STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

I mainly need something in my ears to keep people away.

but I did just get the CT fletcher app. lol
no joke still gets me hyped
I cant wear headphones for half the stuff i do. I cant wear an arm sleeve and i cant have my phone in my pocket.

I do concentrate better and have quicker workouts without music though.
I agree, I like my headphones keeping randos away from talking to me lol

The randoms , man :lol:

Anyone have that old dude at the gym that you don't know at all, but he stays giving you the most vague life advice?
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I hate the forced conversations about all THEY are doing while I stand there and head nod followed by asking me what all I eat for a week. Like who has the nerve to strike up conversation about them? :lol: Times like that I wish I had a ninja smoke bomb and could just bounce out
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Two weeks ago this one old lady walk up to me and start talking some random ****. I mean some straight up mental hospital psycho stuff. She kept talking about "the other place" like "I prepare souls for the other place" and "the other place has better music..." no lie. I was thinking 3 things while she was yapping. 

1. What the hell  is wrong with you?

2. This lady better not try and send me to "the other place" and stab me in the face.

3. Thank God I have my ipod with. 

Put my headphones back on and ignored her. She followed me around for a minute and kept talking, but then she eventually left me alone and started talking to someone else. 

Bruh, I've had people tell me about their cheating wives, their sloot daughters, their good for nothing fathers, I mean heart breaking sit down type stories and I have no clue what their names are. I just say hello when I see them from time to time because I'm a friendly guy. I just sit their with my eyes open as wide as possible and a blank face.

Maybe it's just me but they're some things you just don't tell people
I'm the same way. I don't really even like asking for a spot, damn sure not about to tell a stranger personal stuff.

I guess some people are comfortable venting/confessing at the gym 
It's to the point where If I spot a "confesser" (it's what I call them :lol:) I make the effort to not cross paths with them. I'll take the long way to racks just steps away from me :lol:. That look on my face when I'm mid set and they lean over to speak to me :x


It's like a Seinfeld situation for sure
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Gonna hit the gym at 6 am tomorrow. Get a cut at 9 then work 1 to 6

Last workout for the year. Gonna kill it with lee haneys arm workout
Don't follow football that much (actually at all) but this former NFL player Townsend just joined crossfit. Judging from his videos doesn't even know how to lift really but he's putting up more weight than Froning on his cleans Lmao. Just lifting off of super freaky strength rather than technique and knowledge. Well damn

Always wondered how former professional athletes of other sports would take to xfit, now we'll see.. He said he wants to go to the games
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Reinstated my gym membership and looking to hit the ground running in 2015. I want to know what are some really good products or supplements for male energy, nutrition, endurance, testosterone and over all male enhancement etc. Really looking to be at my very best physically and nutritionally in 2015 and I know I might need help in addition to what I know (just reg diet and exercise). Considering meal prep as well. How does that work? I want to cut body fat and gain muscle. Ive always ran to cut fat in the past but for the most part slacked on diet. At my best I can run 3 miles every other day per week. Should I run more or incorporate even more cardio for good results? Willing to make the effort. Also, any suggestions on products I should use guys? PMs are welcomed as well. Thanks in advance to anyone who can help.
Well bros, rough day at the gym after a holiday trip. I have a feeling diet has everything to do with it. My weight dropped to 153 in the 5 days I was back home.

305x5 today after expecting to get 6 easily. I hit 300x6 last week without breaking a sweat.

Still shooting for 405 by new year 2016.
Geez. You're strong as hell. Good job
Don't follow football that much (actually at all) but this former NFL player Townsend just joined crossfit. Judging from his videos doesn't even know how to lift really but he's putting up more weight than Froning on his cleans Lmao. Just lifting off of super freaky strength rather than technique and knowledge. Well damn

Always wondered how former professional athletes of other sports would take to xfit, now we'll see.. He said he wants to go to the games
I've been keeping up with him and he's been lifting for a while now, done a few competitions and picked up a few sponsors. Opening his own crossfit gym as well. He's strong as hell as you can see with that 415 power clean but his weakness is the gymnastic type stuff.
Made the mistake of forgoing my morning workout and going last night and it was a madhouse! I'm glad Im used to the AM workouts now bc going after work with all the New Years people Is going to be a nightmare. Ready to hit 2015 hard in the gym!
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