Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

just more full body work, or upper one day, lower the next. work on explosiveness or whatnot maybe?
organic apple cider vinegar help burn fat? heard very good things about it.

even though its gonna taste like complete BUTT ill be trying it for a few weeks. supposed to be VERY VERY good for you.
i just tried the gnc Amp N.O today, but towards the end i felt a little nauseas .. i only used half a scoop instead of a full scoop.. any tips please
Originally Posted by JewSeeJay

/\ because your rotating your shoulders forward bro

That has nothing to do with my arms being bicep/tricep having width and not depth
Random thought: Since it wouldn't be worth starting a thread, I figured it'd be most suitable to ask the browsers of this thread for obvious reasons...has anyone here ever thought of taking up jobs that requires aesthetic appeal (i.e. male stripper, Abercrombie, etc.) ?
Originally Posted by bjamez20

anyone have any recommendations for good sweat proof in ear headphones?

also, anyone have any experience taking caffiene pills/powder pre workout? looking for an no xplode type energy for cheap

Originally Posted by bjamez20

Originally Posted by bjamez20

anyone have any recommendations for good sweat proof in ear headphones?

also, anyone have any experience taking caffiene pills/powder pre workout? looking for an no xplode type energy for cheap


need new headphones period. a pair of workout ones would be great 
Originally Posted by topherr

Originally Posted by bjamez20

Originally Posted by bjamez20

anyone have any recommendations for good sweat proof in ear headphones?

also, anyone have any experience taking caffiene pills/powder pre workout? looking for an no xplode type energy for cheap


need new headphones period. a pair of workout ones would be great 

i've been using sennheiser cx300 for 2 years now, still going strong.  i use it every day at work and when i workout.  i'm surprised a channel hasn't cut off yet.

Originally Posted by jorrdanfan23

i just tried the gnc Amp N.O today, but towards the end i felt a little nauseas .. i only used half a scoop instead of a full scoop.. any tips please

keep taking it and get acclimated
Sup fellas, Im 5'7" 137 pounds and I'm trying to gain weight. My daily calorie intake was about 1,500 a day. I was actually at 145 until I stopped eating fast foods and started drinking plenty of water. Anyways I wanna bulk up so I been trying to meet 2,700 calories a day which includes two 1/2 a serving (625 calories each, one in the morning and the other at night) of muscle mass -->

So I just wanted to confirm if I'm heading the right direction or if anyone has any ideas to put on some pounds let me know. Thanks.
today was leg day. did the damn thang. sooo looking forward to that pain tomorrow..

donkey raises with the weight belt is much in the clutch though.
Home made weight gainer shakes are way better than the ones bought in store. They are much cheaper as well. There are tons of recipes on the internet. Just google them. The least you'll need is whey, fruit, pb and milk. You can control the portions so you can tweak the macros according to your nutritional goal.
Originally Posted by cez

Whats up everyone. I've been reading a few articles on that Deer Antler Spray stuff and I was wondering if anyone has used it and if so is it worth it?

Don't know too much about it but if anyone can point in the right direction or provide some testimonials that would be great!

I'm waiting on a text back from my buddy on this. Swears by it and he's pretty into bodybuilding. I asked about it here months ago but I didn't get a response.
Originally Posted by hombrelobo

Originally Posted by cez

Whats up everyone. I've been reading a few articles on that Deer Antler Spray stuff and I was wondering if anyone has used it and if so is it worth it?

Don't know too much about it but if anyone can point in the right direction or provide some testimonials that would be great!

I'm waiting on a text back from my buddy on this. Swears by it and he's pretty into bodybuilding. I asked about it here months ago but I didn't get a response.

the real deal is illegal.

like AAS.

alot of sites sell fake stuff.
So I have been trying to lose some weight and gain some muscle mass. I just got a job that I have actually been trying to get to Aid me in my weight loss/Muscle mass gain.
Just got a job at FedEx ground Unloading tractor trailers and lifting/moving packages. I'm Burning calories for 5 hours straight, along with sometimes lifting 100lb+ boxes also.
I do this from 5pm-10pm..5 days a week...and have college classes in the morning.
Should I take some protein bars/shake before going in to work? and after?

I lost 10lbs already working there for the past month. I do have a bench in my room and do 21 curls from time to time with my dumb bells.

Just wanted some insight to help aid in my weight loss/muscle gain.

Im bulking up but want to loose some more weight. I'm 5'8 and right at 200lbs
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Originally Posted by JewSeeJay

/\ because your rotating your shoulders forward bro

That has nothing to do with my arms being bicep/tricep having width and not depth
by nothing you mean everything?.... leave ur arms at rest at your side and take a picture, then pose like that again... do u see how u roll ur traps/shoulder forward?

ur turning the orientation of ur arm... grab your left wrist with your right hand behind your back and pull, if you turn around ull see the "depth" of ur tris
What's a good diet for someone trying to put on some muscle mass? I'm about 6'3" 175 tall and slim. I've been eating a lot of hard boiled eggs, red meat, tuna, ON whey shakes, drinking water...What does a typical day of eating look like for those in a similar situation?
Its all about calories in vs calories out
(check a online calorie calculator to see how much YOU need)
Add some carbs to the protein youre already eating, I would try to eat clean food with something like a 45% protein, 35% Carbs and 20% fat macro.
I just found out about an awesome dietery/nutritional/protein supplement that my personal training company is now promoting. After trying it for about a week, I can honestly say I feel a difference. Best of all, you can get a monthly free supply...really (I get mine free). If you're already taking a post-workout shake or a multi-vitamin, this should be a no-brainer, free product instead of paying for it... Msg me if you're interested.
Originally Posted by tooeasy891

Its all about calories in vs calories out
(check a online calorie calculator to see how much YOU need)
Add some carbs to the protein youre already eating, I would try to eat clean food with something like a 45% protein, 35% Carbs and 20% fat macro.
Thanks for the reply. Could you elaborate a little more, maybe give a sample days worth of foods? What are clean carbs? Nuts, pastas, whole grains etc?
Originally Posted by CelticsFan9783

What's a good diet for someone trying to put on some muscle mass? I'm about 6'3" 175 tall and slim. I've been eating a lot of hard boiled eggs, red meat, tuna, ON whey shakes, drinking water...What does a typical day of eating look like for those in a similar situation?

tuna, brown rice, chicken breast, peanut butter are all good to add to your diet
check this page out:
Carbs: oatmeal, Brown rice, whole grain pasta and bread, potatoes, beans, fruit is good before and after you workout with your proteinshake.
Nuts are a good source for healthy fats along with fish.
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