Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

mirin aesthetics?


Hi. A couple of the guys over at the pictures forum asked me to post in MISC as well. I'm just a 31 years old trainer from Norway trying to keep up with the young studs at the gym. As a major case of megarexia, I try harder and harder each year haha... Let's see where it ends LOL :-D







[h2]2. Pre workout Nutrition will divert blood flow away from muscles during the workout.[/h2]

One of a plethora of excuses made in an attempt to resist preworkout nutrition; this myth actually makes a lot of sense…until you become familiar with the physiology of hormones. Looking deeper, we can find that the insulin stimulated by food intake, actually enhances blood flow and subsequent nutrient delivery to muscles (Coggins et al., 2001). Applying this principle, liquid pre workout meal consumption dramatically increases muscle blood flow and protein synthesis (Tipton et al., 2001). This elevation in muscle growth is at least twice that observed with the same drink taken post workout (Tipton et al., 2001)! In fact, this effect even lasts for an hour after the workout, so it’s like having 2 drinks for the price of 1! If you want more detail on this topic check out the article on Arginine blood flow stimulators. Fortunately, early resistance to this research is falling by the wayside, and people are finally starting to reap the benefits that this practice has to offer.
While “pre workout nutrition
Originally Posted by gatorad3

Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

I had a massive cheat day yesterday and gained 9 pounds overnight. Holy crap...went from having completely visible abs to no abs at all. The most I ever gained in 1 day was like 6 pounds so I was definitely shocked when I stepped on the scale today. Any ideas on how I can shed the water quickly? I've drank like 20 cups of water today plus a ton of caffeine. Needless to say, no more epic cheat days for me again
lol man that's just bloat from carbs + water retention. the caffeine + some fiber will have you looking and feeling better. what did you eat though??
Basically everything in sight. One of those days where your hungry all day and eat first and then ask questions last.

My cheat days arent even that bad...I ate mostly healthy stuff just in massive quantities...a ton of oatmeal, couscous, grapes, cherries, whole grain bread + honey (so under-rated
), etc. Only bad thing I ate was chocolate and it was my first time eating chocolate in over a month. I'm surprised my body absorbed so much water + carbs...I went from waking up yesterday at 163 at around 10% BF with veins popping from my arms and stomach to waking up today at 172 pounds with a pot belly, man boobs, and a bloated face like an NFL offensive lineman. On the bright side it'll keep me on track for a while and I did a full body workout today so I should gain a tiny bit of muscle.
I bet your transformation looked like this:

<post contest binge result


This kind of makes me feel a bit better. Can you post the link to that thread?
Originally Posted by gatorad3

Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

I had a massive cheat day yesterday and gained 9 pounds overnight. Holy crap...went from having completely visible abs to no abs at all. The most I ever gained in 1 day was like 6 pounds so I was definitely shocked when I stepped on the scale today. Any ideas on how I can shed the water quickly? I've drank like 20 cups of water today plus a ton of caffeine. Needless to say, no more epic cheat days for me again
lol man that's just bloat from carbs + water retention. the caffeine + some fiber will have you looking and feeling better. what did you eat though??
Basically everything in sight. One of those days where your hungry all day and eat first and then ask questions last.

My cheat days arent even that bad...I ate mostly healthy stuff just in massive quantities...a ton of oatmeal, couscous, grapes, cherries, whole grain bread + honey (so under-rated
), etc. Only bad thing I ate was chocolate and it was my first time eating chocolate in over a month. I'm surprised my body absorbed so much water + carbs...I went from waking up yesterday at 163 at around 10% BF with veins popping from my arms and stomach to waking up today at 172 pounds with a pot belly, man boobs, and a bloated face like an NFL offensive lineman. On the bright side it'll keep me on track for a while and I did a full body workout today so I should gain a tiny bit of muscle.
I bet your transformation looked like this:

<post contest binge result


This kind of makes me feel a bit better. Can you post the link to that thread?
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett


So.. that's cool and what not, but what exactly are they suggesting should be eaten pre workout?

EDIT: he said pure amino acids and sucrose.

What is an example of these???

Sucrose is a complex carbohydrate made of fructose and glucose. It is naturally found in fruits and vegetables, sugar cane and sugar beets and extracted for use as a sweetener.

  1. [h2]Sweeteners[/h2]
  2. Brown sugar contains high amounts of sucrose, about 49,755 mg per cup. Maple syrup is close with 43,127 mg and honey is healthier with 586 mg per cup.[h2]Fresh Fruit[/h2]
  3. Mango ranks high on the sucrose scale with 9.9 grams per 100 grams. Other fruits with a high sucrose content are pineapple, peach, cantaloupe, apricots, oranges and nectarines.[h2]Fresh Vegetables[/h2]
  4. Canned beets contain 35,001 mg of sucrose per cup, while the same amount of raw carrots has 17,516 mg. Additional vegetables with lots of sucrose include peas, corn, sweet potatoes, cabbage and tomatoes.[h2]Nuts[/h2]
  5. Dried packaged coconut measures in with 15,881 mg of sucrose per cup. Raw nuts contain less sucrose; pistachios contain 2,513 mg of sucrose per cup and cashews 2,101 mg.[h2]Commercial Beverages[/h2]
  6. Gatorade contains as much as 7,078 mg of sucrose per cup. Sprite has 3,251 mg and Powerade 1,250 mg.

Read more: Foods Containing Sucrose |

an im sure you know what amino acids are right? ajinomoto amino acids are good brett
low carb killed me today at the gym, shoulders + traps was so lame i felt weak as !%*#. even easy %*%% like front raises were brutal. plus i forgot my ipod. oh well, its all worth it in the end.
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

low carb killed me today at the gym, shoulders + traps was so lame i felt weak as !%*#. even easy %*%% like front raises were brutal. plus i forgot my ipod. oh well, its all worth it in the end.

joe how low are you going on carbs?
Gah, I'm a crossroads here, guys. I recently started hoopin' at the gym again and it's been killin my energy so far for days of lifting. Not only that, but hooping for 2-3 hours 3 times a week has been detrimental to my muscle growth. I honestly don't know if I want to become jacked anymore or if I rather settle for a less aesthetically appealing athletic body. Is it possible for me to do both? Do I simply have to just eat more and very cleanly to achieve this? Oh yeah, my joints suck...does that mean i take Glucosamine or glutamine?
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

low carb killed me today at the gym, shoulders + traps was so lame i felt weak as !%*#. even easy %*%% like front raises were brutal. plus i forgot my ipod. oh well, its all worth it in the end.
Well its a good thing theyre not necessary then. 
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Real talk I need help.

My chest isn't growing. What so ever. It gets "swole" after a good workout but the next day I can feel ribs again.
The rest of my body is progressing incredibly... completely satisfied with my strength gains and muscle gains.... but not my chest.

Could I just incorporate chest exercises in the 8-10 rep range 5 days a week? That's over training...
I don't know what to do. I've been working my !@% off... reading everything... nutrition and calories on point. Sticking to a strength gain program and the whole works.

someone help me

Originally Posted by Al Audi

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

low carb killed me today at the gym, shoulders + traps was so lame i felt weak as !%*#. even easy %*%% like front raises were brutal. plus i forgot my ipod. oh well, its all worth it in the end.

joe how low are you going on carbs?
no direct carb sources on off days, 1/2 cup oats on lifting days (26g). no fruit, prob 10g extra from vegetables etc. throughout the day. 
Durden7 wrote:
low carb killed me today at the gym, shoulders + traps was so lame i felt weak as !%*#. even easy %*%% like front raises were brutal. plus i forgot my ipod. oh well, its all worth it in the end.
Well its a good thing theyre not necessary then.  

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

Originally Posted by Al Audi

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

low carb killed me today at the gym, shoulders + traps was so lame i felt weak as !%*#. even easy %*%% like front raises were brutal. plus i forgot my ipod. oh well, its all worth it in the end.

joe how low are you going on carbs?
no direct carb sources on off days, 1/2 cup oats on lifting days (26g). no fruit, prob 10g extra from vegetables etc. throughout the day. 
Durden7 wrote:
low carb killed me today at the gym, shoulders + traps was so lame i felt weak as !%*#. even easy %*%% like front raises were brutal. plus i forgot my ipod. oh well, its all worth it in the end.
Well its a good thing theyre not necessary then.  


Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

Originally Posted by gatorad3

Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

I had a massive cheat day yesterday and gained 9 pounds overnight. Holy crap...went from having completely visible abs to no abs at all. The most I ever gained in 1 day was like 6 pounds so I was definitely shocked when I stepped on the scale today. Any ideas on how I can shed the water quickly? I've drank like 20 cups of water today plus a ton of caffeine. Needless to say, no more epic cheat days for me again
lol man that's just bloat from carbs + water retention. the caffeine + some fiber will have you looking and feeling better. what did you eat though??
Basically everything in sight. One of those days where your hungry all day and eat first and then ask questions last.

My cheat days arent even that bad...I ate mostly healthy stuff just in massive quantities...a ton of oatmeal, couscous, grapes, cherries, whole grain bread + honey (so under-rated
), etc. Only bad thing I ate was chocolate and it was my first time eating chocolate in over a month. I'm surprised my body absorbed so much water + carbs...I went from waking up yesterday at 163 at around 10% BF with veins popping from my arms and stomach to waking up today at 172 pounds with a pot belly, man boobs, and a bloated face like an NFL offensive lineman. On the bright side it'll keep me on track for a while and I did a full body workout today so I should gain a tiny bit of muscle.
I bet your transformation looked like this:

<post contest binge result


This kind of makes me feel a bit better. Can you post the link to that thread?

The OG thread for the guy:
This is why you DONT GORGE after a show

The OG thread for the girl:
The effects of binging
Originally Posted by keepzdasneakz

Gah, I'm a crossroads here, guys. I recently started hoopin' at the gym again and it's been killin my energy so far for days of lifting. Not only that, but hooping for 2-3 hours 3 times a week has been detrimental to my muscle growth. I honestly don't know if I want to become jacked anymore or if I rather settle for a less aesthetically appealing athletic body. Is it possible for me to do both? Do I simply have to just eat more and very cleanly to achieve this? Oh yeah, my joints suck...does that mean i take Glucosamine or glutamine?

I put my athletic gains over my aesthetic gains always, sports mean more to me cause I'm still a student so I can play. What I do is on my lifting days, I shoot around or play light games to get warmed up, then go straight to the weights. I absolutely hate having subpar workouts, so if I'm tired and therefore not lifting my maximum, I get annoyed.

It's definitely possible to have an athletic and jacked body. Just focus on the compound lifts to increase your athletic capabilities, and play basketball to get good at it and to burn some calories. You don't have to do isolation lifts like curls to get jacked, if you utilize an athletic workout program and keep your diet straight, you can get that athlete look. I mean, Kobe, Lebron, John Wall, they're all super athletic and jacked.

John Wall has the ideal physique for basketball, if I might add.
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

low carb killed me today at the gym, shoulders + traps was so lame i felt weak as !%*#. even easy %*%% like front raises were brutal. plus i forgot my ipod. oh well, its all worth it in the end.

I would hate to do a workout without my ipod.

I forgot it at home once and all through the session im thinking "What the hell is this?"

Originally Posted by scshift

Originally Posted by keepzdasneakz

Gah, I'm a crossroads here, guys. I recently started hoopin' at the gym again and it's been killin my energy so far for days of lifting. Not only that, but hooping for 2-3 hours 3 times a week has been detrimental to my muscle growth. I honestly don't know if I want to become jacked anymore or if I rather settle for a less aesthetically appealing athletic body. Is it possible for me to do both? Do I simply have to just eat more and very cleanly to achieve this? Oh yeah, my joints suck...does that mean i take Glucosamine or glutamine?

I put my athletic gains over my aesthetic gains always, sports mean more to me cause I'm still a student so I can play. What I do is on my lifting days, I shoot around or play light games to get warmed up, then go straight to the weights. I absolutely hate having subpar workouts, so if I'm tired and therefore not lifting my maximum, I get annoyed.

It's definitely possible to have an athletic and jacked body. Just focus on the compound lifts to increase your athletic capabilities, and play basketball to get good at it and to burn some calories. You don't have to do isolation lifts like curls to get jacked, if you utilize an athletic workout program and keep your diet straight, you can get that athlete look. I mean, Kobe, Lebron, John Wall, they're all super athletic and jacked.

John Wall has the ideal physique for basketball, if I might add.
Thanks dude, that's some sound advice. I guess I'ma just keep doin my thang and say eff the results in the mirror. Mind you, I don't plan on eating whatever crap is out there. I'll still be monitoring my diet and trying to get my bf lower.
Originally Posted by keepzdasneakz

Thanks dude, that's some sound advice. I guess I'ma just keep doin my thang and say eff the results in the mirror. Mind you, I don't plan on eating whatever crap is out there. I'll still be monitoring my diet and trying to get my bf lower.
Yeah don't think that just cause you're balling alot that you can just start slacking off. I did that, and now I've got a small layer of fat where I once could see my abs. Do remember that playing too much ball will cause you to lose weight, so if you're trying to get bigger, chill with the basketball and eat more. If you're just about losing fat, then yeah, ball up all day.
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