Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Bmoney, I recently started running in the morning (maybe for a week or so...?) and religiously keeping myself to 5-6 meals a day whilst having at least a gallon of water per day. I've noticed it a little, but my girlfriend said I've been getting noticeably leaner since this regiment began. I always wake up, sit around maybe 20-30 min and then go run (without having eaten anything). I think it's great because it kick-starts your metabolism nicely and burns a good amount of fat.
Originally Posted by syxth element

Originally Posted by Durden7

A 72 yr old man won an International Powerlifting title with a Squat of 380, deadlift of 350 and a bench press of 100.

He's 72! 

His goal is to squat 400lbs at the age of 100.

Impressive..  What is his height/weight
5'4. 146.
Originally Posted by crod6926

Today I did:

Power Cleans 4x8
Bench Press 4x6
Squats 4x8

Pull ups
Chin ups 3x8

Amazing workout...sooo tired afterwards though
god damn now theres a workout......try hitting doing anything productive in the gym for the next two days though, i dare you
Originally Posted by ask ab0ut me

Basketball player looking to add mass and strength i need some recommended supplements and maybe even a workout.
right now i am 6'6'' 200 lbs. Going to the gym is not a problem i can get there 7 days a week if i need to.
The only thing i take is a Muscle Milk Cyto Gainer shake after my workout but i feel like that isnt enough and would like to add something else.
Please somebody help me out.

try a 5X5 workout. these routines usually focus more on compound lifts (bench press, squats, deadlifts, military press)

you probably noticeably bigger after these kinda routines but your strength should improve at a consistent rate if done correctly.
don't waste your money on supplements. stick to whey protein and nothing else. the rest of your money should be invested into a quality diet and calorie dense foods.

food = strength
Damn, set a new pr at squats and got a feeling il be sore as hell tomorrow. Once more thing, If you have seprate days for like back, legs and chest. If one day like a saturday, is it a good idea to do squats, deadlifts and bench all on the same day? Like Ive already done those on their days but since Saturdays and Sundays are my off days I thought maybe throw in doing those big 3 that day once in a while
Originally Posted by Yankeephan87

Damn, set a new pr at squats and got a feeling il be sore as hell tomorrow. Once more thing, If you have seprate days for like back, legs and chest. If one day like a saturday, is it a good idea to do squats, deadlifts and bench all on the same day? Like Ive already done those on their days but since Saturdays and Sundays are my off days I thought maybe throw in doing those big 3 that day once in a while

i would only do that if I were trying to work on my form for those lifts. I wouldn't kill myself doing those intense lifts all on one day. Especially if I've already worked on them during the week.

I'm not shunning you away from the idea but you should really listen to your body. If you gave 110% on those 3 lifts during the week then I would just give my body the necessary rest.
Originally Posted by kobe4threebang

whats the best thing to drink/eat after a workout
load up on carbs/protein.

i eat a tuna fish sandwhich with two scoop of whey which is about a 500 cal. meal.
This is what my daily routine is looking like. Hit the gym every 3 days. Do y'all think I'm over doing it?

Squats 3 x 5
Pull ups 3 x failure
bench 3 x 5
deadlift 1 x 5
T-bar row 3 x 5
nah if i went every 3 days id want to do all that too

but i mean it would be better to go like every other day and break that workout up......any lifts you do at the tail end of that workout are not gonna be close to 100% due to exhaustion and whatnot.

plus youd be able to throw in some shoulder stuff, do more deadlifts (1 set is not enough imo)

id switch bent over rows in for t-bar ones, and do incline bench instead of flat to hit shoulders too (or at least alternate between the two)
Originally Posted by BmoneyBagz

NT I need some help, i been at 175 pounds for the past three months, for some reason I cant drop any lower, than 175 I was doing a cutting workout and nothing, went from 205 to 175 and can't drop any more pounds. Any advice? I started a new program last week, but it a mass program, trying to switch it up while still doing cardio to see if that does the trick. My main goal is to get to 155 pounds lean . If anybody has any advice please post on here. Here the link to the program I started last week. , and this the program I was on before http://www.muscleandstren...-definition-routine.html
Why not just tone up? Any particular reason you wanna lose weight?
IMO, you have a solid physique.

HERE: for you and anyone else that has a hard time finding out their different calorie levels.
Originally Posted by 18th letter

This is what my daily routine is looking like. Hit the gym every 3 days. Do y'all think I'm over doing it?

Squats 3 x 5
Pull ups 3 x failure
bench 3 x 5
deadlift 1 x 5
T-bar row 3 x 5
Not bad but it needs some variety. and your only really going to the gym twice a week.
By the looks of the routine you're trying to add strength, but I would try to hit the gym 3-4 times a week personally.

Look into a program called Rippetoe's.

It's 3 days a week and the routine is very similar to what you have there but it has slightly more variety.
Originally Posted by Yankeephan87

Damn, set a new pr at squats and got a feeling il be sore as hell tomorrow. Once more thing, If you have seprate days for like back, legs and chest. If one day like a saturday, is it a good idea to do squats, deadlifts and bench all on the same day? Like Ive already done those on their days but since Saturdays and Sundays are my off days I thought maybe throw in doing those big 3 that day once in a while
I don't see why it wouldn't be alright to do those excercises on the same day.  I just started strength training and those 3 lifts are actually what I did today but I did squats then bench then deadlifts.  I'm doing multiple warm-up sets adding more weight until I get to my work sets which are usually 3 sets with five reps.  It's my first week so i'm not going 100% with weight, right now form is my only concern.

sorry I mis-read what you posted...I think it would actually be a little overkill depending on what kind of excercises you do for a certain muscle group day...if you posted your routine we could see if your overdoing it.
Originally Posted by 18th letter

This is what my daily routine is looking like. Hit the gym every 3 days. Do y'all think I'm over doing it?

Squats 3 x 5
Pull ups 3 x failure
bench 3 x 5
deadlift 1 x 5
T-bar row 3 x 5

Looks good on paper but the whole idea of adding strength is to not overexhaust yourself too deeply.  As long as your adding weight every workout or everyother workout and your form is good you'll be alright.  I just started strength training and i'm on a 12 week plan, I figure I stay with 3 excercises for now and on my 4th week i'd add dips or decline pushups and pullups/chinups and then by the 8thish week my setup would be something like yours.
Started 2 a days the for hte next 3 weeks... going about 4x a week?
past weekend was my 21er so uh yeah never again hah drank way too much
got to get back on track, and adding a lot more cardio to my workout now
lets see ow this does for me.
Just got some gymnastic rings and
It's so hard to support yourself. I can barely do dips at all. Planche, here I come!
Originally Posted by Truballa101

Originally Posted by 18th letter

This is what my daily routine is looking like. Hit the gym every 3 days. Do y'all think I'm over doing it?

Squats 3 x 5
Pull ups 3 x failure
bench 3 x 5
deadlift 1 x 5
T-bar row 3 x 5
Not bad but it needs some variety. and your only really going to the gym twice a week.
By the looks of the routine you're trying to add strength, but I would try to hit the gym 3-4 times a week personally.

Look into a program called Rippetoe's.

It's 3 days a week and the routine is very similar to what you have there but it has slightly more variety.
alright so would you suggest something like this:

Monday:  squats/deadlifts/ dips or row

Wed:  squats/deadlifts/incline or flat bench

and I alternate every two days? Would that be over kill on the squats/deadlifts if I do them everytime I hit the gym, or should I focus on one exercise per day?
Originally Posted by 18th letter

Originally Posted by Truballa101

Originally Posted by 18th letter

This is what my daily routine is looking like. Hit the gym every 3 days. Do y'all think I'm over doing it?

Squats 3 x 5
Pull ups 3 x failure
bench 3 x 5
deadlift 1 x 5
T-bar row 3 x 5
Not bad but it needs some variety. and your only really going to the gym twice a week.
By the looks of the routine you're trying to add strength, but I would try to hit the gym 3-4 times a week personally.

Look into a program called Rippetoe's.

It's 3 days a week and the routine is very similar to what you have there but it has slightly more variety.
alright so would you suggest something like this:

Monday:  squats/deadlifts/ dips or row

Wed:  squats/deadlifts/incline or flat bench

and I alternate every two days? Would that be over kill on the squats/deadlifts if I do them everytime I hit the gym, or should I focus on one exercise per day?
It depends on what your goals are (bulking? Strength gain? Strength maintenance? Cutting?)

Based on the routine you outlined (which is a very good one BTW), it looks like you're trying to get stronger (5 reps). I dont think you are over-doing it at all considering you're lifting every 3 days. As mentioned by truballa, you could use some variety. I was only lifting twice a week back in April and my routine was very similar to yours. I was cutting weight and so I kept my reps low to maintain my energy and to prevent my body from losing too much strength. Two day splits can be very effective for maintenance however I'm not sure how effective they are if you're looking to get stronger or looking to put on muscle.

If you decide to lift every 2 days then all that squatting and DLing is overkill.

Assuming your lifting every 3 days:

Day 1:
-Barbell bench
-T-bar rows

Day 4:
-Dumbell bench
-Standing military press
-Bent over rows

Day 7:
-Incline Bench
-Leg Press
-Back exercise

Just stick to compound lifts and do whatever exercises you feel like doing. I began to love 2-3 day splits because it didnt seem like a chore to me since I was only at the gym for 2-3 hours a week compared to the usual 5-6 hour per week routines.

Every 2 days:


-Military press

-Back exercise

Saturday and Sunday off.
Originally Posted by 18th letter

Originally Posted by Truballa101

Originally Posted by 18th letter

This is what my daily routine is looking like. Hit the gym every 3 days. Do y'all think I'm over doing it?

Squats 3 x 5
Pull ups 3 x failure
bench 3 x 5
deadlift 1 x 5
T-bar row 3 x 5
Not bad but it needs some variety. and your only really going to the gym twice a week.
By the looks of the routine you're trying to add strength, but I would try to hit the gym 3-4 times a week personally.

Look into a program called Rippetoe's.

It's 3 days a week and the routine is very similar to what you have there but it has slightly more variety.
alright so would you suggest something like this:

Monday:  squats/deadlifts/ dips or row

Wed:  squats/deadlifts/incline or flat bench

and I alternate every two days? Would that be over kill on the squats/deadlifts if I do them everytime I hit the gym, or should I focus on one exercise per day?
i don't think there is a problem doing squats 3 times a week but deadlifts? you would have to experiment and see if that improves your strength in regards to your back...

program looks fine though

add pullups or chinups on that monday workout
and add dips/weighted dips to that wednesday workout.
Just got my new 5lb ON Whey.. I ordered Vanilla, but the container said Vanilla Ice Cream?

Is this a good flavor, should I send it back? I thought it was just plain vanilla, IDK why they have 2 variations.. smh
Originally Posted by bLaZ3n

Just got my new 5lb ON Whey.. I ordered Vanilla, but the container said Vanilla Ice Cream?

Is this a good flavor, should I send it back? I thought it was just plain vanilla, IDK why they have 2 variations.. smh

Where did you purchase it from? I was just wondering where the cheapest place to get ON whey from. I remember seeing it on sale for $60 for two 5lbs before but I was trying to avoid supplements.  Any similar deals now?
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