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Hows squatting with a smith machine? The kinda of smith where the rails are kinda angled. I feel really wobbly when I do regular squats, (never really cared about my lower body til about the summer time since I played ball a lot, but my groin injury set me back when I began squatting). I dont know if I feel uncomfortable cause my groin is in the back of my mind, but I feel much better squatting with that smith my gym has. I try to keep my back straight and just go for it, I had a pretty decent leg workout with that and the leg press machine. I also tried doing the squats where you sit on the edge of a bench and explode up, maybe I should try going heavy on that?
first time on this thread...hoping to start a new life. Obese, diabetic, high cholesterol and very weak but i am promising myself to change my life. Time to get it.
Welcome to my favorite thread on NT. Lots of good advice in here as well as your own little support group to provide motivation. 

I always tell dudes, I don't care if you're 500 lbs or 100 lbs, as long as you are making a change that's all that matters. As long as you are in the gym day in and day out, eating right, that's all that matters. You'll not only notice changes in your body but your mentality in life as well. Things that never seemed possible will now become within reach. 

My favorite motivational speech/poster/etc...

man, Rob should lose weight, his head does not match his body at all
Hows squatting with a smith machine? The kinda of smith where the rails are kinda angled. I feel really wobbly when I do regular squats, (never really cared about my lower body til about the summer time since I played ball a lot, but my groin injury set me back when I began squatting). I dont know if I feel uncomfortable cause my groin is in the back of my mind, but I feel much better squatting with that smith my gym has. I try to keep my back straight and just go for it, I had a pretty decent leg workout with that and the leg press machine. I also tried doing the squats where you sit on the edge of a bench and explode up, maybe I should try going heavy on that?

I wouldn't recommend it, if you have other options. I would just use the regular bar, start of low and just work your way up with the weight. There's too many pieces to the exercise you're giving up by going the smith route (i.e. core/balance stability, form, secondary muscle stim). Of course, if that's your only option, then you can make it work. But if it's a matter of this or that, I'd go with the free bar every time.
How is that nonsense?
All this why are you cutting and losing weight then bulking and adding fat blah blah blah.

That is the only way to gain muscle, eating over your daily calories, and some fat might be added depending how clean/dirty your bulk is. 
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Squatted 275 x 5 today, not great, but it's the most weight I've ever done.

Moving up every leg workout it seems :pimp:
:lol: Not at all, I just know dudes do a lot more weight than that. I guess it is great for me though :pimp:
Hows squatting with a smith machine? The kinda of smith where the rails are kinda angled. I feel really wobbly when I do regular squats, (never really cared about my lower body til about the summer time since I played ball a lot, but my groin injury set me back when I began squatting). I dont know if I feel uncomfortable cause my groin is in the back of my mind, but I feel much better squatting with that smith my gym has. I try to keep my back straight and just go for it, I had a pretty decent leg workout with that and the leg press machine. I also tried doing the squats where you sit on the edge of a bench and explode up, maybe I should try going heavy on that?
Use the incline bench.  Set it up to the highest level and it's almost like you're using a squat rack.  Just make sure to face the bench.  Only thing that sucks is that you can't go as heavy as you'd like as you would with a squat rack due to no rails to drop the bar on just in case.  If all else fails, dumbbell squats aren't a bad substitute.

Yesterday's workout was pretty decent.  Not my best, but I got the job done.

Did full body, contemplated doing the 300 workout, but changed my mind.

Winter time really kills my motivation to do cardio so I just stay with my jumprope in between sets and before/after workout.  By the time I tried to rope towards the end, my body was pretty much shot.

If there's one thing I need to do, it's prioritize stretching.  I've been slacking on it just doing the bare min to get by.  Need to do more yoga and set aside time to do thorough stretching sessions.  Sleep is another.  Between family, work, and the gym I've left very little time for it.  Over the past few weeks it's began to take a toll.

Legs tonight, arms tomorrow.  Plan on getting to the gym as early as possible on Monday.  Next week should be interesting.
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All this why are you cutting and losing weight then bulking and adding fat blah blah blah.

That is the only way to gain muscle, eating over your daily calories, and some fat might be added depending how clean/dirty your bulk is. 

Your missing the point though, son said he wanted to get to 200 so why would you bulk if you haven't reached the goal of your cut?
That's counter productive. Also you can still gain muscle on a cut unless you're around the genetic limits of growth which I doubt many if any of us are.
Also it's easier to put muscle on with minimal fat gain when your lean opposed to when your still over 15% BF.
A lot of dudes just haven't cut enough fat to think about bulking and will just end up in a cycle of cutting/bulking with not really much progress.
If you actually cut to where your were as lean as possible you would be in the best condition to put on muscle without gaining fat and having to cut all over again.
Don't take it personal and do the knowledge, I've done my research.
iLLest didn't you do the whole p90x program bro? I remember seeing your video.

You lost a lot of how dont you know anything about food?
You dieted well enough to lose all that weight.

No hate just sayin youre not dumb my man :lol:

The crispy chicken im assuming was fried right? Thats probably the worst part. Chicken obviously is good protein, wheat bun isnt too bad for you if your working out...complex carbs.

Did you put a lot of mayo and condiments? ranch?
If not then all you pretty much had on the bad side was the fried crust of the chicken.

Fuddruckers is BOMB by the way...I always get the Rajun Cajun chicken sandwich. Get that next time. Itll be chicken breast grilled with cajun spices, some pepperjack cheese on a wheat bun. Then you can get some sweet potatoe fries on the side which are complex carbs as well.

A healthy splurge I like to call it. Not fully healthy, but not fully unhealthy. Delicious none-the-less and not too much guilt :smokin :D
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Your missing the point though, son said he wanted to get to 200 so why would you bulk if you haven't reached the goal of your cut?
That's counter productive. Also you can still gain muscle on a cut unless you're around the genetic limits of growth which I doubt many if any of us are.
Also it's easier to put muscle on with minimal fat gain when your lean opposed to when your still over 15% BF.
A lot of dudes just haven't cut enough fat to think about bulking and will just end up in a cycle of cutting/bulking with not really much progress.
If you actually cut to where your were as lean as possible you would be in the best condition to put on muscle without gaining fat and having to cut all over again.
Don't take it personal and do the knowledge, I've done my research.
I thought he said he wanted to bulk once he reached 200. I don't take **** personal on the internet fam, I've done plenty of research too, I'm not one of these dudes asking the same damn questions over and over again when it comes to nutrition. It's pretty simple IMO, once you get the basics down. I don't know any people GAINING muscle while CUTTING though, but hey to each his own best of luck with your fitness goals 
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Sitting right now at 247lbs. Now that my body has hit 250, im thinking of reaching 260..should be fun
I need a little help bruhs.

I need to get a new pair of kicks for the gym (my beater am95 are done).  I'm thinking of getting a pair of boxing shoes.  Anybody have experience with them squatting and deadlifting?
hit 405 on squats today 5 reps. and 100 db military press set of 10. took a full scoop of pre workout today rather than half and def felt the intensity.
im about ready to give up on my abs.. its been a long journey, went from 275 to 190. but these abs are not happening... i feel like im almost there than 1 cheat day n they disappear. i would say im about 12-13% bf too.
If the Milk Prices dont go up which I`m thinking they wont, I might be a lame and just get all my supplements from one brand, just as an experiment on my next reup

Gonna cop all Universal Nutrition stuff lol hopefully land a rep deal and get free crap.
I need a little help bruhs.

I need to get a new pair of kicks for the gym (my beater am95 are done).  I'm thinking of getting a pair of boxing shoes.  Anybody have experience with them squatting and deadlifting?

Anything is an upgrade from those :x . Ironically horrible workout shoes.
I wear Do-Wins they are professional power lifter shows, cost 3 times as much as chucks, but I like em, reason I couldnt get chucks is because I have wide feet, and Do WIns are crazy wide and flat. You dont wanna lift in anything with an air sole because it can effect your squatting from what I hear.
I need a little help bruhs.

I need to get a new pair of kicks for the gym (my beater am95 are done).  I'm thinking of getting a pair of boxing shoes.  Anybody have experience with them squatting and deadlifting?

I swear by my vibram toe shoes, nothing gives you a better feel for the ground.

Illest, you might as well just go on a dirty bulk dude, you post every day that you "cheated" :lol:
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