Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Originally Posted by Dropten

Originally Posted by bwood056

Yo drop, how many cycles have you run?

Most productive stack you ran?
4 until I started hormone replacement. So cycles dont "exist" to me anymore, just blast and cruise.
As far as productive, I cant realy say. They've all been good. It all depends in how the person reacts. Ive seen ppl juice their heads off and I would never guess they're on any aas.

Blast and cruise? Can you elaborate?Im knew to aas, and hormone replacement (as far as running it)
Originally Posted by Bay Area shoehead

can u guys give me some tips on FAT BURNING cardio? im at 6'1 at 190 but wants to really lower our my body fat % and get cut up..any tips?
I do mostly low-intensity cardio. Raise the incline all the way up on the treadmill and walk about 3.7-4mph
I'm down from 192 at the beginning of the year to 167.4 lbs. That's taken me down 4 shorts sizes to a 32.

I'm trying to drop at least 10 to 12 more pounds. Keeping a better diet should do the trick hopefully.

As for fat burning, I've added the stairmaster fat burner plus program to finish off my work out. The past two nights I've done it for 20 minutes and it has me sweating up a storm. I absolutely love it. I think it's more effective than the HIIT I was doing on the stairmaster (3 minutes on 12 and 1 minute on 2 for 5 reps).

Do you guys the think the ab ripper x is more effective for your core and abs than any other ab routine out?
Originally Posted by BostonThreeParty

Originally Posted by Freakazoid

Can you guys recommend me some weight gainers powder? I'm trying to speed things up besides eating like a pig.

try to just add more liquid calories if you are feeling tired of eating. 
It just clicked for me that i need to do that, and for the past few days has been looking good.

halfway point this year

Bench 225

Clean 235

Squat 380

hoping to be 260,285,425 by around the end of this year, just depends how this summer goes.
Could you give some examples? What do you drink that is good liquid calories to gain some mass? I am considering weight gainers too because I am a hard gainer. I could eat fast food everyday and still look thin
Originally Posted by l2icel3oi9i6

Originally Posted by BostonThreeParty

Originally Posted by Freakazoid

Can you guys recommend me some weight gainers powder? I'm trying to speed things up besides eating like a pig.

try to just add more liquid calories if you are feeling tired of eating. 
It just clicked for me that i need to do that, and for the past few days has been looking good.

halfway point this year

Bench 225

Clean 235

Squat 380

hoping to be 260,285,425 by around the end of this year, just depends how this summer goes.
Could you give some examples? What do you drink that is good liquid calories to gain some mass? I am considering weight gainers because I am a hard gainer. I could eat fastfood everyday and still look thin

whats your current height/weight and goal weight? and what're you eating? every bit of food
Originally Posted by damnitzdom

Originally Posted by l2icel3oi9i6

Originally Posted by BostonThreeParty

try to just add more liquid calories if you are feeling tired of eating. 
It just clicked for me that i need to do that, and for the past few days has been looking good.

halfway point this year

Bench 225

Clean 235

Squat 380

hoping to be 260,285,425 by around the end of this year, just depends how this summer goes.
Could you give some examples? What do you drink that is good liquid calories to gain some mass? I am considering weight gainers because I am a hard gainer. I could eat fastfood everyday and still look thin

whats your current height/weight and goal weight? and what're you eating? every bit of food
cause once i upped my daily intake to 4000 cals i was putting on weight super fast, but it obviously was a lot of fat i was putting on, so now im just eating a few hundred over maintenance and just dealing with that fact that putting on solid muscle takes time
^ i would try the EC stack first, lotta people find it's more effective. and it's safer. and it's cheaper. and it's legal.

not to say clen doesn't have it's place, i have zero experience with it personally though.

i am gonna go buy some primatene +caffeine on the way to the gym and see what the EC stack is all about though
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

^ i would try the EC stack first, lotta people find it's more effective. and it's safer. and it's cheaper. and it's legal.

not to say clen doesn't have it's place, i have zero experience with it personally though.

i am gonna go buy some primatene +caffeine on the way to the gym and see what the EC stack is all about though

Yeah, I would do EC Stack way before I do clen. Just wanted to hear about some feedback about it.
ok so i bought some EC on the way to the gym

popped 2 primatene tabs (12.5mg ephedrine HCL x 2) and a no-doz (200 mg caffeine)

felt like adderall in the beginning, as in i felt the euophoric sense of well being and alterness amphetamines bring

and it raised my heart rate a little and made me sweat a little more

but it didnt really last all that long or keep me wired

then again i was doing legs on a virtually empty stomach. and i still hit all my #'s from my last leg day and even passed them slightly.

i didn't feel much energy at the end of my workout, but i feel more energized a couple hours after lifting than i normally would.

i'll do 2 doses tomorrow and see how it goes. if it doesn't give me much energy it's no great loss. i just want it for the fat burning properties anyway. plus i'm pretty tolerant to stims so this shouldn't be a surprise.
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

^ i would try the EC stack first, lotta people find it's more effective. and it's safer. and it's cheaper. and it's legal.

not to say clen doesn't have it's place, i have zero experience with it personally though.

i am gonna go buy some primatene +caffeine on the way to the gym and see what the EC stack is all about though

yo i been on that roxilean eca stack the last two day and that stuff is no joke

Anyone ever use alkalyn creatine... If so, what was ur experience/results? Im wanting to try it out along with either oxy elite pro or EC stack.
^ seems counter productive stack.

Creatine is a water retention supplement, as oxyelite is a cutter.
Hmm true, didnt think about it like that. Im a noob when it comes to supps as I have been on the all natural route since october of last year when I started working out. Now im at a point where I want to burn this last bit of fat in the midsection and gain muscle mass with strength through the aid of supps.
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