Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

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few more pounds
^^^ Whats your height and how long have you been on your program. I started around July of last year weight was 253. Now I'm just under 200. How do recover from that bloated feeling after eating to much. Any way here are some pics. COME AT ME BRUH! Still got some more to do my goal is to be about at 185.
Ok so I need to be pointed in the right direction because google has some wack info but I'm trying to slim down this summer for school and finishing it up after school starts.I'm trying to get to 130 #!% and I'm 178 #!% . I can't play ball for a couple months because of my finger tip injury.I can still wait lift and bench and do other activities I'm young im16 I'm not aiming for a muscular fit body just slimed down ya know.I really dont know how to start and I don't know if I should take vitamins/protein shakes etc. What cardio exercises and diet tips do y'all recommend any help is appreciated just need a step into the right direction so I can start soon as possible
Can anybody direct me to some exercises without weights? Not trying to buy a gym membership right now.
^^ Agreed. ON sets the standard. Despite how enticing the low price is at walmart, avoid their junk.
Originally Posted by ILLIONAIRE

Originally Posted by Aze201

Originally Posted by ILLIONAIRE

I eat a lot.
I doubt it. 
Tell us everything you ate today.


Can someone just tell me what I should eat everyday and what exercises I should do to put on weight?

Sign up at and start tracking your calories. Aim for 3000/day at first and see if you start gaining weight. ~2lb a week should be good. If you're not gaining weight it's simple, up it to 3500 and so on.
FOOD QUESTION: what do you guys snack on? kinda doing a paleo type thing where i snack on beef jerky and almonds in between meals. but any other low carb snacks are appreciated
Originally Posted by gConquer

FOOD QUESTION: what do you guys snack on? kinda doing a paleo type thing where i snack on beef jerky and almonds in between meals. but any other low carb snacks are appreciated

Dark Chocolate (80%+). 
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