STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

So much bro science in this thread. Leg extensions, squats, smith machines, etc.

Cmon guys, we're better than this.

The smith machine isn't bad. Yeah its a ***** way to do squats, bench, military press, etc..but its not anywhere near as bad as you guys claim it is.
Most definitely. Best way to reach your potential in my opinion.
Anyone have some good body weight routines to offer up? I don't have access to the weight room at my college over winter break 
Get you a pull up bar or find something similar, also dips are very good to do also and you can find random objects to add weight and get a good workout. Then you have push ups, sit ups etc. Just be creative, watch a video of what guys in prison do (srs) they make some sick ways to get right out of the most random things.
Anyone have some good body weight routines to offer up? I don't have access to the weight room at my college over winter break 
most gyms offer a 7 day free trial membership, just hit up 2 or three gyms in your area and you'll be able to hit a gym for free for about a month...also rec centers have gyms, and they're usually dirt cheap.
So much bro science in this thread. Leg extensions, squats, smith machines, etc.
Cmon guys, we're better than this.
The smith machine isn't bad. Yeah its a ***** way to do squats, bench, military press, etc..but its not anywhere near as bad as you guys claim it is.

How is smith machines being bad for you "broscience"?
That would be the opposite of "broscience" since actual study proves free weights > smith no matter what movement.
It's not a "***** way to do squats" it's just the wrong way to do them.
Unless you for some reason would rather increase your chance for injury/not want to know your true strength in the movement.
And your saying leg extensions are good for your knees or even necessary to train legs?
If so, your the one who definitely needs to do a little more research instead of just calling things "broscience" with no basis.

Not trying to come at you, but what your obviously not looking at things objectively.
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Get you a pull up bar or find something similar, also dips are very good to do also and you can find random objects to add weight and get a good workout. Then you have push ups, sit ups etc. Just be creative, watch a video of what guys in prison do (srs) they make some sick ways to get right out of the most random things.
Never thought of that, I'll see what I can find
most gyms offer a 7 day free trial membership, just hit up 2 or three gyms in your area and you'll be able to hit a gym for free for about a month...also rec centers have gyms, and they're usually dirt cheap.
  *googling local gyms*
been lazy on my diet. been working out sick for a week. looking at my body and feeling worse than i did just a couple of days ago makes no sense and ruins my motivation. annoyed. frustrated. venting.

Yea I've been there.  I normally find a vid of someone inspirational(kai greene), and listen to it.  Gets me amped again.
been lazy on my diet. been working out sick for a week. looking at my body and feeling worse than i did just a couple of days ago makes no sense and ruins my motivation. annoyed. frustrated. venting.

Keep the faith!! You got plenty of support here!
I just don't get how one day I can see mad gains and feel amazing and the next I can feel like I'm 10000 times worse?
I'm going to Jersey Sat-Tues though so I'll try to recharge.

It's all in your mind! We all have those days, but you gotta push through it! Whenever I feel like I'm not doing enough I look at an old pic of my fat self and I look in the mirror at my current state and that gives me all the motivation I need to keep fighting. You can do it.
So much bro science in this thread. Leg extensions, squats, smith machines, etc.
Cmon guys, we're better than this.
The smith machine isn't bad. Yeah its a ***** way to do squats, bench, military press, etc..but its not anywhere near as bad as you guys claim it is.

How is smith machines being bad for you "broscience"?
That would be the opposite of "broscience" since actual study proves free weights > smith no matter what movement.
It's not a "***** way to do squats" it's just the wrong way to do them.
Unless you for some reason would rather increase your chance for injury/not want to know your true strength in the movement.
And your saying leg extensions are good for your knees or even necessary to train legs?
If so, your the one who definitely needs to do a little more research instead of just calling things "broscience" with no basis.

Not trying to come at you, but what your obviously not looking at things objectively.

Dude because I've used the smith machine for squats and bench press often due to my gym, and I've had no problems with my form, back, anything.

Same gaines I get from free weight barbell squats man.

I have been gaining the same strength and gains just like if i were using free weights.

All im saying is, don't blabber bs without fully knowing the real truth about it. I wouldn't recommend using the smith over a free weight barbell only because i know freeweights are works your core better, but if its all the person has at his/her gym, its totally fine. You just aren't working your core as much
Dude because I've used the smith machine for squats and bench press often due to my gym, and I've had no problems with my form, back, anything.
Same gaines I get from free weight barbell squats man.
I have been gaining the same strength and gains just like if i were using free weights.
All im saying is, don't blabber bs without fully knowing the real truth about it. I wouldn't recommend using the smith over a free weight barbell only because i know freeweights are works your core better, but if its all the person has at his/her gym, its totally fine. You just aren't working your core as much

Same gains? Please stop. Just stop.

Smith machine is nowhere near anything like free weights. Not the same strength, movements, no balance involved.

If you feel better saying it is just because its what you use than I understand. You wanna defend yourself. But don't post bs in this thread.
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smith machine for squats. :lol: I tried it one time and I'll never do it again, and I use machines, just not the smith.
Dude because I've used the smith machine for squats and bench press often due to my gym, and I've had no problems with my form, back, anything.
Same gaines I get from free weight barbell squats man.
I have been gaining the same strength and gains just like if i were using free weights.
All im saying is, don't blabber bs without fully knowing the real truth about it. I wouldn't recommend using the smith over a free weight barbell only because i know freeweights are works your core better, but if its all the person has at his/her gym, its totally fine. You just aren't working your core as much

Same gains? Please stop. Just stop.

Smith machine is nowhere near anything like free weights. Not the same strength, movements, no balance involved.

If you feel better saying it is just because its what you use than I understand. You wanna defend yourself. But don't post bs in this thread.

Wait wait..I'm the one posting bs?! dog shut up.

I'm trying to explain using the smith machine isn't a bad alternative to free weights. Some of you guys are literally spewing out total bs claims about it thats just not true. Like i said, if you have a choice if free weights then use it over the smith machines no doubt, but dont tell others bs about how bad it is just because you dont use it or you heard others put it down.

thats what i hate about guys who think there experts at lifting just because they go to the gym twice a week, think they know everything about lifting.
Dude because I've used the smith machine for squats and bench press often due to my gym, and I've had no problems with my form, back, anything.
Same gaines I get from free weight barbell squats man.
I have been gaining the same strength and gains just like if i were using free weights.
All im saying is, don't blabber bs without fully knowing the real truth about it. I wouldn't recommend using the smith over a free weight barbell only because i know freeweights are works your core better, but if its all the person has at his/her gym, its totally fine. You just aren't working your core as much

Same gains? Please stop. Just stop.

Smith machine is nowhere near anything like free weights. Not the same strength, movements, no balance involved.

If you feel better saying it is just because its what you use than I understand. You wanna defend yourself. But don't post bs in this thread.

Yes, please stop. And it's not just about "gains", but your natural movements and ROM come into play.
U probably deadlift and bench press on the smith machine as well. :rofl: good luck rook. Continue on than. Do what u gotta do. Just don't tell these folks here that squatting on smith is OK.
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Lmao you guys aren't getting the point of my posts. You guys are ******g brainwashed by all the **** you read online.

Whatever though, I used to use it quite often and my body looks and feels better than most likely everyone saying how bad it is.

I'm not even trying to derail the thread, but its annoying when people don't know what there talking about. The machine doesn't help work the muscles has a barbell does, I understand that..but it still works the MAIN muscle for the exercise which are you legs. Its a good alternative if you dont have access to a barbell. May it be people are hogging the squat rack during a busy time
of day or whatever. I wouldn't recommend it for everyday use at the gym. Thats my point.

But I'm done man. My legs are quite shredded and I use the smith machine often.
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the rock got huge for that role in pain & gain with marky mark.
i think he might have juiced though. not hating on dude he's always been just seemed kinda suspect. he started looking like how he looked at the end of
Thats cause he did juice. And has juiced for a long time. Many celebs do
Lmao you guys aren't getting the point of my posts. You guys are ******g brainwashed by all the **** you read online.
Whatever though, I used to use it quite often and my body looks and feels better than most likely everyone saying how bad it is.
I'm not even trying to derail the thread, but its annoying when people don't know what there talking about. The machine doesn't help work the muscles has a barbell does, I understand that..but it still works the MAIN muscle for the exercise which are you legs. Its a good alternative if you dont have access to a barbell. May it be people are hogging the squat rack during a busy time
of day or whatever. I wouldn't recommend it for everyday use at the gym. Thats my point.
But I'm done man. My legs are quite shredded and I use the smith machine often.
went to the gym this morning. hit shoulders

went back a few hours ago and hit chest

im so f ing dead tired but that feeling after a good sesh at the gym >

went to the gym this morning. hit shoulders
went back a few hours ago and hit chest
im so f ing dead tired but that feeling after a good sesh at the gym >

I really want to try two a days.

On another note: What are some good hamstring workouts?
I do laying down hamstring curls, one leg and sitted hamstring curls.. What else is there. I also dead lift and straight leg DL. (I don't do all that in one day)
Is it weird that leg day is becoming my favorite day? I cant get enough of squats, leg press, etc.
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