STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

Developed a steady routine, and on a dirty bulk diet since last time I wrote in here. Last time I wrote in here I was not aware of much info on working out. Been hard at it 6 months gained 25 lbs. And loving my frame now. What's a good way to develop my chest. It's ok, but not the best it's still need major improvement. My brother told me just hit it twice a week. But every time I hit chest I go hard and it be sore for days so what y'all think.
Try twice a week and also more volume, which means more sets and reps.
Anybody drink jus choco milk post workout? I still think thats the best pro workout drink. 16 g a protein + the carbs
bottle of Milk 2 Go Sport has 26g of protein in either chocolate milk or vanilla flavour

chug one post workout until i get home to eat
21 Grams of sugar. Yikes.... 
Try twice a week and also more volume, which means more sets and reps.

21 Grams of sugar. Yikes.... 

for me i'm not getting other sources of sugar throughout the day for this to be a problem

plus we got 30g of gummy bears being popped post workout, what's the sugar content there?
Can't say enough how good this Syntha-6 is.

Mixes well. I love it.

I went from Trutein, Phase 8 to this. I love it.

If you guys buy, get Vanilla Ice Cream :pimp:
Can't say enough how good this Syntha-6 is.

Mixes well. I love it.

I went from Trutein, Phase 8 to this. I love it.

If you guys buy, get Vanilla Ice Cream
Love this stuff... I got the Vanilla as well... sometimes Ill add a banana or some cinnamon with some almond milk... Delicious 
Gummy bears causing acne... Now ive heard it all.
>implying that was an actual assertion pertaining to everyone
>implying it wasn't just an observation after 2 days of intaking 26g of sugar in one serving of gummy bears, for 2 different days causing a spike in blood sugar
>implying i havn'et made personal observations regarding my skin and my food intake only to conclude after days of intaking high sugar candy, the appearance of acne on my face
>implying im not acne free
>implying I didn't retest my theory 2 days ago by eating gummy bears only to wake up with 2 pimples on my face
>implying there hasn't been studies observing people with acne on low GI foods vs high GI concluding that low GI foods improved acne
>implying you won't come back to NT to hear something that will leave astounded for the remainder of the day
>implying im ruling out a possible allergic reaction to an ingredient in the gummy bears consumed

are you trying to rustle mein jimmies, m8?

post your studies....
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i cop from vitaminshoppe. def need a wholesale on em. my dude was sponsored by them for a bit, dude was hooking me up with hella full wholesale boxes and new flavor samples. he cut ties and linked up with another comp that paid more lol. i'm like **** it pay me in bars b
tried them guillotine presses today man. that's not good for my rusty shoulders - could def feel it in my pecs though. did 225 5x5 flat bb bench to start off my workout and on the last set pushed a little harder and got 8 reps with at least one more or so in the tank (no spotter). this caloric surplus got me feeling pretty fiesty. adios to my faint ab definition but i def already am looking bigger in a t-shirt lol.
Can't say enough how good this Syntha-6 is.

Mixes well. I love it.

I went from Trutein, Phase 8 to this. I love it.

If you guys buy, get Vanilla Ice Cream :pimp:
Love this stuff... I got the Vanilla as well... sometimes Ill add a banana or some cinnamon with some almond milk... Delicious 

Been off whey protein for a few months now, gonna start back on it. Gonna try this out

Just left the gym. Chest day and FINALLY did cardio not involving sports lol. Sprinted up this crazy 60 yard steep hill 10x. Feeling good :pimp:
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holy crap dude. that's strong as hell. that kinda weight and only one guy semi-spotting. yikes!

Yeah, i get stupid, i would not recommend people do this, i also use false grip, i do not recommend it, one slip and im dead. Ive been using this for 10 years now though, so im very comfortable with it
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How old are you ****?

What routines did you use to get that strong?

I am 26, i kinda made my own workout plan from 12yo-22yo, bench, squat, dead, once a week, i did pyramids, worked up to a max 5 rep and then backed off 10-20 lbs for each successive set, for a total of 5 sets, a 5x5 but with decreasing weight basically, then i moved onto westside, a butchered form of it. I am basically trying to work my way up in strength after some back injuries and pec/shoulder injuries in the past year.

The only program i followed exactly was smolov, which worked pretty good, very easy to get burnt out though.

I appreciate the positive comments, u guys can do this too, all it boils down to is how bad you want it, you have to learn to deal with failure, a lot of failure. Im sure there are other strong mfers lurking here, they will tell u the same thing, everything isnt going to go 100% as planned in terms of progress, u gotta adapt and push yourself.

Also, get good coaching, an experienced eye is better than your bro telling u good job every set(im kinda guilty of this)
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