i can get my rest.

My question is when i start cutting could i just come to the gym for cardio(stairmaster,treadmill,etc)and then just focus on my diet?(VERY low carbs w/ high protein) i figured theres no point in Lifting since im not tryna gain mass, is that a decent plan for my goal guys?
So I’m assuming you’re looking to cut fat weight, right? Keep the muscle, lose the fat?

If so, the aim should be shifting your body composition. The number on the scale isn’t the “tell all” factor. I would invest in some cheap calipers or get someone else to measure your body fat because that’s the number you want to cut down.

If you are going to be eating at a caloric deficit (eating less than your body needs/burns per day) and you AREN’T continuing resistance exercise, that muscle you built is going to slowly disappear so you may lose fat weight, but you’re also losing the lean muscle you had on you so from an aesthetic standpoint, even with the weight you lost, your body won’t seem to change much.

Without knowing all your specifics or you personally, my general advice if you’re looking to cut fat weight is to eat at a slight caloric deficit (about 500 calories less than what you need to maintain), continue resistance training, (Stephen A Smith voice) STAY OFF THE CARRRRRRBS, and up your protein intake – like you had suggested.

Disclaimer: I’m not a nutritionist by any stretch, I just know what has worked for ME personally and what I know from other sources I’ve read/seen/heard. As always, do your own research, gather the facts, and make your own decisions based off what is right for YOU, YOUR lifestyle, and what works for YOUR body.

Hope any of this helps!
Keep us clued in on the strength gains.
Lol ignorance is bliss you're better off not knowing because it's gross. It's been about a decade and I've given up a couple summers dealing with legal issues. I looked into sarms and other sups available but it's all too much money for nothing.
Lol ignorance is bliss you're better off not knowing because it's gross. It's been about a decade and I've given up a couple summers dealing with legal issues. I looked into sarms and other sups available but it's all too much money for nothing.

I've always found it interesting personally, knew guys that went down that road and watched their #'s jump like crazy.

Agreed that if you gonna do it, might as well go all the way.
I spent a long time worried about numbers and what other people thought and I got hurt. I'm not small at 6'1' 240 and my numbers would be impressive to a normal person but not somebody where that's the focus. Big boss crushes me on all numbers.
I spent a long time worried about numbers and what other people thought and I got hurt. I'm not small at 6'1' 240 and my numbers would be impressive to a normal person but not somebody where that's the focus. Big boss crushes me on all numbers.
BigBoss is the man. 
I spent a long time worried about numbers and what other people thought and I got hurt. I'm not small at 6'1' 240 and my numbers would be impressive to a normal person but not somebody where that's the focus. Big boss crushes me on all numbers.

Just curious. What's the benefit that you're looking for other than increased numbers? Like why can't you have an amazing summer and good quality of life without going that route if you're not worried about numbers?
Just curious. What's the benefit that you're looking for other than increased numbers? Like why can't you have an amazing summer and good quality of life without going that route if you're not worried about numbers?
I feel like asking him this is equivalent to asking anyone why do they are they going to take pre workout / creatine/ whatever hot new supplament is "legal".
Doing it his way is as he said a cheaper way to get better results than all stuff put together combined.
Just curious. What's the benefit that you're looking for other than increased numbers? Like why can't you have an amazing summer and good quality of life without going that route if you're not worried about numbers?
there's no reference point so it's impossible to explain. Test is very important to how you feel in all aspects of being a man but if you've only lived on one level it's not something that can be understood. How do you grasp a feeling you've never had?
I was going to try out some sarms but it was like $300 for 5 weeks of osterine and gw for like 5lbs of gains plus full pct. Nobody even knows what those chemicals do long term and it seemed like a hefty tag for the unknown.
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