STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

I use my Solos while working out. I'm not concerned with what headphones might make me look like to everyone else.. They provide a tighter fit and give me the bass that I like. They get the job done.

:stoneface: yea since bass is soooooooooooooooo important while working out
Can you elaborate on YOUR method?

Since I'm cutting,

On training days I eat at around -10% of my maintenance cals go heavy on protein & carbs low on fat.
On rest days I eat at -30% of my maintenance same amount of protein, high fat, little to no carbs.

My meal window is 2pm- 8pm, I usually only eat 2 huge meals a day.
Today's workout was god awful! Struggled on every set and was exhausted after the first set of my first workout. Gonna chalk up today as a let down even though I finished all my sets. Gonna get some much needed rest tomorrow and get back at it on Monday. Last workout of the year!!
interesting. when do you gym? so even if you wake up at 8am you ain't eatin till 2?
I hit the gym around 12:30-1 so I get out around 2 and yes even if I wake up super early I don't eat till 2.
After you IF for a week or 2 you don't even get hungry during the fast.
Can someone recommend me a beginner's full body workout or guide if you have one. Past month I have been doing 30 minute cardio prior to the workout and some random arm exercises and leg exercises. I have been seeing results but want a structured plan. Any videos will be helpful as I a more visual learner. Have a gym at my vicinity but probably will join Blink Fitness in a month or two after the new year resolution people die down.

Here are some videos I found, wondering if I should follow them or not:

Also seen this sample workout, any good?

Any help is appreciated and welcomed, thanks.
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Feeling like complete **** at the gym. Headache is crazy man smh..proud i still lifted though

Anybody else avoid this thread when your eating ****** or havent been to the gym in a couple days? haha its like avoiding your parents when you got in trouble at shool as a kid
I use my Solos while working out. I'm not concerned with what headphones might make me look like to everyone else.. They provide a tighter fit and give me the bass that I like. They get the job done.

How you work around the sweat component? Headband? I got the athletic joints, but the solos are dope too...
I use my Solos while working out. I'm not concerned with what headphones might make me look like to everyone else.. They provide a tighter fit and give me the bass that I like. They get the job done.
yea since bass is soooooooooooooooo important while working out
I like to feel the music. Don't come at me bro.
Hey hey there fellas.  We're all here for the same reasons.
my arms chest lats etc, are getting bigger. i see results. but my legs are so fing stubborn. leg day i do


45 plate on and 7 reps for warm up. ill add on weight and do 5 sets of 5.

leg press


3 sets of 10. used to do heavy weight with this but changed to lightweight and upped the reps

leg curls

3 sets of 10

seated calf raises

3 sets of 12

standing calf raises

3 sets of 12

thats it. i dont do leg extensions cause it started to hurt my knees. any help?
I use my Solos while working out. I'm not concerned with what headphones might make me look like to everyone else.. They provide a tighter fit and give me the bass that I like. They get the job done.

How you work around the sweat component? Headband? I got the athletic joints, but the solos are dope too...

Honestly I just deal with it. I get what some of the guys are saying I just don't let it affect me. I've had powerbeats and I didn't like them because like other in ears they fall out when I sweat.
might join the local crossfit gym, the group classes seem like alot of fun and i could learn a thing or two about proper form....

thought on crossfit training bros?
my arms chest lats etc, are getting bigger. i see results. but my legs are so fing stubborn. leg day i do
45 plate on and 7 reps for warm up. ill add on weight and do 5 sets of 5.
leg press
3 sets of 10. used to do heavy weight with this but changed to lightweight and upped the reps
leg curls
3 sets of 10
seated calf raises
3 sets of 12
standing calf raises
3 sets of 12
thats it. i dont do leg extensions cause it started to hurt my knees. any help?

Do you do deadlifts? You can also do front squats if you know how to do them and you could also add lunges. Is your squat form perfect?
The concept is cool but I'm not so sure about the execution. I've seen some people doing Crossfit workouts and I've seen them on Youtube and form always seems to go out the door because of the way it's set up (reps for time or past failure often).

Also, they like to use kipping movements, especially for pullups and muscleups. I much prefer to do them with strict form instead of the swinging.

You could try and do a circuit workout where you try and do maximal number of reps of a certain exercise but ensure your form stays 100% correct. Otherwise there's no point and you're risking injury.

yeah i noticed today when we did the 4 minute squat routine 20 second squats 10 seconds rest, i started off with good form, by the 6th rep, my form was on its way out the door, my legs are dead now.
I like to feel the music. Don't come at me bro.

and u need 200$ headphones to do that?

why nt get a 30$ pair that arent as cumbersome,

heres some i own them they sound way better than my studios

and im sure the status symbol of the "beats" logo has nothing to do with u wearing them to the gym /sarcasm

Thanks man. I like to listen to music a lot. I enjoy making mixes. Hope you like it.

To answer your question, I do not need them. I prefer them. I'd never go out and buy $200 Beats specially for the gym. I've used Bose and Skullcandy and the clarity is on point but they don't have that thump. Ya na'mean? Lol
The concept is cool but I'm not so sure about the execution. I've seen some people doing Crossfit workouts and I've seen them on Youtube and form always seems to go out the door because of the way it's set up (reps for time or past failure often).

Also, they like to use kipping movements, especially for pullups and muscleups. I much prefer to do them with strict form instead of the swinging.

You could try and do a circuit workout where you try and do maximal number of reps of a certain exercise but ensure your form stays 100% correct. Otherwise there's no point and you're risking injury.

yeah i noticed today when we did the 4 minute squat routine 20 second squats 10 seconds rest, i started off with good form, by the 6th rep, my form was on its way out the door, my legs are dead now.

Crossfit is terrible on your joints due to bad form stemming from fatigue and all the swinging movements. I read an article from a guy who had to have double rotator cuff surgery after 5 years of crossfit, ol boy was doing 15,000+ pullups a year and just wrecked them. and his experience wasn't abnormal either. I feel like once these types of injuries become more common in time, Crossfit is gonna start fading away.
Sharp pain in my knee while doing leg press. ****...hours later and still feels bad.
I like how it promotes fitness though, have cardio and strength covered. Also the intensity means you're actually forced to work instead of just chill lifting light dumbbells or strolling on the elliptical. 

It's definitely a good way to get into shape though, but if you tweak the workouts so you're focused on form and not just banging out reps you'd probably be better off.

well honestly the group classes is not something i see myself paying for month after month, its expensive, i figure i need a change from my average gym routine which im losing interest in after 3 years, ive never done group work outs so i figure it be something nice and different for maybe 3 give myself a new jumpstart.
- 10 minute walk.
- Dumbell fly warmup incline
- Incline Dumbell press
- Wide pull ups.
- Flat bench
- Close grip pull ups
- Seated incline press machine
- Wide dips
- Mile
- Chipotle

I stay ending my workouts with Chipotle :lol:
I feel you.

You ever try working out outdoors using bodyweight? It gets a bad rep because people think bodyweight exercises aren't challenging enough, but that's definitely not true.

I started doing it a few months ago to take advantage of the summer weather and I've loved it ever since. Challenges me cause my balance isn't that great, and it translates to the gym too.

problem is, its like 30 degrees in ny around this
my arms chest lats etc, are getting bigger. i see results. but my legs are so fing stubborn. leg day i do
45 plate on and 7 reps for warm up. ill add on weight and do 5 sets of 5.
leg press
3 sets of 10. used to do heavy weight with this but changed to lightweight and upped the reps
leg curls
3 sets of 10
seated calf raises
3 sets of 12
standing calf raises
3 sets of 12
thats it. i dont do leg extensions cause it started to hurt my knees. any help?

Your routine looks pretty solid, maybe add one more thing in there though, like deadlift or front squat like doctor shoes said, or maybe some lunges.

If you're loking for something new for calves, try this, I've been doing it lately and am seeing good results.
Do one set of that and then do 2 sets of a super-set of seated calf raises and standing one-legged calf raises (on an elevated surface)

This calf routine has been having my calves feeling :x the next day
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Nothing like a delicious burrito bowl with Chicken, guac, brown rice, beans, lettuce, hot salsa, and lettuce after a great workout.
Has everything you need for recovery (Protein, Carbs, Good fats) and its absolutely DELICIOUS. :nthat:

Just wish it was a little cheaper though...I cant afford to do that everyday. Defeats the whole purpose of healthy grocery shopping. :smh:
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