STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

Damn, I new to the the thread, can anyone give me some pointers on where to start in this thread. I'm tryna get my weight up and gain some muscle for the summer time.

Just got a gym membership and went yesterday morning and was able to do 145 lb 10x bench press and a quick jog for like 10 mins as well as dome shoulder press and some dips and also have been taking whey protein shakes after working out.

My diet is pretty horrible right now consisting of fast food and barely eating some days. Tryna do the whole 3 month transformation thing
Damn, I new to the the thread, can anyone give me some pointers on where to start in this thread. I'm tryna get my weight up and gain some muscle for the summer time.

Just got a gym membership and went yesterday morning and was able to do 145 lb 10x bench press and a quick jog for like 10 mins as well as dome shoulder press and some dips and also have been taking whey protein shakes after working out.

My diet is pretty horrible right now consisting of fast food and barely eating some days. Tryna do the whole 3 month transformation thing

A couple of tips that you could probably benefit from as someone new to the whole gym thing.

1) Start with the basic exercises. Bench press, squats, deadlifts. If you don't know how to do them, watch some youtube videos. Keep in mind form can vary a lot between different people depending on what they are trying to accomplish so don't get stressed if your form isn't exactly what you see in videos. The main thing to remember is that if you form sucks your body will tell you i.e. getting injured.

2) Go to the gym regularly,keeping it regular will force the habit on you.

3) Keep track of your progress, whether it's your weight, the weight you lift, the number of reps you do, etc. The more improvement you see, the more likely you'll get pumped to go to the gym instead of dreading it. Keep a positive attitude.

4) Change your diet slowly, if you immediately go from eating mcdonalds every meal to chicken and veggies, you're gonna hate life. Start changing one meal at a time, maybe try eating a healthy dinner instead of junk food and for lunch eat whatever. Transition over the course of a couple weeks to eating primarily healthy stuff. Try counting your calories.

5) Think long term, years, not months. It's really a lifestyle change, thinking about getting swole for summer isn't going to do you any good.

My 2cents.

Good luck :smokin
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Haha i know i know i know.

I am soccer play by trade. I am 6 foot about 180 in the off season and 170 mid season. My arms are long...i suck at benching. My right shoulder is trash...pops in and out. And i honestly don't care about bench :lol: it is what it is

*patiently waits for Durden to give me the "that sounds do able"

but justinvincent justinvincent if i don't get at lest 3 reps on my week 5 number this week my squat max will go up 1lb. Thats if i hit two reps. Like i need to hit 3-4 reps to get my calculated max around 390-398. If i do that...week 6 im going for 405. But man it can get disheartening. Like if you don't complete a work out what do you do? I had to repeat week 3 before because i threw my back out during the max rep 10s and 10 reps at 3 thing. So i just kept it moving and when the week ended i started it over. I dread week 3 a lot :lol:

Youd know this better than i would so id kinda like to hear your thought process on this, but
How feasible do you think a 30 lb increase
In a squat is in a 5 week time span?

I was kidding, i think most people in this thread legit value your opinion. I have put 405 on my back once just to feel it. And after last week when i did 355 for 3 and felt good and followed with 365 for 1...idk. It could just be the confidence talking but i think within 6 weeks i can give 405 for 1 at least a fair shot. I will try to record it for my NT brethren if i do.
this. Real gainz don't happen in a couple of months i learned. It takes years of work and commitment.

Yup. Been at it for 7 years now and I'm still nowhere near satisfied. Good on you man for wanting to get started but you've gotta go into it saying you're changing for good or you'll always end up right back where you started
Been out of the gym for almost a month after tearing a muscle in my calf. All I've really been doing is Chest, Tri's and Bi's a few days a week.

Been off track pretty bad and am finally getting back into it seriously again tomorrow. Only doing a Spin class with my girl but I'm excited to be able to do some cardio again and lean down. Hopefully my calf doesn't give me any pain.
Good luck
Bro is that you?!
let me know brother.

i think I'm finally ready to go into powerlifting.

and i wanted to ask if anyone follows barbell brigade or justkiddingnews? 

being asian, I'm happy to find an outlet i can really relate too. (and no them asian 6 pack short cuts don't represent me)

finally, jazmine garcia? WOOD SMASH
I got some PE select protein for you if you ready become a REAL lifting bro

Not serious about the "real lifting bro" lol

But am serious about this PE select
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Haha i know i know i know.

I am soccer play by trade. I am 6 foot about 180 in the off season and 170 mid season. My arms are long...i suck at benching. My right shoulder is trash...pops in and out. And i honestly don't care about bench :lol: it is what it is

*patiently waits for Durden to give me the "that sounds do able"

but justinvincent justinvincent if i don't get at lest 3 reps on my week 5 number this week my squat max will go up 1lb. Thats if i hit two reps. Like i need to hit 3-4 reps to get my calculated max around 390-398. If i do that...week 6 im going for 405. But man it can get disheartening. Like if you don't complete a work out what do you do? I had to repeat week 3 before because i threw my back out during the max rep 10s and 10 reps at 3 thing. So i just kept it moving and when the week ended i started it over. I dread week 3 a lot :lol:

Youd know this better than i would so id kinda like to hear your thought process on this, but
How feasible do you think a 30 lb increase
In a squat is in a 5 week time span?

I was kidding, i think most people in this thread legit value your opinion. I have put 405 on my back once just to feel it. And after last week when i did 355 for 3 and felt good and followed with 365 for 1...idk. It could just be the confidence talking but i think within 6 weeks i can give 405 for 1 at least a fair shot. I will try to record it for my NT brethren if i do.

Oh, I didnt take what you said as a shot at all.

Just going by the numbers, a 10% increase in a max lift in 6 weeks seems pretty challenging, but I dont know how easy 365 felt for you so I cant say that its impossible.

Putting 405 on your back to feel it is an awesome idea. Its a great way to prep your nervous system for what a weight like that feels like. Its a good idea to do something like that before any max lift. If youre trying to squat X weight, put that weight on the bar, unrack it, stand there for a few seconds getting a feel for how to steady and hold the weight, re-rack it, take a few minutes rest and then attempt the lift. It wont feel quite as heavy. (this actually goes back to the "2nd rep phenomenon that was talked about a few days ago)

Little hacks like that are pretty awesome.
From what videos I've seen and what he says about accessories, I know he neglects it. Can you link me to the program?

You can kind of look at him and tell that bench isn't his top priority probably.

In my opinion, for natural lifters, you need to do a lot of volume on bench to make good progress. I would do a lot of dumbbell and tricep work and that will help put a good bit of mass on your upper body.

Bench is probably the lift most directly correlated to ones size and weight.
Gotcha.  I've been throwing in variations and extra sets in addition to the Candito program.  

Hoping I can hit 315 by April.  I'm at 285 right now.

Its the 6 Week Strength program.
Damn, I new to the the thread, can anyone give me some pointers on where to start in this thread. I'm tryna get my weight up and gain some muscle for the summer time.

Just got a gym membership and went yesterday morning and was able to do 145 lb 10x bench press and a quick jog for like 10 mins as well as dome shoulder press and some dips and also have been taking whey protein shakes after working out.

My diet is pretty horrible right now consisting of fast food and barely eating some days. Tryna do the whole 3 month transformation thing

The best advice I can give is be consistent. Be consistent as ****. The little things dont make a big difference right now.

Show up, do something, eat, rest, sleep... repeat.... A LOT.
It should be considering how horrible it tastes. Opened up the Milk chocolate and just as bad as the vanilla. Taste like straight casein
I wish I could take you guys to the gym with me and see the **** I see.

Dude wearing 4 layers of base layers steals my 30 pound bumbells while I'm resting. I wait for him to finish and snatch them back. He gets mad and grabs 80 pound Dumbbells and starts "curling" them back bent like a rainbow and swinging them harder than ever. My girl almost pissed her pants she was laughing so hard. THEN he drops them from waist height. Grunts and repeats after sipping more pre workout.

I think I'm going to do back again for the second time this week. I have legs and then a free day so I'll double up on back.
whats everyone's IG?

back from hiatus and i need some motivation

I wish I could take you guys to the gym with me and see the **** I see.

Dude wearing 4 layers of base layers steals my 30 pound bumbells while I'm resting. I wait for him to finish and snatch them back. He gets mad and grabs 80 pound Dumbbells and starts "curling" them back bent like a rainbow and swinging them harder than ever. My girl almost pissed her pants she was laughing so hard. THEN he drops them from waist height. Grunts and repeats after sipping more pre workout.

I think I'm going to do back again for the second time this week. I have legs and then a free day so I'll double up on back.
Bra I see something new everyday. People shadow boxing(horribly) in the free wait section, people doing handstands for no reason, there's this lady that walks around the gym dancing in all of the isles instead of just joining the free zumba class going on. The madness that goes on in the locker room is a whole other story. 
Dude the boxers are hilarious. :lol: one dude moved the bag under the pull up bar so he could watch tv while he kicked the bag. :rofl:

There is like 6 cool people though late night I've got to know. Showed me some new stuff. One dude was doing 70# weighted wide grip pull ups 10 reps at a time. Respected the hell out of that.
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