Originally Posted by
syxth element
Originally Posted by mdwst9
hey guys whats the best supplement for recovery without any side effects?
Good nutrition & 8 hrs of sleep is the best recovery. Don't rely too much on supplements since most don't work.
ON is one of the better protein supplements, but it's definitely overpriced IMO. There are a lot of other brands that are just as good which have glutamine & and a similar amino acid profile. I kind of view ON as the "Nike" of protein supplements. Good marketing and great product. But the best? That's subjective.
Yo shiznut, what type of strength program are you running? I just started Wendler 5/3/1. It's not bad so far, but I'm on my first month. Not looking to compete in PL meets, but I just want to get stronger and train for hypertrophy w/ accessory lifts.