Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Protein absorption has been one of the most controversial topics in fitness circles for years.

I think its been proven already that more than 1g per pound/KG (this is another topic of controversy) is enough. 2g per pound is just way too much and un-necessary. I think you should be good as long as you get enough throughout the need to stress about eating 60g one meal and only 15g the next one
Started back at the gym Monday morning. I'm taking oxyelite pro and stacking with recreate and olio (a CLA) while also taking my multivitamins, omega 3-6-9s, and protein. I weighed in monday at 185 and I'm trying to cut down to ~160.

Anyways, I was working on chest and triceps today and then did some cardio on the bike. The lady beside me was heavier set and definitely out of shape, she was on the bike for 12 mins then switched over to an elliptical where she quit after less than a minute! After seeing that, that motivated me to bike for 5 more miles.

Feels good man...
Got back in the gym for the first time in a while. Feels good man.
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Originally Posted by BangDak

Anyone got some good shoulder exercises?

I dont want no D12 %%**, but Rondo would do

Right now, all i do is military presses, flys and raises. Any suggestions?
Front raises, Arnold Press, Shrug, Upright row (also great for forearms) 
As much weight as i can take, low reps for my goals, right?
and 10 piece nuggets, it depends on how your body reacts. If you feel comfortable working out those muscles again, then by all means go ahead, but normally 3 days is enough IMO.
Is 150-180 a good amount of clean complex carbs a day good on a cut on training days? or is that too much? Ive been told both sides
Originally Posted by EveryDayKicks

How many people change up their routine every time their in the gym? Always doing something different?
Not a good idea. You can't log progress then, and you can't figure out what worked in creating whatever results you get. Stick to something for atleast a month. You can't judge a routine by doing it only once.
Originally Posted by BangDak

Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Originally Posted by BangDak

Anyone got some good shoulder exercises?

I dont want no D12 %%**, but Rondo would do

Right now, all i do is military presses, flys and raises. Any suggestions?
Front raises, Arnold Press, Shrug, Upright row (also great for forearms) 
As much weight as i can take, low reps for my goals, right?
and 10 piece nuggets, it depends on how your body reacts. If you feel comfortable working out those muscles again, then by all means go ahead, but normally 3 days is enough IMO.

I hear upright raises are not good for your back in the long run...

My usual shoulder exercises are Standing Military Press, Push Press, Arnold Press, Shoulder Raises.

Well I just finished two months of the phase 2 of the abercrombie workout. It was alright, I stuck to it even though I think I could've done more for my traps and my legs are still chicken. I don't think I will do phase three because I still need the mass. I admit that I faltered a bit when I had the flu though. All in all the abercrombie workout ( isn't that bad to get you used to some excercises though and phase two goes pretty quick in the gym which I like because I workout when I'm taking lunch so gotta keep it within an hour. 
I think for January and February I'm going to focus on a compound workout, building up in the areas I'm lacking.

If anyone has any nice compound workout programs you do, hopefully with pic to back up it worked for you. It would be  appreciated.
Originally Posted by PersiaFly

Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

Originally Posted by nealraj006

The gym was packed today. But 1 of the 2 squat racks was still empty when I walked in

I've noticed this of some of the heavier deadlifters at the gym I go to. Most of them don't do full range of motion during their sets. They'll load the bar up with 405 lbs and hyperextend their backs. Then they'll lower to just below their knees and come and hyperextend their back again.
About a month ago I was DLing at the gym and this dude comes over and asks if he can work in. I said sure and this guy asked me to help him lift the bar off the ground and onto the bottom part of the squat rack. This guy would start with the bar on the squat rack and bring the bar down to his knees and then come back up. After I did my set from off the ground (normal DLs) this guy has the nerve to ask me why I lift the weight off the ground.
I explain to him that doing so utilizes more muscles and is more challenging and this guy starts talking about lifting off the ground is too hard and its easier to lift the weight from waist level
. I just told him we'd have to agree to disagree and that to each his own. This guy was actually trying to convince me its better to DL using his "technique"
I've heard from different trainers that if you're tall (6'2+) you shouldn't lift off the ground, but rather should start with the bar at mid-shin level. But it seems like you're saying the guy was just holding the weight throughout the exercise, which sounds stupid/dangerous. 
please let this be true!!
Originally Posted by Al Audi

LOL abercrombie workout?

never heard of that in my life, thats funny.

Ha yeah , i came across it looking for some things to refine my abs again. It sounds very superficial but it isn't as bad as the name implies. I may just go back to a 5 x 5 workout for a little while. I just have to give special attention to the legs. I'm on my Brutus %@%.
Originally Posted by Sais 9mm

Originally Posted by Al Audi

LOL abercrombie workout?

never heard of that in my life, thats funny.

Ha yeah , i came across it looking for some things to refine my abs again. It sounds very superficial but it isn't as bad as the name implies. I may just go back to a 5 x 5 workout for a little while. I just have to give special attention to the legs. I'm on my Brutus %@%.

i wanna peek at it, you got a link?
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Yo if you're too tall to do normal DL wouldn't you do sumo style? or is it the other way around??

I read a protein study that says:

Researchers in France have found that eating protein all at once can be just as well absorbed as spreading it out over your day. A group of 26'year old women were given either 80% of their protein for he day at one meal or spread over multiple meals. After two weeks, there was no difference between the subject and control groups in terms of nitrogen balance, whole-body protein turnover, whole-body protein synthesis, or protein breakdown.

Not sure if true?

Durden, you mention it is wise to have higher carbs than protein after a workout. what is the reasoning behind that? I've never understood that aspect

That study sounds about right.  The only thing im wondering is if they were exercising and how much they weighed.

I dont get why someone would say that a tall person shouldnt DL the same way as someone shorter.  Unless youre crazy disproportional in your arm and leg limb length, it should be done the same way.

Its more about muscle glycogen than it is anything else.  After exercising, the carbs are needed more than protein to kick-start glycogen re-synthesis.
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Originally Posted by Andrew630

How's your progress coming along brett? I havent checked this thread in a while. The last time I saw one of your updates was before page 500

Pretty slow but steady.. I weighed in at 178 yesterday. MADDD bodyfat lately but I ain't even mad. I'm really focusing on strength lately and I need a lot of calories.
Nice. I think I started at 149 at the end of May. I hit 168 at the end of October. And for the past two months I haven't been hitting the gym hard and I'm back down to 165. I'm going to make that push and try to break 170 by next month. I'm gonna try out Josef Rakich's workout plan for a bit.
Originally Posted by Al Audi

Originally Posted by cguy610

When ya'll post progress pics, can ya'll put them in spoilers. Thx.

they intimidate you?

this is a fitness thread.


dude lookin at the pics thinking "why cant I look like that
Originally Posted by Juicy J 32

Is it better to do cardio before or after lifting?

most people will tell you before, it get's your heart rate pumping, almost like a pre-game warm-up.

I always do it after, I put my energy into lifting then the rest goes into cardio...but now I'm going to do it differently and try to do cardio beforehand.
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