Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Originally Posted by Hyper Cutter

^ I'll say this about intrabolic. YOU WILL REAP THE BENEFITS. The thing about beta alanine is that you need to have your body saturated with the stuff, which is why they sell intraxcell.

How many scoops are you using? I use around two. You will see your best results probably at the end of your 3rd months. Just remember where you started and see where you end up. I'm loyal to this stuff so I feel like I have to make sure you don't give up on it after a few days.

i havent given up on it yet
Originally Posted by CasperJr

end of the 3rd week and ive been alot more tired then in the last few weeks idk if its cuz i had stopped eating oatmeal before workout(%%*$ is just nasty) but i ate it today before my workout and i been good so far if thats the reason then i cant stop eating it

and ive come to the conclusion that i will hate doing legs forever %%*$ feel like somebody holding a blow torch to my thighs and thats my biggest need area which is why i try my best to work thought it

i can now do 65mins on the eliptical with out stopping hopefully by the end of next week ill be able to to go with out slowing down

last thing is i sweat............alot i mean like all the damn time whats up with that?
1. The carbohydrates consumed upto 24hr prior to a heavy lifting exercise will aid in A) your lifting and B) your energy levels. Make sure to eat whole carbs before and after at bare minimum. I can't remember the science behind it all, maybe Durden can chime in. Words that start with gly-- or something

2. I have super skinny and frail legs too... I was reading about Arnold last night and how he didn't start his legs until a year after he started building. Then he focused ALOT of legs to bring them up to balance and it was even mentioned "blow torch to the thighs".
. Push forward and do full ROM for every rep. The struggle is worth it

3. If you have constant hyper hydro-sis, consult your doctor because there are treatments for that
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Originally Posted by CasperJr

end of the 3rd week and ive been alot more tired then in the last few weeks idk if its cuz i had stopped eating oatmeal before workout(%%*$ is just nasty) but i ate it today before my workout and i been good so far if thats the reason then i cant stop eating it

and ive come to the conclusion that i will hate doing legs forever %%*$ feel like somebody holding a blow torch to my thighs and thats my biggest need area which is why i try my best to work thought it

i can now do 65mins on the eliptical with out stopping hopefully by the end of next week ill be able to to go with out slowing down

last thing is i sweat............alot i mean like all the damn time whats up with that?
1. The carbohydrates consumed upto 24hr prior to a heavy lifting exercise will aid in A) your lifting and B) your energy levels. Make sure to eat whole carbs before and after at bare minimum. I can't remember the science behind it all, maybe Durden can chime in. Words that start with gly-- or something

2. I have super skinny and frail legs too... I was reading about Arnold last night and how he didn't start his legs until a year after he started building. Then he focused ALOT of legs to bring them up to balance and it was even mentioned "blow torch to the thighs".
. Push forward and do full ROM for every rep. The struggle is worth it

3. If you have constant hyper hydro-sis, consult your doctor because there are treatments for that
man, i love that feeling in the legs, its great knowing i have almost immediate results from the lifting 
^ check your inbox ILLEST.

I just copped some GNC creatine monohydrate. Has anyone ever taken it? What are the benefits of it and the negatives? I'm looking to grow my muscles but I want to keep as cut as I can.
And is there a difference between creatine monohydrate and something like no-xplode and jack3d?

I should only be taking the creatine right before my workouts only, correct?
Originally Posted by kobe4threebang

What do u guys think of the idea of me taking a week off would do to my body I have been working out 5-7x a week for the last 2 1/2 months (prob. Closer to 7x a wk) I've lost 60+ lbs Overall, do u guys think that a week off with me still eating right would be good or bad for me, do u think I would lose any strength

I swear during a break like that is when you really see your muscles grow.  Took one and went
at myself.  I've regressed though.
Originally Posted by Luong1209

I've asked this already and got no answer, but has anyone ever done "Insanity"?

I'm about to start soon and just wanted to what your feedback is.
I completed insanity.  It's a great program, and it will shred the fat for sure.

Check out the p90x thread in the sports forum.
I've been lifting since January and the only supplement I've used is whey protein. Would it be a good idea to start taking some type of creatine?
6 pack abs, what's the key to getting them?
I've been doing inclined situps at the gym, like 4 sets of 25 everytime I go which is around 3 - 4 times a week and I've noticed that my stomach is stronger but there's no sign of any 6 pack. Idk, maybe it's because I use to be real big, I still have some excess skin on my stomach which is real soft. Any tips on getting rid of that and tightning up my stomach?
Originally Posted by Redrum

6 pack abs, what's the key to getting them?
I've been doing inclined situps at the gym, like 4 sets of 25 everytime I go which is around 3 - 4 times a week and I've noticed that my stomach is stronger but there's no sign of any 6 pack. Idk, maybe it's because I use to be real big, I still have some excess skin on my stomach which is real soft. Any tips on getting rid of that and tightning up my stomach?

I would like to know also...
Originally Posted by Questions03

Originally Posted by Redrum

6 pack abs, what's the key to getting them?
I've been doing inclined situps at the gym, like 4 sets of 25 everytime I go which is around 3 - 4 times a week and I've noticed that my stomach is stronger but there's no sign of any 6 pack. Idk, maybe it's because I use to be real big, I still have some excess skin on my stomach which is real soft. Any tips on getting rid of that and tightning up my stomach?

I would like to know also...

1. Cardio

2. Diet

Most guys that show a six pack either have naturally low bodyfat or they just work on their eating and doing alot of cardio to keep their bodyfat low.  All the crunches in the world aren't going to give you a visible six-pack if  you're bodyfat is anywhere near the teens or higher.
Will running 1-2 miles 3-5 days a week ruin my weight gaining plan?

I'm going boot camp in November and while I want to be able to start running to get into cardio shape and what not, I also want to put on a few pounds within now - november..
run, diet...

first and foremost...

then you can focus on the exercises later.

heavy compounds, lifts that force you're core to stabilize like overhead presses, weighted ab crunches, bodyweight exercises.. yada yada

be patient they'll come.

no chr1scross, just make sure you're eating enough
Well, when I go to gym I do a full body workout, I work everything well except legs I don't really lift or work on those, but I run 2-3 miles as well on the treadmill. I hit the sauna as well a good two times when I'm done. I seen my biceps grow decently and my back as well, stomach is flatter than it use to be too. It probably is just my diet, I haven't really been strict with that. I'll try to go on a high protein low fat diet next week and see if that helps.
Originally Posted by Redrum

Well, when I go to gym I do a full body workout, I work everything well except legs I don't really lift or work on those, but I run 2-3 miles as well on the treadmill. I hit the sauna as well a good two times when I'm done. I seen my biceps grow decently and my back as well, stomach is flatter than it use to be too. It probably is just my diet, I haven't really been strict with that. I'll try to go on a high protein low fat diet next week and see if that helps.
start working legs, don't be a *****ot
been eating less calories for 2 weeks now, feels kinda good.

hopefully ill see some changes in the next 2 weeks so i know all this work is paying off.
Originally Posted by WarMachine

Originally Posted by Redrum

Well, when I go to gym I do a full body workout, I work everything well except legs I don't really lift or work on those, but I run 2-3 miles as well on the treadmill. I hit the sauna as well a good two times when I'm done. I seen my biceps grow decently and my back as well, stomach is flatter than it use to be too. It probably is just my diet, I haven't really been strict with that. I'll try to go on a high protein low fat diet next week and see if that helps.
start working legs, don't be a *****ot
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