Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

TRX is awesome... I use it religiously.

Anyways, I'm going to be living in a hotel for the next month and there's no olympic bar. That means no deadlifting, overhead squats, military press, etc... basically all my main lifts. Thankfully the DB's go up to 80lbs and not 50 like most apartment/hotels. Gonna have to come up with a creative routine though...
Having problems with my diet, my stomach is constantly growling at work/class, but i'm eating enough i think, at least. Here is my diet:

Bowl of steel-cut oats with milk, 2 slices of whole wheat bread with PB. And a banana or orange.1 Glass of water 9AM
No snacks
4 Whole Eggs, no yolk. Bowl of salad with onions,tomato, and lemon juice no dressing. And a orange or pear. 2 Glasses of Water 1PM
Occasional Snack- Celery with hummus
2 Slices of chicken breast with a little bit of salad and red kidney beans.1 Glass of water 5pm
Workout 7:00-8:10/20
Recovery drink- cup of berries(straw/black/rasp/blue) with water.

I know i'm eating right, but i'm starving.

What should i add? PLEASE HELP, Ty.
Shaq DIESEL: Nah, i'd say leave your legs alone today and let them recover if they're still sore. If all you did the other day was like 3-4 sets of leg presses you can do some functional training today (single leg squats, lunges, split squats, stretch, etc...) with a light weight but I'd say you're better off getting full recovery before hitting legs again.

wawaweewa: I weigh 200lbs right now.
Originally Posted by NjCollector

Having problems with my diet, my stomach is constantly growling at work/class, but i'm eating enough i think, at least. Here is my diet:

Bowl of steel-cut oats with milk, 2 slices of whole wheat bread with PB. And a banana or orange.1 Glass of water 9AM
No snacks
4 Whole Eggs, no yolk. Bowl of salad with onions,tomato, and lemon juice no dressing. And a orange or pear. 2 Glasses of Water 1PM
Occasional Snack- Celery with hummus
2 Slices of chicken breast with a little bit of salad and red kidney beans.1 Glass of water 5pm
Workout 7:00-8:10/20
Recovery drink- cup of berries(straw/black/rasp/blue) with water.

I know i'm eating right, but i'm starving.

What should i add? PLEASE HELP, Ty.
eat post work out. the majority of your cals come from breakfast...
Originally Posted by NjCollector

Having problems with my diet, my stomach is constantly growling at work/class, but i'm eating enough i think, at least. Here is my diet:

Bowl of steel-cut oats with milk, 2 slices of whole wheat bread with PB. And a banana or orange.1 Glass of water 9AM
No snacks
4 Whole Eggs, no yolk. Bowl of salad with onions,tomato, and lemon juice no dressing. And a orange or pear. 2 Glasses of Water 1PM
Occasional Snack- Celery with hummus
2 Slices of chicken breast with a little bit of salad and red kidney beans.1 Glass of water 5pm
Workout 7:00-8:10/20
Recovery drink- cup of berries(straw/black/rasp/blue) with water.

I know i'm eating right, but i'm starving.

What should i add? PLEASE HELP, Ty.
Eat FOOD after your workout. Don't think the berries and water is what you want afterward. Protein + carbs to recovery.

Can you move up your workout time if you are worried about eating so much so late?
What should i eat post workout, then?

I read somewhere here, that a shake would do for a recovery meal; i was thinking berries (have carbs and fiber it) would be great..So take out the shake all together and replace it with a solid meal?

Thanks for the responses.

Edit-Did not see the question.
I am not worried about eating so much at night, it doesn't bother me; however, I do see it as wasted calories, as i already have my recovery meal(which was the shake, will change it though) at night and adding another meal would be overkill, in my opinion.
First time, I started working my legs, I felt major soreness after my leg day... Now, that I worked in my legs the soreness I used to get the day after is no longer happening..

Does, this mean its becoming ineffective?
By "shake" they mean protein shake. Your body needs a good source of protein right after you train to help your muscles start the recovery process right away. That protein can either be from a protein powder mixed or blended into a shake or from a meal with a good amount of protein in it like chicken, eggs, fish, etc...
Man if you can eat food forget about a shake. LOL @ Replacing the shake with a meal. The shake is the replacement man.

You want anything high in protein (chicken breasts, tuna, turkey breasts), throw some greens in there, and a carb. (Brown rice, whole grain breads, pastas) Essentially this is going to be your dinner.

Forget the shakes
Forget the shakes
Forget the shakes
Forget the shakes
Forget the shakes
Forget the shakes
Forget the shakes
Forget the shakes
Forget the shakes

Ah, i see.
So, a protein shake, I'm guessing a bar would do as well, right?...but, any protein shake product you would recommend?

Edit- I don't know what is wrong, maybe it's my work's internet provider or Yuku; but, i am in some sort of time stop or something. I'm only seeing past posts( anything before 2:40)
Nah I was saying to use your post workout meal as your post workout meal and your dinner.

What are your goals? Bulk? Cut?

And whats everything in this shake that you were drinking?
Cut. The shake contained raspberries,blue berries, strawberries, and black berries with water, no sugar added.

Ah, you mean to workout after my afternoon meal? And use my 3rd meal as a recovery+dinner meal? Like a combination? Good idea, but unfortunately i work 5/7 days and i bring my meals to work that's why there is a big gap between my workout and 3rd meal; i could probably try it during the summer, though.

Thanks, again, everyone for their responses.
Oh ok, yea when people say shake, they are referring to protein shakes. Not a smoothie LOL.

That should be used as one of your snacks during the day.

Yea, I was saying to workout and then eat afterwards. That meal will be your dinner and your post-workout meal. 2 birds, 1 stone.

Time wise, what is your schedule? Food wise and workout wise.

Example for me:
7 - Snack
9:30 - Breakfast
11:30 - Snack
1 - Workout
2:30 - Lunch/Post Workout Meal
After 5 - Dinner
If I may voice my 2 cent...

Big meal >>>>> "shake"

Shakes are consumed to help up your caloric intake BECAUSE drinking calories is easier than eating them typically.

For me, since I'm trying to gain, I eat 4 big meals a day and two of those with a "shake". (morning and post workout)
Originally Posted by NjCollector

What should i eat post workout, then?

I read somewhere here, that a shake would do for a recovery meal; i was thinking berries (have carbs and fiber it) would be great..So take out the shake all together and replace it with a solid meal?

Thanks for the responses.

Edit-Did not see the question.
I am not worried about eating so much at night, it doesn't bother me; however, I do see it as wasted calories, as i already have my recovery meal(which was the shake, will change it though) at night and adding another meal would be overkill, in my opinion.

For me personally I after a workout I take 1 scoop of protein supplement and some milk and a banana for carbs and b vitamins an hour later I have a meal.  I used to do the whole big meal thing after a workout last year but imho if you just did an intense workout my body did not respond well to ingesting large quantities of food post workout.

The basic knowledge is that post workout you consume foods with low fiber because it slows down the digestion of whatever you eat i.e. eating a baked potatoe with the skin(fiber) slows down the digestion of maybe a piece of chicken breast your also eating.

For me I've actually reversed my diet and I actually shed some pounds (I think) because of it.  I eat a dinner type meal in the morning but I like what DC does with taking a quick snack and then a meal I might have to implement that.  As the day progresses the meals get smaller...I drink my postworkout nutrition after I excercise then for my last meal I have a breakfast type meal usually 2-3 egg whites w/ 1 yolk and some flax cereal w/1% milk for fiber.  works good for me so far.
anyone here ever lean out a little bit but got bigger from working out and eating right?

skinny fat then 3-4 months later


Spoiler [+]

Spoiler [+]

im about 180ish right now(almost a year since the first picture). put on a lot of fat since then but ill put new pics up as soon as im done cutting
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Originally Posted by keepzdasneakz

Guys I need a little help, I've been using thedailyplate pretty extensively since I've started this carb cycling. According to my macros, even under a watchful eye, I'm still consuming roughly 50% carbs and 34% protein with 16% fat....what are some things i could eat to reduce the carbs? I've only eaten about 950 calories, with just yogurt, a turkey sandwich, protein cereal....seems like its so hard to find anything that'll fill me without carbs in it. Suggestions? I've been eating tilapia and chicken breasts as well with microwaved veggies.

I've started looking at all the labels since I want to increase my carbs, tuna and chicken have very little from what I remember.

Also, I'm impressed at your stats for your weight. What did you start at? (lifting stats + body weight)
Started at: 180lbs
Bench: 185x5

Squat:  205x5

Deadlift: 205x5
I always used to use the eliptical. Recently I did cardio less and lifted more. I gained a solid amount of mass. But now I am starting to do cardio again. When I use the eliptical and use my hands on the parts where your arms move instead of the part where your arm is stationary, my right arm under my forearm, I feel like pop feeling.

Not a pop but more like that feeling where you shock your self when you touch metal. The area it comes from I have a vein there I guess from weightlifting heavy. What does this mean? was I lifting to hard?
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