Originally Posted by Thizz Marley
im gonna go back and read through the whole thread but can anyone give me some tips or advice? work out routines, diets, what i should wear, anything?
ive never been to the gym and never worked out. other than running or sports. im 5'11 150. used to smoke and drink alot but ive cut all that out.
right now i can only run a mile to mile in a half in about 8 per mile. smoking killed my stamina
my goal isnt to get big or buff or none of that. just trying to get in real good shape and get stronger. anyone know any good gyms in vallejo?
any help would be appreciated and like i said ima read through the thread just wanted to introduce myself since ima be in here more often. thanks nt
common misconception is that people think when they start lifting weights then they'll automatically look BIG and BUFF.
If this is you're very first time I suggest looking up a 3-day full body workout.
If you find a routine that implements Squats Deadlifts and Bench Press then you're good money
All solid workouts usually implement those 3 exercises. Look up videos on good form. Doing exercises wrong can result in serious injury.
Focus on compound exercises. Don't be the noob focused on the size of his arms.
If you feel comfortable working out 3 days a week then feel free to add a day or 2 of cardio.
Diets usually vary but a lot of this information can be found on bodybuilding.com
Carbs should be your primary food source. Protein (meats and dairy) are just as important though.
Don't be afraid to eat a cheeseburger. It's not what you eat but HOW MUCH of it you eat. Moderation in diet is crucial. Consistency is the only way to succeed if you're trying to have a healthy lifestyle.
Don't get caught up in supplementation just yet. Spend money on solid calorie-dense foods and once you get more experience you can start adding supps.
Basic supps should just be Whey and maybe a pre-workout energy boost (Jack3d or NO-Explode). Ive been working out for 3-4 years consistently and don't feel like any other supps are necessary...but that's just me.
Hope that helps...Sorry it's kind of jumbled. Good luck to you brah