Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

I went to see a doctor today about probelms with my right shoulder and he basically told me to stop doing military press so now I need something new to do.

Any good suggestions?
Plenty of sleep, watch the carbs, more protein intake, 3 times a week for about 1 hr w/cardio. That should just about do it.
Originally Posted by kcmochris

^^dumb bell exercises.

doin it natural is the best way....cant mess with creatine or any other supplements even though i wouldnt tell sum1 else not to if they wanted....too much info stating that these supplements hurt ur body in the long run....
Im pretty sure if he is advised to not do military presses, it extends to all form of overhead presses no matter what kind of resistance is used.

Theres also plenty of information stating that the supplements do have positive effects. (creatine)
Between pre-workout carb consumption and post-workout...which would you guys say is more necessary? Does it just depend on your energy levels? p90x doesnt allow me many carbs at all so I need to be smarter about when I eat them.
Originally Posted by keepzdasneakz

Between pre-workout carb consumption and post-workout...which would you guys say is more necessary? Does it just depend on your energy levels? p90x doesnt allow me many carbs at all so I need to be smarter about when I eat them.

Post workout.

[h2]Optimal Eating Times[/h2]
To put the carbohydrates to best use, you are to eatthem at the times when your body can utilize them the best, first thingin the morning and/or post-workout.

Upon waking, the body’s insulin sensitivity is high, meaning lessinsulin is needed to store ingested carbohydrates. Remember, insulinblunts the fat burning process so we want to keep insulin levelscontrolled. After going 6-8 hours without any food the body is ready toabsorb the nutrients you give it. On the days where you are not workingout, you are to have your carbohydrates first thing in the morning withmeal #1. If you are working out, then you are to have yourcarbohydrates post-workout and not with meal #1. The reason for this isafter a workout the body is primed to absorb nutrients even more sothan first thing in the morning. When you workout you burn muscleglycogen (carbohydrates stored in the muscles). After a workout, thebody wants to replenish this lost glycogen and therefore enhances itsability to metabolize carbohydrates, making post-workout the best timeto eat carbohydrates.
Note that if your post-workout meal is your last meal ofthe day you should still eat your starchy carbohydrates. No matter whattime of the day your finish your workout, even if it is right beforebed, it is still the prime time to eat starchy carbohydrates.

pwo nutrition and nutrient timing in general is vastly overrated

and your preworkout meal if much more important

p.s. a weightlifting session will not be depleting your glycogen stores
^I don't really snack. Just spread your meals out more so it seems like you are "snacking" but instead are just having 1 of 6 small meals.

As for those kids that became sick, this has to be a huge reason : "Winkler said the players worked out last Sunday at the high school's wrestling room, where temperatures reached 115 degrees." That is just not right
Originally Posted by Luong1209

What do you guys eat for snacks?

An apple, veggies with brown rice, frozen veggies, banana, corn, or my fav. penut butter sammich not too sure how healthy the ones I make are since I never check the calories. But it tastes 
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

pwo nutrition and nutrient timing in general is vastly overrated

and your preworkout meal if much more important

p.s. a weightlifting session will not be depleting your glycogen stores
Right. The big picture is to obtain all the necessary amounts of food by the end of the day.

For snacks I just try to get in fruits since I hate eating them but they are a nice oral fix
I actually can't wait for the upcoming semester to start for me (this coming Thursday, the 26th, full week next Monday). Between work, going out at night, and the sudden family issue I faced mid-summer, I was not able to get to the gym as planned. This semester, I don't believe I will be working as much, only going out only on weekends really, getting home from classes at around 1:30 everyday, and the family issue will be dealt with as usual. I will be able to get back into the gym, and go hard. Can't wait.
Damn I got a long way to go Damn near lost 20 pounds so far and I cant even see a difference in my body
yeah this semester im hitting the gym hard and may or may not be chemically enhanced.

brett you dont like fruit? veggies are usually bland to me especially eaten in a healthy manner but the sugar in fruit makes them delicious to me
Originally Posted by CasperJr

Damn I got a long way to go Damn near lost 20 pounds so far and I cant even see a difference in my body

Same here but I do feel that my chest is much hardened when I flex and that my endurance went up. Just keep working at it fam. At least you know you're losing weight.
Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH

yeah this semester im hitting the gym hard and may or may not be chemically enhanced.

brett you dont like fruit? veggies are usually bland to me especially eaten in a healthy manner but the sugar in fruit makes them delicious to me

I'll be interested to know how things go if you decide to enhance. sides, reactions, pain, progress price, frequency, etc.
Fruit/veggies aren't my thing.. I try to get at least two servings of each though. What is good snackable fruit, being easy to pack for lunch and what not?
my fav fruits are blackberries, blueberries, strawberries, etc. which would be more convenient to eat than stuff like an orange or an apple since it takes less time. but theyre soft so youd need like tupperware or something to bring them in, not sure if that would be an inconvenience. otherwise stick to hard stuff like apples.

honestly i cant think of a fruit i dont like though, i eat them all.

ill let you guys know how it goes if i go thru with it. i probably will at this point, ive already paid for a bunch of top quality test prop + hcg + toremifene so it will be hard not to give in once its all chillin in front of me

im thinking 8-10 wks 100mg eod which is really light and its test only so its pretty harmless
Originally Posted by Steve Cash

man, cant wait til winter when the gym dies down at night.

None of these high school kids tryna be macho tryna lift 150 lbs and failing miserably after 1 dropdown.
Originally Posted by AddictedToFreshKicks

Just picked up a pack of this Myoplex drink to try it out... is this stuff any good?

tastewise yes

profilewise ehh not terrible for a RTD i guess

p.s. this is what i copped in case anyone cares (not my pic)


I wrote about this a little while back...
Popular protein drinks with names like Muscle Milk and EAS Myoplex -- favorites of teens, gym rats, boomers, and pregnant women -- can contain potentially unsafe levels of heavy metals and other harmful substances, according to an investigation by Consumer Reports.
Consumer Reports says these three products are of special concern:
EAS Myoplex Original Rich Dark Chocolate Shake has an average of 16.9 micrograms of arsenic in three servings -- more than the 15 micrograms a day that is the proposed USP limit. It has an average of 5.1 micrograms of cadmium for three servings -- above the USP limit of 5 micrograms a day.

Take it fwiw.
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Originally Posted by keepzdasneakz

Between pre-workout carb consumption and post-workout...which would you guys say is more necessary? Does it just depend on your energy levels? p90x doesnt allow me many carbs at all so I need to be smarter about when I eat them.

Post workout.

[h2]Optimal Eating Times[/h2]
To put the carbohydrates to best use, you are to eatthem at the times when your body can utilize them the best, first thingin the morning and/or post-workout.

Upon waking, the body’s insulin sensitivity is high, meaning lessinsulin is needed to store ingested carbohydrates. Remember, insulinblunts the fat burning process so we want to keep insulin levelscontrolled. After going 6-8 hours without any food the body is ready toabsorb the nutrients you give it. On the days where you are not workingout, you are to have your carbohydrates first thing in the morning withmeal #1. If you are working out, then you are to have yourcarbohydrates post-workout and not with meal #1. The reason for this isafter a workout the body is primed to absorb nutrients even more sothan first thing in the morning. When you workout you burn muscleglycogen (carbohydrates stored in the muscles). After a workout, thebody wants to replenish this lost glycogen and therefore enhances itsability to metabolize carbohydrates, making post-workout the best timeto eat carbohydrates.
Note that if your post-workout meal is your last meal ofthe day you should still eat your starchy carbohydrates. No matter whattime of the day your finish your workout, even if it is right beforebed, it is still the prime time to eat starchy carbohydrates.

Dont know if I completely agree here.  You need carbs, even on a cut. During my cut, I had 'em in the morning and PW.  On a normal balanced diet, i'll have them in the morning, lunch and PW...
Being on Creatine Monohydrate gets me real bloated at night. I'm taking 5 grams with my protein shake (preworkout and once in the morning if im off) and I see the effects as I can lift heavier and go longer when lifting. But once 8-9 pm hits, the lower part of my stomach gets bloated and its kind of discouraging.
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