Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Originally Posted by Checks McGee

Originally Posted by EveryDayKicks

What a clown.

Dude really does need a doctor.
dude is funny though, you can tell he takes %$!* serious.
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

motivation to bulk?
Breakfast, three or four times a day

4 egg whites, 2 eggs
few sausages
2 pieces of 12 grain toast (I like to call it super bread... 20g carb, 5g pro per slice!!!) with wild berry jelly

dinner tonight is gonna be
1 REALLY big yam, baked
medium size organic beef steak
few cups of broccoli
cup of carrots

couple of 1000cal weight gainer shakes to top it off
how many calories a day would this be? 
Originally Posted by 40inchBoost

Originally Posted by rck2sactown

When yall are cutting............ how do you lift?
I'm on my ECA stack and as soon as I pick up my first weight at the gym I feel like I'm about to vomit
Is it from starving myself? (the appetite suppression is
) or maybe dehydration? Idk what it is, never in my life have I ever gotten 'sick' while working out. This is turrible.

you gotta be sure to drink alot of water while on that, u can cramp like no joke

I lift like i always do whilst cutting, hard.

If your doing IF right you can lift hard, put up PR's and get cut up
I'm always drinking 2-4 gallons of water a day on the regular. So staying hydrated is nothing new to me, but I feel like I have to be constantly sipping on H2O now that im doing ECA or my throat is gonna shrivel up

What is IF
intermittent fasting

no for everybody but certainly fits my school/life schedule and gives me results
Ohhh ya ya. With ECA its more like involuntary fasting
I literally cannot eat while I am on this stuff
Its amazing/awful cuz I know once I cycle off its gonna bite me in the butt.
^Most weight gainers are typically around 1000 cals if u do the full servings.
Originally Posted by rck2sactown

^Most weight gainers are typically around 1000 cals if u do the full servings.
Damn I pretty much didn't even know these things existed until now 

What are some good brands to cop? 
This is me last Christmas at somewhere around 230

This is me last week at about 195, Ive lost about 5 more pounds since then but dont have any other pics. I plan on getting down to 170 eventually


Originally Posted by LuigiTheKing

Originally Posted by rck2sactown

^Most weight gainers are typically around 1000 cals if u do the full servings.
Damn I pretty much didn't even know these things existed until now 

What are some good brands to cop? 

Hate to sound preachy but you really should try to get your calories from real food as opposed to gainers. I'm an extreme ecto who relied on gainers for years to hit my calorie count. One day I just decided to listen to the "no-gainers" folks and I'm never going back. I still eat the same amount of calories as before just from actual foods now and my body has never put on more lean mass than before I switched. I literally will never take a gainer again
so i upped my caloric intake quite a bit for the past month and a half or so and ive seen little to no gains, and was wondering if i should switch up my routine to a 5x5 with heavy weight? is that better for big gains? 
Originally Posted by rck2sactown

Ohhh ya ya. With ECA its more like involuntary fasting
I literally cannot eat while I am on this stuff
Its amazing/awful cuz I know once I cycle off its gonna bite me in the butt.
Just stick with the EC brah, the results are amazing.

The first time I took it (about 4 weeks), I was frustrated that the scale wasnt moving but at the end of the cycle my strength had actually improved and I was down to around 11% BF. My first week on it I couldnt even finish my food (I was IFing at the time) I was eating like 1 meal a day

The problem is that eventually the appetite suppressing effects wear out (actually they wear out really fast). After 2-3 weeks you may find that it doesnt suppress your appetite anymore. The 2nd time I cycled EC I only took 1-2 doses a day for about 3 weeks just so that I could extend the appetite suppressing effects. Eventually I became tolerant of it so I upped my doses to the standard 24 mg 3 times a day and I ended up getting a good 6-7 weeks out of it.

EC is scientifically proven to work for a very long period of time so if you dont care about appetite suppression than you can use it for months on end no problem and it'll still help burn fat. However if you use it primarily as an energy boost or to control appetite then it's better to take a break every 1-2 months or so.
Originally Posted by needsomejays

so i upped my caloric intake quite a bit for the past month and a half or so and ive seen little to no gains, and was wondering if i should switch up my routine to a 5x5 with heavy weight? is that better for big gains? 

a month isnt enough time to see any results though, not any that will jump out at you when you look into the mirror, keep doing what you do at least for another month, then if you dont see any changes go back to the drawing board.
Stupid question. When IFing, are you eating less or fitting your daily amount of calories in the designated time period?
Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

Originally Posted by rck2sactown

Ohhh ya ya. With ECA its more like involuntary fasting
I literally cannot eat while I am on this stuff
Its amazing/awful cuz I know once I cycle off its gonna bite me in the butt.
Just stick with the EC brah, the results are amazing.

The first time I took it (about 4 weeks), I was frustrated that the scale wasnt moving but at the end of the cycle my strength had actually improved and I was down to around 11% BF. My first week on it I couldnt even finish my food (I was IFing at the time) I was eating like 1 meal a day

The problem is that eventually the appetite suppressing effects wear out (actually they wear out really fast). After 2-3 weeks you may find that it doesnt suppress your appetite anymore. The 2nd time I cycled EC I only took 1-2 doses a day for about 3 weeks just so that I could extend the appetite suppressing effects. Eventually I became tolerant of it so I upped my doses to the standard 24 mg 3 times a day and I ended up getting a good 6-7 weeks out of it.

EC is scientifically proven to work for a very long period of time so if you dont care about appetite suppression than you can use it for months on end no problem and it'll still help burn fat. However if you use it primarily as an energy boost or to control appetite then it's better to take a break every 1-2 months or so.

 When the appetite suppression wears off, it doesn't mean that EC has stopped still has its thermogenic effect, which means that you burn more calories in an idle state versus not taking it at all.  

Originally Posted by DrTobaggan

Stupid question. When IFing, are you eating less or fitting your daily amount of calories in the designated time period?

Meet your macro goals all in that one meal, depending on your current diet.
Originally Posted by keithsweatsjordans

Originally Posted by LuigiTheKing

Originally Posted by rck2sactown

^Most weight gainers are typically around 1000 cals if u do the full servings.
Damn I pretty much didn't even know these things existed until now 

What are some good brands to cop? 

Hate to sound preachy but you really should try to get your calories from real food as opposed to gainers. I'm an extreme ecto who relied on gainers for years to hit my calorie count. One day I just decided to listen to the "no-gainers" folks and I'm never going back. I still eat the same amount of calories as before just from actual foods now and my body has never put on more lean mass than before I switched. I literally will never take a gainer again
Sorry for the misinterpretation. I drink blended food, really. they are weight gainer shakes for the caloric content, but NO ONE should drink that powder weight gainer %$%@.
1 cup raw oats

8 egg whites

1 scoop ON whey

3 tbps almond butter


1 cup choco milk


its about 1100 cals.... tastes good mannn. some people argue its too much protein. im not too worried
Originally Posted by DrTobaggan

Stupid question. When IFing, are you eating less or fitting your daily amount of calories in the designated time period?

Less calories than maintenance = lose weight
More calories than maintenance = gain weight
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Originally Posted by DrTobaggan

Stupid question. When IFing, are you eating less or fitting your daily amount of calories in the designated time period?

Less calories than maintenance = lose weight
More calories than maintenance = gain weight

Yeah I know that. To make this simple, say I'm currently eating 1800 calories a day. If I IF should I be fitting my calories into the time I designated or be cutting calories?  
Originally Posted by DrTobaggan

Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Originally Posted by DrTobaggan

Stupid question. When IFing, are you eating less or fitting your daily amount of calories in the designated time period?

Less calories than maintenance = lose weight
More calories than maintenance = gain weight

Yeah I know that. To make this simple, say I'm currently eating 1800 calories a day. If I IF should I be fitting my calories into the time I designated or be cutting calories?  

But what are you trying to accomplish??

You can IF but bulk, but you can also IF and cut.
Originally Posted by ShadyKay NT

Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

Originally Posted by rck2sactown

Ohhh ya ya. With ECA its more like involuntary fasting
I literally cannot eat while I am on this stuff
Its amazing/awful cuz I know once I cycle off its gonna bite me in the butt.
Just stick with the EC brah, the results are amazing.

The first time I took it (about 4 weeks), I was frustrated that the scale wasnt moving but at the end of the cycle my strength had actually improved and I was down to around 11% BF. My first week on it I couldnt even finish my food (I was IFing at the time) I was eating like 1 meal a day

The problem is that eventually the appetite suppressing effects wear out (actually they wear out really fast). After 2-3 weeks you may find that it doesnt suppress your appetite anymore. The 2nd time I cycled EC I only took 1-2 doses a day for about 3 weeks just so that I could extend the appetite suppressing effects. Eventually I became tolerant of it so I upped my doses to the standard 24 mg 3 times a day and I ended up getting a good 6-7 weeks out of it.

EC is scientifically proven to work for a very long period of time so if you dont care about appetite suppression than you can use it for months on end no problem and it'll still help burn fat. However if you use it primarily as an energy boost or to control appetite then it's better to take a break every 1-2 months or so.

 When the appetite suppression wears off, it doesn't mean that EC has stopped still has its thermogenic effect, which means that you burn more calories in an idle state versus not taking it at all.  
I know the thermogenic effects remain (I mentioned it in my last sentence)...personally speaking though, I use it for the energy boost and appetite effects. I dont think the extra 100-200 calories burnt per day using EC makes as much a difference as being able to sustain intense high calorie burning workouts WHILE being able to maintain a calorie deficit since you arent starving on a low calorie diet.

I've only tried a few "Fat Burners" in my life but nothing comes close to Ephedrine + Caffeine in terms of energy and appetite control.
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