Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Originally Posted by Klipschorn

Originally Posted by Al Audi

we talkin about steroids.phs again?

yo Klipschorn that avy is sick.

Do you do 3 day split by any chance?
nope ive done them back in the day before

3 day full body workouts while cutting
my first week of incorporating compound exercises into my workouts...

did legs today. goign to definitely feel it tomorrow
Awesome work out yesterday. My friend bought a polydacron rope so we put that to work. Great shoulder and cardio workout. I would def recommend this.
Originally Posted by Klipschorn

I'm going to change my 5 day split into a 3 day split.  Emphasize more on compound exercises because I heard they give greater gains and results.  Anybody here on that 3 day split plan?

What kind of 3 day split?  There's a few ways to do it.

Ive done a 3 day split twice a week. 
can anyone direct me to a resource or give tips on correct romanian deadlift technique? i just started today, i want to make sure im doing it right to avoid any injuries.
Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by Klipschorn

I'm going to change my 5 day split into a 3 day split.  Emphasize more on compound exercises because I heard they give greater gains and results.  Anybody here on that 3 day split plan?

What kind of 3 day split?  There's a few ways to do it.

Ive done a 3 day split twice a week. 
I was looking at something like this:

As long as it has deadlifts and squats I'm good.  Go heavy for the first week, then moderate to light the following.

Any suggestions?

Originally Posted by dgk3188

can anyone direct me to a resource or give tips on correct romanian deadlift technique? i just started today, i want to make sure im doing it right to avoid any injuries.

Page 1 homie, a great video on how to deadlift in addition to other types of deadlifts.
Originally Posted by dgk3188

can anyone direct me to a resource or give tips on correct romanian deadlift technique? i just started today, i want to make sure im doing it right to avoid any injuries.


just youtube it.
I just got back from a week of vacationing in Florida, not doing anything but blazing/drinking/eating good and man do I feel great

About to start back classes and i'm gonna switch from doing 14 excercises 2x a week to a 3x a week program should help my gains a bit.

Whats good with all the steriod talk? I think I missed quite a bit since a week ago.

Are steroids "in" for 2010?
I''ve really been pushing myself to use more weight for similar rep x sets lately.

Experienced my first "failure" during a last rep. Doing bench flyes. My left arm just gave out and my spotter was distracted by some [{}]. Thankfully I was able to drop the dumbbell before completely tearing my rotator cuff off.
Be careful /bros!
Okay.. I've been focusing on gaining mass for a few months now and I am content with progress.
I've always had great abs but in the gaining process I've started to also put on bodyfat, lessening the look of my abdominal section.

What cardio routine can I do 1-2 times a week to target body fat loss? This may seem like a fairly basic question but I have NEVER done cardio before.

Should I just hit the treadmill for an hour? What am I aiming for in --distance, time, burned cals, burned carbs???

Input highly appreciated.
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

StaXX wrote:

I don't think I'll ever take supplements.
I think that would just be OD for me.

Is that you in your avy?

Yessir. I've gotten a little bigger since that pic though.
I'm good where I am right now.
StaXX wrote:
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

StaXX wrote:

I don't think I'll ever take supplements.
I think that would just be OD for me.

Is that you in your avy?

Yessir. I've gotten a little bigger since that pic though.
I'm good where I am right now.

congrats on the physiq, w/o supplements.
no matter what i do accomplish over the next 24 month "transformation", I won't be able to credit it being natural/normal.
Hard gainers ftl ..
Do you guys use weight belts when doing squats/deads/military presses?

I've never used any belts before and have only suffered from a minor lower-back injury just once. However a few days ago at the gym while I was squatting, some Jamaican dude was advising me to wear a belt because he said it would protect my spine. This gentleman is 62-years old, benches 3-plates easily and also squats really heavy for his age. I respect his advice because he obviously has a ton of experience and is stronger than 99% of dudes in the gym. I told him that I haven't had any back problems but he said that the problems will start arising when I get older so its better to protect myself.

I've done some brief research and many academics suggest that weight belts do not really prevent injuries.

So what do you guys think, weight belt or no weight belt?
I need to re-up on protein. Should I go with

Optimum Nutrition Platinum or
Muscle Tech Nitrotech.

Havent tried either but my brand of choice and what Ive been using is OP Nutri gold standard. Any suggestion or info is appreciated
Originally Posted by djkaos23

I need to re-up on protein. Should I go with

Optimum Nutrition Platinum or
Muscle Tech Nitrotech.

Havent tried either but my brand of choice and what Ive been using is OP Nutri gold standard. Any suggestion or info is appreciated
optimum nutrition is arguably the best last time i checked
So durdan

I had my body fat measured today

I measured in at 5.3% BF at 165 lbs

Still wanna try and tell me bs and there's no way
Originally Posted by Klipschorn

Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by Klipschorn

I'm going to change my 5 day split into a 3 day split.  Emphasize more on compound exercises because I heard they give greater gains and results.  Anybody here on that 3 day split plan?

What kind of 3 day split?  There's a few ways to do it.

Ive done a 3 day split twice a week. 
I was looking at something like this:

As long as it has deadlifts and squats I'm good.  Go heavy for the first week, then moderate to light the following.

Any suggestions?

Originally Posted by dgk3188

can anyone direct me to a resource or give tips on correct romanian deadlift technique? i just started today, i want to make sure im doing it right to avoid any injuries.

Page 1 homie, a great video on how to deadlift in addition to other types of deadlifts.
Link looks good, im thinking of a 3 day split with a lot of compound emphasis.

Anyone got their 3 day split?
Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

Do you guys use weight belts when doing squats/deads/military presses?

I've never used any belts before and have only suffered from a minor lower-back injury just once. However a few days ago at the gym while I was squatting, some Jamaican dude was advising me to wear a belt because he said it would protect my spine. This gentleman is 62-years old, benches 3-plates easily and also squats really heavy for his age. I respect his advice because he obviously has a ton of experience and is stronger than 99% of dudes in the gym. I told him that I haven't had any back problems but he said that the problems will start arising when I get older so its better to protect myself.

I've done some brief research and many academics suggest that weight belts do not really prevent injuries.

So what do you guys think, weight belt or no weight belt?
Way i see it, your core is supposed to provide all the support you need for these kind of lifts. I'd probably lift more with a belt but i personally don't want to rely on one.
StaXX wrote:
I don't think I'll ever take supplements.
I think that would just be OD for me.

OD in terms of what? Meaning it will make you too bigger than you want to be???

Is that you in your avatar? If so, what ab workouts would you recommend?

I'm on my second week of that workout I posted, Yesterday was back and hams day
1.Shoulder width Pull downs to the front – 4 sets 10-12 reps 140pullups did pullups instead2.Under hand bent over barbell 4 sets 10-12 reps 1153.1 arm dumbbell rows - 4 sets 10-12 reps 454.Seated Cable Rows 3 sets 10-12 reps – Squeeze 1 second each rep 1205.Dead Lift from the floor –4 sets 8 reps – 1456.Seated Leg Curls 4 sets 10 to 12 reps150 707.Lying Leg curl – 4 sets 10-12 reps (did straight leg deadliftst instead)958.Standing Leg Curls 3 sets 10-12 reps 95 Took this picture after this workout today even though it was back and hams just to gauge current state never was good at taking hand held back pics(If I look bloated i just chugged a bottle of Mons
ter Milk lol)
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[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]I think i'm going to stay with this for two weeks then switch up to this workout called "Working out on Lock Down" <--- Jail excercises lol[/font]

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]That focuses on basic complex excercises (squats, deadlifts, military presses, clean and jerks) because I feel i have to add some slabs of muscle to myself and will probably be the best way[/font]

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]I just received my ON chocolate mint protein and flax oil seeds and glutamine. Going to start today in incorporating that into my day.[/font]

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]

[font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]I'm currently 12% body fat 170 pounds 58 resting heart rate as per my gym assessment.[/font]
StaXX wrote:
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

StaXX wrote:

I don't think I'll ever take supplements.
I think that would just be OD for me.

Is that you in your avy?

Yessir. I've gotten a little bigger since that pic though.
I'm good where I am right now.

thats all that matters then

food can only do but so much you have your limit, i started using supplements at around age 20

i consider natural not taking steroids or phs

i know a kid who competes (natural competitions) and they are allowed to take supplements but they get tested, obviously they cant take everything

i mean if youve never tried creatine youre missin out.

btw this is the same kid, nobody will prolly remember but i said he swears by russian bear.
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