STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

Just came back and finished eating after a nice traps, obliques, and forearms session. Going back later tonight for tris and shoulders.
(dunno if any of you are into this thing) but I'll drop this here: Finnish, 20yrs old, competes at 77kgs (think he's mid 80s in this vid)

I'm sure we all have our routines of daily motivation, just wanted to post mine. I watch that every time I have days where I work my snatch.

He's a flashy lifter (w/ the blonde hair, stomping, screaming and yelling he's probably a super saiyan), but his explosiveness and speed is something I've been trying to work on from warm up weights to my heavy sets.

ps 1 kilo = 2.2lbs
elbow tendinitis absolutely killing my workouts right now...

decided to go to a shiatsu specialist and get it worked on and KT taped up. taking a few days off before I start hitting it hard again...

injuries while in a solid groove of working out SUCKS :smh:


diet update:
costco organic frozen veggies (broccoli, green beans, mix)
fat free greek yogurt
fruits/nuts mix for snacks

**really trying to shred down and get defined abs by March
elbow tendinitis absolutely killing my workouts right now...

decided to go to a shiatsu specialist and get it worked on and KT taped up. taking a few days off before I start hitting it hard again...

injuries while in a solid groove of working out SUCKS :smh:


diet update:
costco organic frozen veggies (broccoli, green beans, mix)
fat free greek yogurt
fruits/nuts mix for snacks

**really trying to shred down and get defined abs by March

had it. I got it from basketball, putting up waaaaay too many shots and instead of resting those elbows afterwards, going to the weightroom and doing heavy chest or tricep stuff smh. That ache was terribly draining on the motivation. I used a high pressure sleeve on the elbow to help alleviate the pressure on pressing movements and tricep work, and changed up some exercises completely. and REST. Can't stress that enough. I had to work through mine, just put up with the pain, but as I adjusted and changed my approach to different things, I found that it hurt less and less. I found I was healing it while still working it. Since it healed, I've been mindful of my movements and whatnot, so in hindsight, it was a learning experience. I had so much to learn when I first got into this body crafting experiment, as we all do. There certainly is a learning curve, far beyond just lifting heavy. Everything has a time and place and purpose...any miscalculation can throw everything out of wack. Best of luck.
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too big^
what if he played football.
He might be one of the few people to big to play football if that makes any sense, I just don't see him having the speed to be able to do anything at the NFL level. But cot damn would he fill out a uniform 
 no romo
he'd be wide thats for sure...but he's only like 5'11. and like 295-310lbs. thats alot of weight to pull around with shorter limbs loll. He's probably slow as hell lol. no bounce.
yall dont know who Ronnie Coleman is?

and I meant to post that last pic as a comparison.

like 305-310 or something and 277 4 1/2 month diff.
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I am going through the same thing, its the worst on back and bi days, last time the pain didn't subside until 6 months down the line.
Any of you guys ever use Ultimate Flurry? I found 5lbs for 29.99 (60 servings) its 170 cal (pretty high) 25g protein per scoop, only bag thing I saw was it has high fructose consyrup and sugar in the ingredients (yea sucks) WOuld you guys pull trigger? pretty much 10lbs for the cost of 1 5lb tub of ON.
Can someone put me on something good for rear delts? I must not be doin em right cuz they never improve :frown:
Thanks, got to check this when i get home
I was waiting for this to release for the longest. Then when I finally seen it I was soooo disappointing

Phil Heath: Becoming #13 was really good though. Now im waiting for generation iron
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Will heavy benching help tighten up the chest area? Always had a problem with that area, my torso/chest is where all the fat goes.

I got some skinny legs, and my arms are pretty cut compared to how my actually body is. Im upping my cardio and hitting the gym 5-6 times a week now that the semester is almost over.
Ronnie Coleman is too big and yet his body has won him 8 straight mr olympia :rolleyes

people asked about cheap work out clothes, yah should definitely check amazon
they have adidas dry fit shirts for 15 and champs for 12 or even less
and the champs are actually really good and great for the price
guess sme of you missed the point of that video... :lol:

get your proteins from FOOD not a damn bottle. a scoop or two a day is fine. anymore than that... :smh: :x
guess sme of you missed the point of that video... :lol:
get your proteins from FOOD not a damn bottle. a scoop or two a day is fine. anymore than that... :smh: :x
Never understood all the supplement hype
Protein from food >
people asked about cheap work out clothes, yah should definitely check amazon
they have adidas dry fit shirts for 15 and champs for 12 or even less
and the champs are actually really good and great for the price

I mess with Marshalls and Ross HEAVY for gym clothes... every visit I make to Target I make sure to check out their clearance section for the goods :lol: :smokin

The Girlfriend makes it her mission when we go to either of these places to keep me away because she already knows what my sights are focused on :rofl: :frown:
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