Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Originally Posted by Hyper Cutter

Went out for my 21st last night. Kept control, didn't get poopfaced, but drank enough to enjoy the night. Now I'm wondering how this will affect my workouts, if at all. And I got dissed by two (attractive) pronstars.

One night of cutting-loose isn't going to do anything. 
Originally Posted by bLaZ3n

Originally Posted by bLaZ3n

First time, I started working my legs, I felt major soreness after my leg day... Now, that I worked in my legs the soreness I used to get the day after is no longer happening..

Does, this mean its becoming ineffective?
if it has been awhile and you have not upped weight/reps i would suppose it isn't as effective as it used to be 
Any of yall tried hot yoga or know the benefits of doing it?

I was thinkin about hittin up a class to see what its like/maybe improve my flexibility.
Originally Posted by needsomejays

Originally Posted by Yankeephan87

Any tips for increasing bench press? My chest is weak and I couldnt work out for months so its almost like im starting over. I struggle benching 140 smh. Also, should I keep my shoulders in when benching? When I kept them out more my left bicep started to hurt a little.

start doing dumbbell presses
Are they better or are they good to start off with? I have a Olympic barbell bench set at home
Originally Posted by SNEAKERKING757

Working out sucks now.

I'm about to cut it from 5 to 3-4 days a week.

I hope this feeling is just temporary.
whats wrong though?
no motivation? plateau?
Originally Posted by SNEAKERKING757

Working out sucks now.

I'm about to cut it from 5 to 3-4 days a week.

I hope this feeling is just temporary.

i was feeling like that last month. i was saying to myself ''after i reach my goal and look how i want to look....then what?''
Originally Posted by wanksta23

Originally Posted by SNEAKERKING757

Working out sucks now.

I'm about to cut it from 5 to 3-4 days a week.

I hope this feeling is just temporary.
whats wrong though?
no motivation? plateau?
I have no idea why I feel like this.

I just dread working out every day. When it comes workout time, I'm just like "fuuuuuuuuuuu", and my whole workout ends up being forced and sluggish.

And on top of that, my diet has been terrible.

But yeah, I hope this phase ends soon iLLest.

Wraith - I just tell myself that I'll never be satisfied.
Ya'll use gloves? blisters starting to get to me.
Never.  I dont see a need for them.  My hands already have calluses where the digits start so theres no use now.  All those years of never using batting gloves in baseball gave me souch tough hands.

Working out sucks now.

I'm about to cut it from 5 to 3-4 days a week.

I hope this feeling is just temporary.

Do that or just take a week off.  Its likely youre overtrained.
Originally Posted by SNEAKERKING757

I have no idea why I feel like this.

I just dread working out every day. When it comes workout time, I'm just like "fuuuuuuuuuuu", and my whole workout ends up being forced and sluggish.

And on top of that, my diet has been terrible.

But yeah, I hope this phase ends soon iLLest.

Wraith - I just tell myself that I'll never be satisfied.
I felt like this in the beginning..have you thought about trying a pre-supp?
something like jack3d, it will MAKE YOU want to do something, your body is going to want you to get rid of some of the energy

good luck!
Originally Posted by XkrispyELI

workout 4 days out of the week with weights and 2 days running.

what special running workout can i do to lose some stomach fat ? Can i do the HIT running workout?

You can't do any special workout to burn "stomach fat." When you burn fat, it will burn collectively throughout your body. 
I've been using this method since the start of May (training for half marathon) and was able to drop 21 pounds.
I workout 6 days a weeks with 3 days running.
Workout days will consist of 

Day 1- Chest/Biceps 

Day 2 -Back/Triceps - Interval running

Day 3 - Shoulders 

Day 4 - Legs  - Short distance run.

Day 5 - Spartacus routine from Men's fitness but 5 execerises instead of 10.

Day 6 -  Abs and long distance run

1 day is my long run - 7-9 miles.

1 day is a short/recovery run - 2-4 miles.

1 day of interval running - Treadmill - 1 min running at 8.5 then down to 5.5. Repeat this for 20 mins.

I'll also do 3 days of elliptical for 28 mins and bicycle for 25 mins in the evening.
Originally Posted by NjCollector

What should i eat post workout, then?

I read somewhere here, that a shake would do for a recovery meal; i was thinking berries (have carbs and fiber it) would be great..So take out the shake all together and replace it with a solid meal?

Thanks for the responses.

Edit-Did not see the question.
I am not worried about eating so much at night, it doesn't bother me; however, I do see it as wasted calories, as i already have my recovery meal(which was the shake, will change it though) at night and adding another meal would be overkill, in my opinion.
Eat more fiber. I had the same problem when I was doing a high protein diet.
Eat a snack that's high in fiber. It will help fill you up and stop the growling.
Man im sore as hell but I LOVE IT. Been outta commission for 60 plus days. Ive gained at least 10 lbs back. Now that im back im going hard. Its just that i gotta get my cardio up more. Trying to decide if i wanna stick with the superpump that i got or should i switch over to white flood?? anyone try both before or which one is better?
Originally Posted by SNEAKERKING757

Working out sucks now.

I'm about to cut it from 5 to 3-4 days a week.

I hope this feeling is just temporary.
Dude, this happens to everyone.

Just cut your workouts to twice a week. Play sports 1-3 times a week. You'll get your drive back in no time.

I was working out 5-6 days a week during the winter. Over the last month I've been lifting just 2 times a week and its better than not working out at all IMO.

It depends on what your goals are too. If you just want to lose weight/maintain then working out a couple times a week is perfectly fine as long as your diet is in check.
Originally Posted by Durden7

Working out sucks now.

I'm about to cut it from 5 to 3-4 days a week.

I hope this feeling is just temporary.
Do that or just take a week off.  Its likely youre overtrained.

I doubt I'm over-training 'cause my body doesn't feel fatigued. And I've already missed too many workouts to be taking a week off.

But yeah, hopefully, cutting the days down will do.

I felt like this in the beginning..have you thought about trying a pre-supp?
something like jack3d, it will MAKE YOU want to do something, your body is going to want you to get rid of some of the energy

good luck!
I'm sure this has a lot to do with it too. I was taking Jack3d and I was usually
before my workouts.

Then I decided to give C-Bol a try and I don't feel a thing. I'm trying to hurry up and finish what's left, so I can get back on Jack3d.

But thanks.
Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

Originally Posted by SNEAKERKING757

Working out sucks now.

I'm about to cut it from 5 to 3-4 days a week.

I hope this feeling is just temporary.
Dude, this happens to everyone.

Just cut your workouts to twice a week. Play sports 1-3 times a week. You'll get your drive back in no time.

I was working out 5-6 days a week during the winter. Over the last month I've been lifting just 2 times a week and its better than not working out at all IMO.

It depends on what your goals are too. If you just want to lose weight/maintain then working out a couple times a week is perfectly fine as long as your diet is in check.
Well, mass if my main focus right now, so I really don't do much cardio, since I hate it anyway. So, I'd imagine working out 3 days a week, at minimum, would be best.

I'm gonna try to get my mindset right to start the week off strong tomorrow, and DEFINITELY get my diet back in check.
Originally Posted by GrimlocK

okay a little off topic but what are the healthiest type of chicken breast there is to buy?

Right now i'm messing with the five individually wrapped Perdue uncooked chicken breast, but I know Perdue isn't the best company in terms of handling/treating their animals there another option(s)?

watch Food, INC..we watched it at school a few weeks ago and now i cant eat Perdue anymore. It sucks because i used to use the same ones that you do
I've been feeling so down lately... mainly because I'm transitioning from school to work and have been MAD unproductive. I'm only allowed to workout 3 days a week on this program but all I want to do is hit the gym.

My diet has been really off lately, but I suppose all calories are positive since I'm trying so hard to gain.

Anyways, keep up the motivation everyone
Originally Posted by AG 47

Originally Posted by Grizzlyboy

Originally Posted by Mark Antony

Ya'll use gloves? blisters starting to get to me.

yep. Its a must.

No, I take pride in my calluses.

Lol. I dont wear gloves either and it shows from the deadlifts. I sometimes get asked "damn what happen to your hands?" lol
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