STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

On my first day back at a commercial gym, I see a naked elderly man in the locker room doing sit-ups on one of the benches. Why?

It was good to get back in the gym, though; I was sick all of last week and spent a lot of time eating and chillin' in my room. I definitely gained a few lbs. Thankfully, my strength hasn't had a significant drop.
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at the old gym i used to go to, i was in the sauna trying to sweat some weight off for an office comp and there was this dude in there with his friends. he was telling a story of how he almost drowned while bodysurfing. he was making vigorous swimming motions with his arm and sweat was flying off and hit my face lol. i told him ayy man you got spray flying of your arms. dude apologized and sat down and everyone was real quiet after that :lol:
U just gotta be careful of that lose skin. Its what haunts me today.
Question about this; 

I lift every day, hit every major body part every 72 hours.

So with that said, besides lifting, can anything done?

I know I'm gonna have alot. I was 280 2 years ago, dropped 40 lbs, 240 for a year, and now 206. 

Loose skin will haunt me 
Question about this; 
I lift every day, hit every major body part every 72 hours.
So with that said, besides lifting, can anything done?
I know I'm gonna have alot. I was 280 2 years ago, dropped 40 lbs, 240 for a year, and now 206. :smh: :x  
Loose skin will haunt me :lol:
Story time:
I was 240-250 when I was 17.

Lost a ton of weight by 19 got down to about 200

then by 23 got down to 160 because I was dieting super hard.
I'll be 30 next month sitting at 190 (more solid) and I still have loose skin to the point I can pull and it be like 2 inches out.. on my belly.
it sucks
Its better than what it's been in the past 5-7 years
but aside from surgery (which I've debated heavily) nothing really.
and the older you get the the harder it is.

Thats why on this cut im doing im going to try to stay this weight for quite awhile.. try to get my body use to being down this low
I think the loose skin part is a genetic thing

Some people's skin just seem to snap back better than others

I've seen some people lose a lot of weight and get a six pack, and see other people lose the same weight and get skin hanging with mad stretch marks

I'm talking about when people lose like 25-30 pounds

I think when people lose in excess of 60-70 pounds, loose skin is unavoidable no matter what
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I think the loose skin part is a genetic thing

Some people's skin just seem to snap back better than others

I've seen some people lose a lot of weight and get a six pack, and see other people lose the same weight and get skin hanging with mad stretch marks
i have mad stretch marks all over my stomach and my shoulders. 

Not gonna be working out for a bit cause of my back, but now this is another reason. Suppose to be yellow/gold but its bloody and whatnot.
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did some romanian deads and standing leg curls yesterday and now my knee is swollen and super sore. it's so bad that i'm wearing my sbd knee sleeve right now :frown:
gonna cut out of work early and go cry on my bed.
i have mad stretch marks all over my stomach and my shoulders. 
I have stretch marks to but they are fading away

I think genetics play a role. I also played football all through highschool and had a decent foundation of muscle 

When i weigh in at around 250 i had been back to working out for a year already. So i was even heavier before that maybe even like 270 (i was to nervous to step on a scale at that time)

Age is also a factor. All this happen in a 5 year span after I graduated Highschool. Im only 23 now.

14-18 played football/weightrained

18-21 didnt do anything but eat,sleep and go to school

21 to now Going Hard 

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Is it bad if I take today off to get my life together and then just make up for it tomorrow and go hard?

I usually do 5 days back to back and saturday /Sunday off
Is it bad if I take today off to get my life together and then just make up for it tomorrow and go hard?

I usually do 5 days back to back and saturday /Sunday off
Time lost is time lost. It’s gone forever. Some people tell themselves that they will work twice as hard tomorrow to make up for what they did not do today. People should always do their best. If they work twice as hard tomorrow, then they should have also worked twice as hard today. That would have been their best. — John Wooden
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