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lol I know bro, I always do best when I`m by myself during the workweek, but this was holidays and mad idle time and around others and wasnt really at spots where I could count calories. Back to my normal IF schedule, make some Multigrain pasta so gonna have Chicken Alfredo for dinner Wed and Fri to get the extra carbs post workout.

I know what you mean. I had cutout bread intake for 2 weeks until my mom showed up on the 23rd lol. Ate all kinds of breads for 3 days!
eat brownies and ice cream today, smh gotta do better. Todays my last day of the junk outside of calculated cheat meals. I`m not gonna weigh myself for another 2 weeks.
When you notice you arent losing as much weight as you were when you first started, start setting small goals. I mean thats how I do it from the beginning, but once you hit that goal, it propels you to the next. Momentum builds.

One cheat day isnt gonna make you fat, just like one day of working out isnt gonna make you fit. Consistency.

On another note, my gym has new facilities and whatnot, opened about 2 months ago, but damn they cant even get a working scale. Wanted to weigh myself today, hopped on and noticed I was 180. I KNOW thats not right, and dudes at the gym were like that scale is off anywhere from 15-20lbs.
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Need help, fellas. So I need to start taking a protein supplement again because I'm just not able to eat enough these days. The only problem is that 100% whey gives me the runs because I'm lactose intolerant. The only powder I've had success with is Muscle Milk and the GNC Soy Protein Isolate (tasted horrible. Threw it out.). Should I just go with Muscle Milk again?
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Need help, fellas. So I need to start taking a protein supplement again because I'm just not able to eat enough these days. The only problem is that 100% whey gives me the runs because I'm lactose intolerant. The only powder I've had success with is Muscle Milk and the GNC Soy Protein Isolate (tasted horrible. Threw it out.). Should I just go with Muscle Milk again?

Try a different kind of protein.. i know they have soy and hemp protein
Need help, fellas. So I need to start taking a protein supplement again because I'm just not able to eat enough these days. The only problem is that 100% whey gives me the runs because I'm lactose intolerant. The only powder I've had success with is Muscle Milk and the GNC Soy Protein Isolate (tasted horrible. Threw it out.). Should I just go with Muscle Milk again?

Try a different kind of protein.. i know they have soy and hemp protein

They do. Only thing is that they are way more expensive and you get less of an amount.
Just go man. Don't let other people stop you from getting it in. My gym was EMPTY. And it's ALWAYS full. E M P T Y.

Mine was DEAD too and it's never like that. I'm anticipating it to be PACKED tomorrow though.
Mine was DEAD too and it's never like that. I'm anticipating it to be PACKED tomorrow though.

Mine was as well... my second home gym when I stay with my GF... that feel pulling into that lot and seeing it so empty :wow: :smokin

Happy New Year fellas, let's get it :pimp:
This might sound rhetorical to some, but let me share a tiny bit of advice.
One of the best things I can remind you while lifting is to.......BREATH.
For the longest time I would A) not breath or B) breath incorrectly.
The emphasis it has on your lifting is extraordinary
Breathing in before squating and exhaling on the press up makes it soooo much easier and crispier.
Whenever my boy is struggling I remind him to breath so he gets out his last few reps.
Anyways, just thought I'd share. Might help someone.

I sometimes forget my breathing techniques when I get in a zone and gotta get focused again. So ready to hit the gym tomorrow and kill my legs and back! Got my mom signed up at the gym today as well so hopefully she will stick with it.
paleo bread i think

theres also a good one at

I applaud you for being able to take this down bro. I work a side gig at another low carb place, got some at cost as well as Julian's Carb Zero... wow. It wouldn't toast, was unbearable IMO. I have enjoyed Healthwise, Carb Krunchers, Chompies and MiRico, but Julian was a very sad last place for me.
They do. Only thing is that they are way more expensive and you get less of an amount.
Have you tried egg protein? It's a little more expensive but the macros seem the same.

Interesting. Thanks for the tip. I wonder if it has any trade offs like higher cholesterol.

nah mah, dont worry about cholesterol because of eggs especially with egg protein.

you're good.
Cool, thanks everyone. I'm trying to make the most of these home workouts :lol:. I kinda fell off once I lost my gym from college and my boxing club membership.
Can anyone answer my question on chobani yogurt? How much is too much? Is it just as effective if I include it in my protein shake opposed to eating it alone?

It depends on where you stand on the whole debate of "how much protein can the body process in one meal", I used to do it here and there, but I prefer to eat my macros, thus I mixed em into a sludge as often as possible
Watch out with the chipotle :lol:. Idk, Mexican food always seems to go against my fitness goals.
I think for 2013, this is going to be my new home in terms of where I lurk and post consistently. Can't wait to post gains in here.
Only hit arms today. Felt like I hit everything else through out the week. But since i didn't burn a lot of calories ima call it quits at:
- Eggs.
- 1 scoop shake.
- Chipotle burrito
- prolly a shake at night.
Happy New Years brothas! :pimp:


Good work Brah
What's everyone's Plans and Goals for this Year?

Im going to continue bulking until March and then start to Cut for summer
What's everyone's Plans and Goals for this Year?

Im going to continue bulking until March and then start to Cut for summer

I'm currently going cardio heavy and lifting within the limitations of my home equipment. I'm trying to cut weight and build lean muscle for now. I plan on buying some protein powder and bulking once I get down to about 168.
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