STAY/GET BACK IN SHAPE VOL 3.0 -- A New Niketalk = A New Thread

The reason leg extensions are truly bad is because they're not movements that occur in everyday life. You tell me when in your everyday routine you push 50+ pounds in the same manner as a leg extension?
50? shhhhit before I realized how bad they were I was doing at least 150, the burn is crazy but I don't/won't do them anymore. Unless our training for soccer which you would only need to use minimal weight, there's no need for extensions.
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lol only thing Im doing for lower body is squats

Yeah people sound silly when they talk lifting then say no to squats. Unfortunately i hear it all the time "all you need is cardio for lower body bro".

I used to do ATG squats till I developed tendonitis in my ankle area. Switched to parallel after a rest period, gains were still the same sans tendonitis.
The reason leg extensions are truly bad is because they're not movements that occur in everyday life. You tell me when in your everyday routine you push 50+ pounds in the same manner as a leg extension?
50? shhhhit before I realized how bad they were I was doing at least 150, the burn is crazy but I don't/won't do them anymore. Unless our training for soccer which you would only need to use minimal weight, there's no need for extensions.

I said 50 just as a general number...a guess. I did 70 1 time..2 sets of 8 and the burn was there for like 3 days. I was talking to a guy at my gym though and he said his physical therapist said leg extensions are only good for rehabilitating a knee/leg injury. He went on to say that the therapist said 20-30 pounds was all that's needed since all the heavy weights isn't something you do naturally with that exercise.

lol only thing Im doing for lower body is squats

Yeah people sound silly when they talk lifting then say no to squats. Unfortunately i hear it all the time "all you need is cardio for lower body bro".

I used to do ATG squats till I developed tendonitis in my ankle area. Switched to parallel after a rest period, gains were still the same sans tendonitis.

I do ATGs now...with parallel, I was up to 265. I just stopped feeling the burn even when I went up to 275-285 so I started doing ATGs.

I'm doing 4 sets of ATGS at 195 x 8. I want to eventually get up to 195 x 15. I probably won't go much higher in weight since I don't want to gain mass in my thighs.


I'm going to start eating at ~2700 for a slow bulk. Maintenance at 2300 but I truly don't care about getting bigger that fast.
Great job
I hope you take this as a compliment

Haha no doubt. Thanks.
Pause. But, I wish I could see a pic of where everyone's at. It's easy to read something and think, "Oh he must be yollllked he know what he is talking about." But honestly, there are some form/diet nazis who think they know everything yet look and perform the worst in the gym. Post pics ya'll.

Couldn't agree more.  I'm 6'-0" 190lb.  I was fat/loose in the cage.  Some may remember me from the the P90x and insanity threads awhile back.  I just started lifting consistently (8 weeks).  Trying to make these gains!!  My major goals are adding some size, and REALLY defining my abs.
Pause. But, I wish I could see a pic of where everyone's at. It's easy to read something and think, "Oh he must be yollllked he know what he is talking about." But honestly, there are some form/diet nazis who think they know everything yet look and perform the worst in the gym. Post pics ya'll.


This is what i am saying.....I may be in for a post your bod comp but I'm 6 foot 175 lbs....i dont' consider myself jacked....but in shape.

Did legs yesterday, squatted 2 sets at 280 but only 4 times. Didn't have a spotter and i don't use a belt or wraps....but might invest and shoot for 315 next least a belt.

I usually do squats first...ive heard different opinions on ramp up or ramp down type routines....i just do it cause after 20 mins of cardio ive talked myself into it and ready to go heavy....mentally im exhausted if i go to do squats after an hour of legs.

But squats, calves, leg press, calves, lunges, if i have time hamstring curls to kill my hamstrings.
The reason leg extensions are truly bad is because they're not movements that occur in everyday life. You tell me when in your everyday routine you push 50+ pounds in the same manner as a leg extension?
50? shhhhit before I realized how bad they were I was doing at least 150, the burn is crazy but I don't/won't do them anymore. Unless our training for soccer which you would only need to use minimal weight, there's no need for extensions.

I said 50 just as a general number...a guess. I did 70 1 time..2 sets of 8 and the burn was there for like 3 days. I was talking to a guy at my gym though and he said his physical therapist said leg extensions are only good for rehabilitating a knee/leg injury. He went on to say that the therapist said 20-30 pounds was all that's needed since all the heavy weights isn't something you do naturally with that exercise.


Yeah I figured that's what you were meant, I did them for rehab of my knee but never anything heavy.
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If you're doing squats/deadlifts, what additional benefit are you getting for doing leg presses?

Is there something I'm missing about that?

If you're doing squats/deadlifts, what additional benefit are you getting for doing leg presses?

Is there something I'm missing about that?

If i go heavy squat i don't go too heavy leg press. But i like the leg press because it allows for more weight. With the limited range of motion. But I do deadlifts on a different day so i can work my legs 2 times a week. Il mix stiff leg deadlifts in some times on my leg day instead of leg press to really target the hamstring/glutes. But i don't always leg press, but i do always squat. Depends really on how heavy I go on squat depending my back and knees from soccer lol.

But yeah its the same muscle group right, minus deadlifts working some upper body. I am no expert so anyone else can feel free to throw their two cents in. Its just what i like doing.
Pause. But, I wish I could see a pic of where everyone's at. It's easy to read something and think, "Oh he must be yollllked he know what he is talking about." But honestly, there are some form/diet nazis who think they know everything yet look and perform the worst in the gym. Post pics ya'll.



6'1 235lbs, I'm bulking for football so I don't care bout my abs or looks really, I train for function
Couldn't agree more.  I'm 6'-0" 190lb.  I was fat/loose in the cage.  Some may remember me from the the P90x and insanity threads awhile back.  I just started lifting consistently (8 weeks).  Trying to make these gains!!  My major goals are adding some size, and REALLY defining my abs.

Man, I'm sitting at 6'0 210...My aim is to hit 190 by the time I'm back in Vegas next summer.

Excuse the goofy face :lol:

6'2", when this pic was taken I was 200 lbs. Now I'm about 195.

5'11 not sure what I'm weighing in at the moment but I started off at 130lbs back in April so I'm 7 mnths into my bulk. First goal weight is 165, ultimately 170-ish 175 at the most. Been "ecto" my whole life on top of a fast metabolism so staying lean isn't a prolem. Really tho mirror>scale at the end of the day for me yo.
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Damn yall fools are tall, I would trade anything to be 6'0.

Has anyone ever had a pinched nerve in their back? I'm guessing thats what my back pain is. How long should it take to recover and know it's nothing major?
i was really reluctant to try White Blood because its so cheap, but damn best pre workout ive taken so far.
and for like $65 for 200 servings its a steal..... people looking for a good affordable pre workout should try it out
I have- and its nothing to play with. I would get checked out just to be sure. Mine happened from a car wreck- t-boned a minivan while going 55 that pulled out and blew a stop sign. Then once again in my lower back when i was running from the cops years ago- hopped a 10 foot steel fence with 18 inch barbs and my shirt got stuck going over- fell about 11 feet down onto a curb, lower back first
You sure you didn't have a herniated disc? Mine is in my upper back, like behind my shoulder blade. I'm gonna rest all weekend and see how I feel on monday.
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i was really reluctant to try White Blood because its so cheap, but damn best pre workout ive taken so far.
and for like $65 for 200 servings its a steal..... people looking for a good affordable pre workout should try it out

Why the pills instead of the powder? White Flood + Green Magnitude be having me like

I'm assuming he was saying you look like Kris Humpries. Swing & a miss tho.

did legs today. mentally felt great, physically was hell. Working my legs always makes me feel strong as heck. I really just went heavy on leg press, 6-45s and a 25 on each side. i did a total of 5-6 sets i forget which since i threw in some drop sets at the end. did walking lunges with 2 30lb dbs for about 20-25 steps. 3 sets of that. 4 sets of deadlifts. I didnt go real heavy today, working weight was around 190lb. I just really focused on the form and keeping everything tight. Then I just did some calf work. standing calf raise machine like 3-4 sets at 255lb. then the seated calf machine for 4 sets at 110lb. Finished in 50 minutes. i thoroughly expect tomorrow to suck.
I'm assuming he was saying you look like Kris Humpries. Swing & a miss tho.

did legs today. mentally felt great, physically was hell. Working my legs always makes me feel strong as heck. I really just went heavy on leg press, 6-45s and a 25 on each side. i did a total of 5-6 sets i forget which since i threw in some drop sets at the end. did walking lunges with 2 30lb dbs for about 20-25 steps. 3 sets of that. 4 sets of deadlifts. I didnt go real heavy today, working weight was around 190lb. I just really focused on the form and keeping everything tight. Then I just did some calf work. standing calf raise machine like 3-4 sets at 255lb. then the seated calf machine for 4 sets at 110lb. Finished in 50 minutes. i thoroughly expect tomorrow to suck.

To bust all that out in 50 mins, you must have been hustlin. I'm a baby on leg days and take awhile between sets :lol:
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