Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Originally Posted by Al Audi

Originally Posted by Kojomesa

Word., I do light weights, with 5 sets of 12 reps per set with a 30 second break. IF your trying to get cut, follow the p90x diet for fat shredder. You will have less energy but the fat will seriously melt off if you follow through with what your told to eat. Also do activiies with cardio based movements, like basketball or soccer. Kick boxing is also nice

i think this is the problem right here.
i know how to just lazy when it comes to cardio. an im def not an ectormorph. im an easy gainer when it comes to weight/muscle

im actually gonna join up LA Fitness tomorrow a lil further then my current gym.................but they got basketball courts, huge cardio rooms with the kick boxing bags.........swiming pool etc.

way better equipment also. its better in every way so yea. im gonna get in some games of basketball even though i suck an ill be throwin bricks over the backboard.

Goal isn't to do good at basketball. Hustle on defense, hustle on a fast break, and just jump as much as possible to get rebounds(I'm not even joking) and you will feel the burn after a good long game. You don't even have to score although nobody likes to lose lol.

I do that or simply just shadow box. Don't even need a bag, just throw accurate shadow punches and mid kicks with proper turns of your hips(STRECH REALLY GOOD b4 you start kicking)  and you will feel good.

Sounds like some taebo, but we used to do this for a hour or some 3 times a week in my muay thai class and it made a HUGE difference in body fat and just being lean.

And I will post a modifiyed fat shredder diet on monday. Consist of 3 main meals and 2 snacks
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

mmaannnn pic2 just doesn't look healthy/comfortable

and yo lurkin what's so hard? it's not gonna happen over night.

even tho i eat clean i eat big
thats the hardest part. ive been at 8% before or w/e dont remember the exact number. it took a lot of for me to do i said i held it for like 2 weeks then i was like (#&*$# this. im not about to walk on a stage what is the point?

its hard for me to cut calories.

an when i kick up cardio im even more hungry.


i REALLY wish this stuff wasnt so expensive...............ive only used it once.............its so expensive and it goes so quick.

this stuff works though. i think i posted about this stuff before. if anyone can find this stuff for a better price lemme know
Originally Posted by Al Audi

This getting shredded business is so much harder then bein massive, for me at least. Geez.

Agreed! It's so easy to pack on weight because you just have to eat eat eat lol. BUt getting shredded man, that's difficult. When you're used to eating so much then have to cut. I hate that, and I only like doing that before summer.

And has been around for ages.
Originally Posted by Gameboi86

Originally Posted by Al Audi

This getting shredded business is so much harder then bein massive, for me at least. Geez.

Agreed! It's so easy to pack on weight because you just have to eat eat eat lol. BUt getting shredded man, that's difficult. When you're used to eating so much then have to cut. I hate that, and I only like doing that before summer.

And has been around for ages.
lol dude they were (#&$#$# with you.
everyone in here knows about

but yea u get what i mean. not only just cutting but you cant be as relaxed with it either if you really wanna rip up.
haha.. I'm oblivious to the sarcasm. One thing I don't like about cutting is I experience a slight loss of strength as well. That's why my diet's gotta be on point when cutting, cuz I don't have the excess carbs.
Originally Posted by Gameboi86

haha.. I'm oblivious to the sarcasm. One thing I don't like about cutting is I experience a slight loss of strength as well. That's why my diet's gotta be on point when cutting, cuz I don't have the excess carbs.

thats why the vitargo stuff is great. just so expensive.

not that many supplement website even carry it. even on its expensive like the link i posted.
to those uncertain about, has been around for years, probably longer than NT..i frequent those forums over there as much as here...ALOT of knowledge, and a cool general forum over there as well. LOADED with legit info, and a great board, alot of stuff that was posted in here, as well as alot of misconceptions ive seen in here can be solved over there..
Originally Posted by 360wavesandxbox

to those uncertain about, has been around for years, probably longer than NT..i frequent those forums over there as much as here...ALOT of knowledge, and a cool general forum over there as well. LOADED with legit info, and a great board, alot of stuff that was posted in here, as well as alot of misconceptions ive seen in here can be solved over there..
Dude, everyone here knows about were just being sarcastic about not knowing about it.

I think the hardest thing about getting 'shredded' like those dudes in the pics is sticking to a strict diet for so long. I think most of us here have little trouble eating healthy 70-80% of the time but getting to that level requires you to be committed maybe 90% of the time. In the past I havent had trouble eating clean for 1-2 months and dropping fat but after eating clean and doing cardio for that long I just snap and eat whatever I want for a month after.

I also noticed on that a lot of guys have massive post contest binges where they easily gain like 10-30 pounds  in the period after their competitions because they eat whatever they please. So its like they spend many weeks getting into amazing shape, take a picture, and then gain a bunch of fat again
. I remember seeing some thread not too long ago about a guy who was in amazing shape (around 5'9 200 pounds and 7-8% BF) who went on vacation and gained 20+ pounds and then lost it all 2 months later and returned to his amazing shape. The human body is crazy y'all...
GNC has an awesome deal on ON Oats and Whey....$19 and some change for 2 3lb tubs of this stuff. Its BOGO and stack it with this coupon WETHANKU
yeah there is nothing fun about cutting tbh

getting bigger you can eat a ton, you get feels good

this +@%# sucks. gotta be hungry all the time, im actually feeling stronger in the gym lately but i know that wont last. overall way more mentally challenging.
Originally Posted by Al Audi

This getting shredded business is so much harder then bein massive, for me at least. Geez.
For me too. Requires more time devoted to 1 thing (i.e. running, sprinting, etc...) overall less variety in the workouts required of me, as well as less of the food I crave badly...
Whats good with tofu? I've been eating sesame flavored tofu sticks for snacks... high protein but I havent seen the actual nutritional information. I dont want to continue eating them until i know the macros
damn, ate like crap the last 2 days. to make things worse, its been almost a month and i basically look the same since i started dieting

this is depressing. i need to lose this stomach ASAP, other than that id be happy as hell.
Originally Posted by Al Audi

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

 overall way more mentally challenging.

no doubt
what do you guys think about creatine while tryna get shredded?
I'm using creatine on my cut.

Anyone use fat burners? Or natural stuff to shred more Cals?
Creatine while cutting? Doesn't make sense to me because you retain way more water on the stuff. I guess if you had a super strict diet with lots of cardio and some sort of diuretic you could still achieve that shredded look...... but not as much as completely cutting out the Creatine.
Someone school me on Creatine. This is my first time using it, bought it because of all of the strength gains and what not people see from it. Now that im reading more about it it seems as if you lose definition while using it and wont be able to see cuts/abs and what this true? So gain more strength with Creatine with less definition or see more definition without this correct?
yeah i actually started taking creatine again when i started my cut

maybe that explains the strength gains ive been having

i dont get very much bloating when i take it these days
Since we're on the topic of creatine...

Ive been keeping track of the news about some highschool football players being hospitolized and some undergoing surgery from a "rare" muscle condition.
They're doing studies to find out what the cause is, and my guess so far is that its CREATINE.  Directly or indirectly, it seems to be a very good possibility.
Ive mentioned before about creatine affecting the kidney, and when the studies are over and it does conclude that creatine is in fact a contributor of their illness, I suggest you guys take into consideration the possibility of supplments causing damage to your bodies. Now im just not speaking about creatine, but all these designer supplments being consumed like hotcakes.

Im not telling anyone to stop taking anything, just be mindful about it, from steroids to creatine to protein powders. I also dont recommend long term use of creatine either

3 Ore. high school football players undergo surgery, 16 treated for muscle damage after camp

A doctor sums up the illness that hit 19 members of a northwest Oregon high school football team as "very weird." They all suffered muscle damage after a preseason camp.

Three of the McMinnville High School players also were diagnosed with a rare soft-tissue condition called "compartment syndrome," which caused soreness and swelling in their triceps. They underwent surgery to relieve the pressure.

The 19 players all had elevated levels of the enzyme creatine kinase, or CK, which is released by muscles when they're injured, said Dr. Craig Winkler of Willamette Valley Medical Center in McMinnville. High CK levels can lead to kidney failure if not properly treated.

"To have an epidemic like this is very weird," Winkler said.

Officials said the cause was still a mystery, but high CK levels can result from vigorous exercise or the use of certain medications or food supplements.

Five of the athletes were treated in the emergency room and sent home. The other 11 were admitted to the hospital and given intravenous fluids to maintain adequate hydration and prevent kidney failure, he said.

Ten boys remained hospitalized Sunday, but they were in good condition and were expected to be released Monday, said Rosemari Davis, Willamette Valley Medical Center's chief executive officer.

Practices for all fall sports start Monday.

Before their symptoms started this past week, the players were at an immersion camp organized by first-year coach Jeff Kearin. Winkler said the players worked out last Sunday at the high school's wrestling room, where temperatures reached 115 degrees.

He said the high temperature and dehydration may have played a role. He also said officials will look at water sources and what the kids had to drink, including power mixes.

Winkler said blood test results expected Tuesday could show whether the athletes ingested creatine, which is found in legal high-powered protein supplements. He added officials are not testing for steroids because it would be unlikely for that many students to have access, and "creatine makes way more sense."

Two players said Sunday that supplements were not a factor.

Fullback and linebacker Jacob Montgomery, one of the 10 still hospitalized, said he first experienced a tightness in his triceps and forearms Tuesday.

"They swelled to the verge of popping," the 17-year-old senior said in a telephone interview. "I thought it was just swelling from an intense workout."

Montgomery said he went to get checked out Wednesday after learning another player was taken to the hospital.

He and fellow senior Josh Nice said neither they nor any of the other players have taken any supplements or performance enhancers.

"They don't know what's behind this whole thing," said Nice, a wide receiver hospitalized since Friday. He added he hopes to return to practice as soon as possible.

Winkler said the hospital and school began screening players for CK after the first few were brought to the hospital early last week.

The normal range for CK is 35 to 232 units per liter, but some students showed levels as high as 42,000, putting them at risk of kidney injury, Winkler said. Those with levels in the 3,000 range were treated in the hospital's emergency room and released, while those with levels above 10,000 were admitted.

Superintendent Maryalice Russell told The Oregonian newspaper she doesn't believe Kearin's workout was excessive. She also said she has no evidence steroids or supplements were involved.

"I don't have any information at this time that would indicate that's the case," she said. "I'm continuing to look at additional information as it may come my way."

A home phone listing for Kearin could not be found. But one of his former Cal State Northridge colleagues told The Oregonian that Kearin is "very conscientious about the high school development and the kids."

"His personality is not a big, hard-nosed, lineman's mentality, or a weight-room-mentality guy," Los Angeles Valley College coach Jim Fenwick said.

Tom Welter, Oregon School Activities Association executive director, said the organization's medical committee will investigate and make recommendations to the executive board after its next meeting in September. The OSAA oversees school sports in the state.

"It's a really bizarre situation," said Nice's mother, Margaret Nice, whose son Daniel also remains hospitalized. "But we're all trying to hang in here and hope and pray that they can come up with the answer to what caused this."

Fox News

We'll see if its infact creatine thats the cause
^Probably also because these guys weren't hydrating enough either. One of my friends used to take creatine and his doctor told him to stuff because his kidneys were getting ##$%%! definitely have to remember to consume copious amounts of water while on that stuff.
can of tuna + bit of mayo + 2 tsp flax seed oil
cup of choco/white milk
33g protein
15g fat
15g carbs

I'm trying to follow that diet posted on simply shredded. 5 meals of 42g protein, 15g fat 0g carb except post workout... however I've decided to eat about 100g carbs throughout the day + 60g post workout.
Feeling a bit hungrier than usual but maaannn 100g carb is NOTHING. I was consuming about 300g last week on an otherwise clean diet.
ck is often used as a marker for kidney damage but elevated ck levels dont neccessarily mean kidney damage

for example creatine consumption will raise ck levels since more creatine being processed = more CK but under normal circumstances it causes no organ damage

at least this is what i have understood to be true

but yeah if you're dehydrated that strains the kidneys a lot as is.....throw in creatine supps which make the kidneys work even more AND cause more water to be stored in muscles and that sounds like a recipe for disaster
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