STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

Guy at the gym told me he does either quads or hammier every other day because he thinks it will release more T into his body.... 

.....yet he refuses to squat 
Youre doing it entirely wrong.

Curls, no matter how much you struggle with them, wont do ANYTHING for the goals that you have. You want to lose weight? Fix your diet, start by cutting out fast food, soda, etc. You dont have to "diet" per say: eat salads and grilled chicken. Its harder for someone to start like that, I would just eat normally (while avoiding fast foods) but portion control. Instead of 3 huge scoops of rice with your chicken, go to the store buy a measuring cup set and eat 1/2-1 scoop of rice. Portion control man. Then go jog, run, whatever the hell makes you sweat. Shoot some hoops, just be active. Look into HIIT and combined with a diet you'll drop weight fast. You dont need access to a gym to eat clean and run.

Ive lost 20lbs this summer, just by portion control, cardio and weight training. You can do the same, its how bad you want it, not how many curls you can do with a dumbbell.

Goodluck, feel free to PM whatever questions you have.
Really appreciate the help. I will def shoot you a PM in a few mins. Thanks!

Edit: PM'd.
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Slipped up for the past week been eating out EVERY DAY :smh: took the past 2 days off gym and feel disgusting. Time to get to work :x

Slipped up for the past week been eating out EVERY DAY
took the past 2 days off gym and feel disgusting. Time to get to work

Even if you eat out, pick something protein packed on the menu.

Went out last night for my friends birthday and had me a skirt steak. Tasty, not too much carbs from the sides, and packed with protein. Opted for no beer as well.
Calories in / Calories out . Only bad thing about eating out is the sodium intake.

I went to a restaurant called "Black Bear" yesterday. My dish had 7k mg of sodium :smh:
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Was working on my biceps and triceps today and I noticed that my forearms are hella skinny compared to my upper arms. Anything I can do to remedy this?
Calories in / Calories out . Only bad thing about eating out is the sodium intake.

I went to a restaurant called "Black Bear" yesterday. My dish had 7k grams of sodium
HOLY **** 

Was working on my biceps and triceps today and I noticed that my forearms are hella skinny compared to my upper arms. Anything I can do to remedy this?
Deadlifts, farmers walks, other grip training stuff. I like to pick up the heaviest DBs in my gym and just see how long I can hold them.

Oh yeah, don't use straps 
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Deadlifts, farmers walks, other grip training stuff. I like to pick up the heaviest DBs in my gym and just see how long I can hold them. 
Just started doing farmers walks... I liked them. Any way I can improvise since DBs only go to 100?
Anyone have experience with bicep tendonitis??
Deadlifts, farmers walks, other grip training stuff. I like to pick up the heaviest DBs in my gym and just see how long I can hold them. 
Just started doing farmers walks... I liked them. Any way I can improvise since DBs only go to 100?
100's are really all you need. I usually stick with 90's. To make it more of a workout try switching up your grip or walking further distances
Deadlifts, farmers walks, other grip training stuff. I like to pick up the heaviest DBs in my gym and just see how long I can hold them. 
Just started doing farmers walks... I liked them. Any way I can improvise since DBs only go to 100?

Do static holds and try to hold onto them 10,15,20 seconds longer each time. This is will work the hell out of your forearms.
Do static holds and try to hold onto them 10,15,20 seconds longer each time. This is will work the hell out of your forearms.
I'm doing the walks more for their overall benefit, not just forearms. I guess I should just walk further?

Edit- Pretty good T-nation article, gave me plenty of ideas. They suggest using straps once you hit 50% bodyweight per hand, thought that was interesting. Makes sense though, not much different than grip usually being the limiting factor when deadlifting.
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Do static holds and try to hold onto them 10,15,20 seconds longer each time. This is will work the hell out of your forearms.
I'm doing the walks more for their overall benefit, not just forearms. I guess I should just walk further?

Edit- Pretty good T-nation article, gave me plenty of ideas. They suggest using straps once you hit 50% bodyweight per hand, thought that was interesting. Makes sense though, not much different than grip usually being the limiting factor when deadlifting.

You can walk farther, but start with walking slower. Dont hunch over and avoid overshrugging. The benefits are awesome.
You can walk farther, but start with walking slower. Dont hunch over and avoid overshrugging. The benefits are awesome.
Walking thing that article didnt mention and I probably wouldnt have thought to do. You so smart.

I've made sure to watch my form. Not sure why I havent been doing these for years now, theyre great, and also functional which I like a lot.
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