Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

honestly, im love this debate right now
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

I had a massive cheat day yesterday and gained 9 pounds overnight. Holy crap...went from having completely visible abs to no abs at all. The most I ever gained in 1 day was like 6 pounds so I was definitely shocked when I stepped on the scale today. Any ideas on how I can shed the water quickly? I've drank like 20 cups of water today plus a ton of caffeine. Needless to say, no more epic cheat days for me again
lol man that's just bloat from carbs + water retention. the caffeine + some fiber will have you looking and feeling better. what did you eat though??

massive sodium too. im curious as to what you ate as well

Originally Posted by Cronicmolemolereturns

I have a question though anyone else feel weird taking their shirt off in public..thinking people are saying look at this guy tryna show off.

I'm gonna be honest; no shame whatsoever. Most of this was done in college with chicks around though. Especially at the house where me and my boys lived. Don't know whether you'd consider that public. I used to run it like clockwork in certain situations; mainly where I thought I had a chance at a chick and I needed a bit extra to capture the snatch. I'd be kind of sneaky though lookin for the right moment to do it  
  My boys were always like 
.  It def got me over the hump a few times so I didn't give a %#@% at all. 
Apart from that I wore/wear larger sized shirts. 
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

I had a massive cheat day yesterday and gained 9 pounds overnight. Holy crap...went from having completely visible abs to no abs at all. The most I ever gained in 1 day was like 6 pounds so I was definitely shocked when I stepped on the scale today. Any ideas on how I can shed the water quickly? I've drank like 20 cups of water today plus a ton of caffeine. Needless to say, no more epic cheat days for me again
lol man that's just bloat from carbs + water retention. the caffeine + some fiber will have you looking and feeling better. what did you eat though??
Basically everything in sight. One of those days where your hungry all day and eat first and then ask questions last.

My cheat days arent even that bad...I ate mostly healthy stuff just in massive quantities...a ton of oatmeal, couscous, grapes, cherries, whole grain bread + honey (so under-rated
), etc. Only bad thing I ate was chocolate and it was my first time eating chocolate in over a month. I'm surprised my body absorbed so much water + carbs...I went from waking up yesterday at 163 at around 10% BF with veins popping from my arms and stomach to waking up today at 172 pounds with a pot belly, man boobs, and a bloated face like an NFL offensive lineman. On the bright side it'll keep me on track for a while and I did a full body workout today so I should gain a tiny bit of muscle.
Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

I had a massive cheat day yesterday and gained 9 pounds overnight. Holy crap...went from having completely visible abs to no abs at all. The most I ever gained in 1 day was like 6 pounds so I was definitely shocked when I stepped on the scale today. Any ideas on how I can shed the water quickly? I've drank like 20 cups of water today plus a ton of caffeine. Needless to say, no more epic cheat days for me again
lol man that's just bloat from carbs + water retention. the caffeine + some fiber will have you looking and feeling better. what did you eat though??
Basically everything in sight. One of those days where your hungry all day and eat first and then ask questions last.

My cheat days arent even that bad...I ate mostly healthy stuff just in massive quantities...a ton of oatmeal, couscous, grapes, cherries, whole grain bread + honey (so under-rated
), etc. Only bad thing I ate were 2 chocolate bars and it was my first time eating chocolate in over a month. I'm surprised my body absorbed so much water + carbs...I went from waking up yesterday at 163 at around 10% BF with veins popping from my arms and stomach to waking up today at 172 pounds with a pot belly, man boobs, and a bloated face like an NFL offensive lineman. On the bright side it'll keep me on track for a while and I did a full body workout today so I should gain a tiny bit of muscle.
Last friday:
2 mcdoubles

2 mchickens

8 piece nuggets and large onion rings at BK

6 donuts from Dunkin Donut's

All within about an hour and half.

Yeh I was hungry.

Don't feel too bad. 
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by Cronicmolemolereturns

I have a question though anyone else feel weird taking their shirt off in public..thinking people are saying look at this guy tryna show off.

I'm gonna be honest; no shame whatsoever. Most of this was done in college with chicks around though. Especially at the house where me and my boys lived. Don't know whether you'd consider that public. I used to run it like clockwork in certain situations; mainly where I thought I had a chance at a chick and I needed a bit extra to capture the snatch. I'd be kind of sneaky though lookin for the right moment to do it  
  My boys were always like 
.  It def got me over the hump a few times so I didn't give a %#@% at all. 
Apart from that I wore/wear larger sized shirts. 
I always thought dudes that did this were trying too hard.

   but I like you wawaweewwaawewewewa, so dont think im COMING AT YOU BRO.
Originally Posted by Club29

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by Cronicmolemolereturns

I have a question though anyone else feel weird taking their shirt off in public..thinking people are saying look at this guy tryna show off.

I'm gonna be honest; no shame whatsoever. Most of this was done in college with chicks around though. Especially at the house where me and my boys lived. Don't know whether you'd consider that public. I used to run it like clockwork in certain situations; mainly where I thought I had a chance at a chick and I needed a bit extra to capture the snatch. I'd be kind of sneaky though lookin for the right moment to do it  
  My boys were always like 
.  It def got me over the hump a few times so I didn't give a %#@% at all. 
Apart from that I wore/wear larger sized shirts. 
I always thought dudes that did this were trying too hard.

   but I like you wawaweewwaawewewewa, so dont think im COMING AT YOU BRO.

I was trying too hard though.
 That was the point. 
Snatch was snatch. 

My favorite was takin a shower right as out house parties got started. Come out, chicks are there...catch the one that's lookin extra hard and go for her after that. Worked enough to make it worthwhile in exchanged for being perceived as a douche by some. My boys knew the game though. 
that sounds really dramatic i've eaten way worse and never saw that big of a change in my appearance in one day......probably like club said a ton of sodium and carbs/sugar from the fruit leading to a lot of water retention, bloating, muscle fullness from glycogen, etc. all making you look puffy as hell.
as for the whole shirt off my own place it's whatever i'll have my shirt if i don't feel like wearing one. i've had plenty of girls come over and see me shirtless...but i def don't plan it out and if i know a girl is coming i more often than not throw on some clothes. 
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by Cronicmolemolereturns

I have a question though anyone else feel weird taking their shirt off in public..thinking people are saying look at this guy tryna show off.

I'm gonna be honest; no shame whatsoever. Most of this was done in college with chicks around though. Especially at the house where me and my boys lived. Don't know whether you'd consider that public. I used to run it like clockwork in certain situations; mainly where I thought I had a chance at a chick and I needed a bit extra to capture the snatch. I'd be kind of sneaky though lookin for the right moment to do it  
  My boys were always like 
.  It def got me over the hump a few times so I didn't give a %#@% at all. 
Apart from that I wore/wear larger sized shirts. 
You were that dude... 
did TRX yesterday for the first time (I just do free weights 4x a week, and play hoops 2x a week)... Been lifting for over 10 years now, but that god damn workout man... My abs/core is on fire right now, I can barely sit up off the ground. good stuff
Originally Posted by bijald0331

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by Cronicmolemolereturns

I have a question though anyone else feel weird taking their shirt off in public..thinking people are saying look at this guy tryna show off.

I'm gonna be honest; no shame whatsoever. Most of this was done in college with chicks around though. Especially at the house where me and my boys lived. Don't know whether you'd consider that public. I used to run it like clockwork in certain situations; mainly where I thought I had a chance at a chick and I needed a bit extra to capture the snatch. I'd be kind of sneaky though lookin for the right moment to do it  
  My boys were always like 
.  It def got me over the hump a few times so I didn't give a %#@% at all. 
Apart from that I wore/wear larger sized shirts. 
You were that dude... 
It was almost all done at our house though. I think that makes it a little better. 

It's no different then what the chicks do. Going out damn near naked even in the dead of winter. 

Still doesn't beat running through the dorm butt naked with my friend (no ++**, for real) freshman year after getting extremely blasted one night on a dare. 

Originally Posted by Al Audi

Originally Posted by Cronicmolemolereturns

I have a question though anyone else feel weird taking their shirt off in public..thinking people are saying look at this guy tryna show off.

you just walk around with no shirt?

well you live in bahamas i live in new england.............unless im at the beach its always T shirt time.
you think we just chill in the bahamas with no shirts? nah man at the beach,at the pool,playing ball, even wearing a wife beater to go to the store

[h2]The Fitness Issue[/h2][h1]Slate writers on the business, culture, and science of working out.[/h1][color= rgb(102, 0, 51)][/color][color= rgb(102, 102, 102)]Posted Thursday, Jan. 20, 2011, at 10:23 AM ET[/color]

"Gym Rats and Dope Fiends: Exercise can help reduce drug cravings. But is exercise itself a kind of drug?" by Daniel Engber. Posted Friday, Jan. 21, 2011.

"Now, Hold That Squat. And Smile!: The strange life of the fitness model," by Josh Levin. Posted Friday, Jan. 21, 2011.

"Kafka's Calisthenics: Watch and learn the favorite exercise routine of early 20[sup]th[/sup] century Europeans," by Sarah Wildman. Posted Friday, Jan. 21, 2011.

"How the Soloflex Changed America: The story of a pilot, a shirtless spokesmodel, and a transformational home-fitness device," by Justin Peters. Posted Thursday, Jan. 20, 2011.

"Cheeks of Steel: Are face exercises a scam or a fountain of youth?" by Elizabeth Weingarten. Posted Thursday, Jan. 20, 2011."Work Out So Hard You Vomit: The rise of P90X, CrossFit, and the 'extreme' exercise routine," by Annie Lowrey. Posted Thursday, Jan. 20, 2011.

"Sweatin' With the Fatties: My endless, fruitless quest for a fat-girl-friendly exercise DVD," by Torrie Bosch. Posted Thursday, Jan. 20, 2011.

"Celebs (and Others) Working Out: A collection of Magnum photographs." Posted Wednesday, Jan. 19, 2011.

"10 Tips for Tighter Buns!: The fitness magazine: where it came from and where it's going," by Troy Patterson. Posted Wednesday, Jan. 19, 2011.

"Fitness for Foreigners: How people exercise in China, Pakistan, Sudan, and Sweden." Posted Wednesday, Jan. 19, 2011.

"Gym Etiquette Flowchart: See someone you know? You're covered with sweat? Don't panic," by Daniel Engber, Josh Levin, Jenny Livengood, and Melonyce McAfee. Posted Wednesday, Jan. 19, 2011.

"Exercise Time Warp: I spent a week with Jack LaLanne, Jane Fonda, and Jillian Michaels. Who's the best fitness guru of them all?" by Emily Yoffe. Posted Wednesday, Jan. 19, 2011.

The one on the absurdity of fitness magazines was alright. Haven't read any others yet. 

Originally Posted by bamaboy256

Looks pretty legit and fun.
btw if anyone is interested in a �oly / strongman lifting gym (located in brooklyn, ny) pm me. A new one opened up not too long ago but it's fairly low profile.�Did stones and log for the first time in over 2 years. 

Originally Posted by Seatown2o6

Originally Posted by Seatown2o6

Hey, I just turned 15 years old and have been doing a little weight liftingt/cardio for the past 2 months. I can actually run the mile in 7mins now opposed to 11mins in the past. I was 226 in the summer and now I'm down to 196. Havent really changed my diet much, except no cheese(whenever possible). I got a small standard weight bench and so far i've been repping all the weights I have which is 155lb, my max bench is 180 from 115 almost a year ago.

What are some recommendations? As you can tell I was very overweight, I have love handles which I need to get rid and need to do some serious chest and stomach excercises. Cheytow is an inspiration to me, I hope to repost my progress pictures 5 months from now.

I know these pictures are nothing but oh well.

August: 14 y/o 226lb


Now: 15 y/o 6'1" 196lb



Just turned 16 and started wrestling for my high school.  Made it on the vasirty team going 4-0!

6'1" 182lbs



Took a shot of my back.  Need to improve lats and traps for sure

Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

I had a massive cheat day yesterday and gained 9 pounds overnight. Holy crap...went from having completely visible abs to no abs at all. The most I ever gained in 1 day was like 6 pounds so I was definitely shocked when I stepped on the scale today. Any ideas on how I can shed the water quickly? I've drank like 20 cups of water today plus a ton of caffeine. Needless to say, no more epic cheat days for me again
lol man that's just bloat from carbs + water retention. the caffeine + some fiber will have you looking and feeling better. what did you eat though??
Basically everything in sight. One of those days where your hungry all day and eat first and then ask questions last.

My cheat days arent even that bad...I ate mostly healthy stuff just in massive quantities...a ton of oatmeal, couscous, grapes, cherries, whole grain bread + honey (so under-rated
), etc. Only bad thing I ate was chocolate and it was my first time eating chocolate in over a month. I'm surprised my body absorbed so much water + carbs...I went from waking up yesterday at 163 at around 10% BF with veins popping from my arms and stomach to waking up today at 172 pounds with a pot belly, man boobs, and a bloated face like an NFL offensive lineman. On the bright side it'll keep me on track for a while and I did a full body workout today so I should gain a tiny bit of muscle.
I bet your transformation looked like this:

<post contest binge result
Audi, I think I might actually be needing that stuff for a very special occasion very soon. If everything goes according to plan, I might be able to make an epic thread about this.
Originally Posted by Hyper Cutter

Audi, I think I might actually be needing that stuff for a very special occasion very soon. If everything goes according to plan, I might be able to make an epic thread about this.



[h2]Top 10 Post Workout Nutrition Myths[/h2]

was this article ever posted in our thread? between our lil carb debate and reading this.......i think im gonna get rid of vitargo....
Real talk I need help.

My chest isn't growing. What so ever. It gets "swole" after a good workout but the next day I can feel ribs again.
The rest of my body is progressing incredibly... completely satisfied with my strength gains and muscle gains.... but not my chest.

Could I just incorporate chest exercises in the 8-10 rep range 5 days a week? That's over training...
I don't know what to do. I've been working my !@% off... reading everything... nutrition and calories on point. Sticking to a strength gain program and the whole works.

someone help me

Originally Posted by Al Audi

Originally Posted by Hyper Cutter

Audi, I think I might actually be needing that stuff for a very special occasion very soon. If everything goes according to plan, I might be able to make an epic thread about this.



[h2]Top 10 Post Workout Nutrition Myths[/h2]

was this article ever posted in our thread? between our lil carb debate and reading this.......i think im gonna get rid of vitargo....
A %*%!% can't grow off that %$+$ Michael Jackson had.
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