Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

I'm 5'10 and I don't think I've been 150 in like 10 years
Originally Posted by bLaZ3n

Originally Posted by PlatinumFunk

Originally Posted by bLaZ3n


Let me re-phrase myself...

I am trying to lower my body fat percentage to get lean and to make my abs even more visible. Then after, I shed some more weight.. I want to start "bulking" in a sense of putting on more lean body weight..
How tall are you, out of curiosity?
5 ft. 9/10in
Why in the world are you cutting? 150 at 5'9 is already very slim. You'll have an easier time shedding fat, if you put on muscle first, anyway.
I cut out beef and pork... Strictly chicken and fish... Been on my p90x thing but work school and family , I miss a day or two a week...
Going on my 3rd week this Sunday... I gotta cop a scale cuz I know I've lost some weight these past coulple weeks but I'm not sure how much???
I'm also bout to start on P90X.

Did anyone use resistance bands over the weights / pull up bar?

Hoping I get the same results.
25% off store wide at GNC till midnight tonight. just bought a couple bottles of intraxcell for 36 total. feels good man.
promo code: shoplate
if im looking to get more cut and lean what is the best way to go about it?
i have been working out 5 out of 7 days a week for about a month now
diet is very good right now
do cardio about 3 times a week

already see myself getting slightly leaner and building more muscle

my question is should i try to bulk up first? and for how long? then how long in the lean process if so?
sorry if the question has already been answered
Originally Posted by devildog1776

I cut out beef and pork... Strictly chicken and fish... Been on my p90x thing but work school and family , I miss a day or two a week...
Going on my 3rd week this Sunday... I gotta cop a scale cuz I know I've lost some weight these past coulple weeks but I'm not sure how much???
Cutting out beef and pork is a great thing to do for health reasons.  Because of my religion i'm not supposed to eat them anyway but I used to eat lamb on the regular couple years ago...once I stopped I felt alot better.  I still indulge once a month but never more. 

Getting a scale puts things in perspective for you.  I weigh myself 2x a day so I can check to see if i'm gaining weight.  Invest in a good digital one.

what are the best flavors of ON whey? i tried the double rich chocolate which was ok, any suggestions? im trying to get on that gnc deal
Originally Posted by BigPapi328

I've been reading this post heavy recently and shoutout to all the people dropping good knowledge..
I figured id share my story eventhoh no one probably cares..

I've been working out for about a year and a half at LA Fitness in FL. When i first started I was 19 yrs and 6'2 250lbs no type of muscle what so ever. never lifted a muscle ever had noticeable b-cup man boobys, size 40 waist and XXL shirts in hypebeast brands, no type of nutritional care and was overall just a fat slob who wasted his money on bud and food. My main motivation for the gym was living in a well-off miami suburb im surronded by beautiful girls and a bunch of swole dudes and i just felt wack. I got tired of fapping to "movie star" chicks and actually wanted to have a girl that bad in real life and i know that wasnt happening if i was still lookin like a light skinned flubber. It was probably a dumb motivation but it worked. So i began going to gym just doing the typical back/bis, chest/tris, and shoulders day with abs thrown in here and there. I mostly used the machines and even the smith machine for benching and ended every workout with the stairmaster and then sat in the sauna. I actually went down to 180 with slight muscle and a little 4 pack showing. People that havent seen me in a while didnt recognize me, I got accused of having a fake ID and had to literally buy a whole new wardrobe even draws didnt fit. During this time I never touched soda, maybe alcohol twice and actually burned everynite before I went to sleep came home drank juice and fell asleep eventhough most times I was starving.

After that I decided that I might as well get swole and begin getting serious. Starting to work legs was the biggest key IMO in getting all around muscle mass. Dont even be scared to do squats just start with the machine till u get the form down. basically now I work out at least 4 times a week and always switch my workout around for ex. one week ill hit tris/back and the next week itll rotate to tris/legs and bis/back. I always throw in abs in between. And I alternate stair master and elliptical machine after at least 3 workouts each week. No HIIT or anything just 15 or 20 mins at a good pace. I dont reccomend sauna if u trying to gain muscle but if ur fat and need to lose weight I truly believe it really helps eventhough its just water weight. After every workout I drink protein shake ( brand doesnt really matter IMO), shower and then eat a big chicken breast on the foreman grill. I have experimented with NO shotgun and Superpump 250 and both worked good IMO. Right now I'm 210 with about 12-13% BF which is nothing remarkable but Im noticeably muscular, have some vascularity and overall just feel so much better about myself. Anytime I feel lazy I look at old pics of myself and Im ready to get to work.

A couple of other tips:
- Don't be scared to eat alot of guys are not eating nowhere near enough to gain any type of muscle.
- I feel its alot easier to cheat meal once or twice a week and make this working out process still fun or it gets miserable and thats how people quit.
- Always start with the heaviest workout for each body part first and switch it up to pyramid, 5x5 , 3 sets of 12 and even 4 light sets of 25 if ur feelin lazy just keep it interesting.
- Cardio at the end of workout
- Do free weights at first and hop on the machines at the end for burnouts
-Girls, espescially milfs are extrememely friendly. I dont even speak Spanish to all these straight from South America fake breast/booty milfs at my gym though and we still manage to have a decent convo. Now if only I figure out how to say "I wanna smash" in spanish ill be set
- Dont be afraid to ask swole people for advice. Theres an Asian and a white body builder that go to my gym and I talked to both of them and they gave me some advice such as eat a protein scoop by itself and then wash it down with water which is gross btw but u can try it.
- Make working out fun and convenient for u or its gonna become a chore and just a temporary phase.

Also has anybody been goin bald since started workin out. When i stated I had a full head of hair but im goin bald hard recently and idk if its related to workjing out or not. And no im not on juice or anything so I was jus wondering if any1 of u guys have similar experience.
thanks for posting. to answer your balding question, i feel like my hair has been thinning out, but i just turned 30 so who knows. probably a coincidence. i started lifting about 3 times a week in september and ate whatever i wanted. felt stronger but no physical difference appearance wise. last month i cleaned up my diet alot (lent helped) and i can see the difference. i'm only taking whey, a multivitamin, and a fish oil pill daily.
^Mint Chocolate is amazing.... Caramel Toffee Fudge is my personal favorite
Originally Posted by rck2sactown

^Mint Chocolate is amazing.... Caramel Toffee Fudge is my personal favorite

i always feel like if i get some weird flavor like those its gonna taste like $@*$
^the only reason why I got em was because i accidentally selected them when i was ordering and didnt double check when i finalized the order

but seriously those two are pretty good. Mint Chocolate taste just like chocolate milk with a touch of mint

Caramel Toffee Fudge, has a malty chocoate kinda taste with caramel and its kinda sweet
Originally Posted by rck2sactown

^the only reason why I got em was because i accidentally selected them when i was ordering and didnt double check when i finalized the order

but seriously those two are pretty good. Mint Chocolate taste just like chocolate milk with a touch of mint

Caramel Toffee Fudge, has a malty chocoate kinda taste with caramel and its kinda sweet

alright, imma take your word on that mint chocolate

hmmm, GNC doesnt do bing cashback any more? anyone know? or am i just stupid and dont see it
Originally Posted by PlatinumFunk

Originally Posted by bLaZ3n

Originally Posted by PlatinumFunk

Originally Posted by bLaZ3n


Let me re-phrase myself...

I am trying to lower my body fat percentage to get lean and to make my abs even more visible. Then after, I shed some more weight.. I want to start "bulking" in a sense of putting on more lean body weight..
How tall are you, out of curiosity?
5 ft. 9/10in
Why in the world are you cutting? 150 at 5'9 is already very slim. You'll have an easier time shedding fat, if you put on muscle first, anyway.
nah, its not that slim at all.. I wish I had a strong enough camera to show you my results, I still have a semi-gut when I stand up, and my abs aren't 100% visible yet, which is what I am trying to get. I do have on a good amount of muscle, since I have been working out for a while now..
rck2sactown wrote:
I'm 5'10 and I don't think I've been 150 in like 10 years

That's nice..
Today's WOD:

5 rounds for time...

10 pull-ups
10 jump squats
10 pushups
10 135lb deadlifts
10 95lb push-press
10 ab rollouts
Originally Posted by Jordan on my feet

Originally Posted by needsomejays

what are the best flavors of ON whey? i tried the double rich chocolate which was ok, any suggestions? im trying to get on that gnc deal

extreme milk chocolate>
Chocolate Malt>>>>>

but that was a limited edition flavor
blazen, I'm doing a clean bulk.
I don't know how ineffective it is... but I follow about 10 "fat burning" tips everyday that really help. Taking supps and doing everything to reduce BF% WHILE gaining muscle.
It's a slooowwww process.

Infact, don't rely on a scale to judge progress. I am so ripped but the scale hasn't moved. I think I've burned as much fat as I've gained in muscle.
High protein, high recovery supps, high nutrients, clean foods and alot of greens.

I dont know... I just refuse to loose my abdominal definition why building.
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

blazen, I'm doing a clean bulk.
I don't know how ineffective it is... but I follow about 10 "fat burning" tips everyday that really help. Taking supps and doing everything to reduce BF% WHILE gaining muscle.
It's a slooowwww process.

Infact, don't rely on a scale to judge progress. I am so ripped but the scale hasn't moved. I think I've burned as much fat as I've gained in muscle.
High protein, high recovery supps, high nutrients, clean foods and alot of greens.

I dont know... I just refuse to loose my abdominal definition why building.
That is exactly what I am trying to do, and which is exactly what I have been doing, in terms of the supplements usage, high nutrients, clean foods and A LOT of greens.
Originally Posted by bLaZ3n

Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

blazen, I'm doing a clean bulk.
I don't know how ineffective it is... but I follow about 10 "fat burning" tips everyday that really help. Taking supps and doing everything to reduce BF% WHILE gaining muscle.
It's a slooowwww process.

Infact, don't rely on a scale to judge progress. I am so ripped but the scale hasn't moved. I think I've burned as much fat as I've gained in muscle.
High protein, high recovery supps, high nutrients, clean foods and alot of greens.

I dont know... I just refuse to loose my abdominal definition why building.
That is exactly what I am trying to do, and which is exactly what I have been doing, in terms of the supplements usage, high nutrients, clean foods and A LOT of greens.
Luckily I really enjoy going to the gym and don't mind turning down beers/fastfood but this strict life won't last forever.. and the progress will be back to minimal. If I stopped working out as much as I do I know I'd loose everything.

It sucks being skinny.. I am actually considering a cycle
during the summer to boost progress and have it stay there. I'd rather live a life of maintenance than building from such a light frame.
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Originally Posted by bLaZ3n

Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

blazen, I'm doing a clean bulk.
I don't know how ineffective it is... but I follow about 10 "fat burning" tips everyday that really help. Taking supps and doing everything to reduce BF% WHILE gaining muscle.
It's a slooowwww process.

Infact, don't rely on a scale to judge progress. I am so ripped but the scale hasn't moved. I think I've burned as much fat as I've gained in muscle.
High protein, high recovery supps, high nutrients, clean foods and alot of greens.

I dont know... I just refuse to loose my abdominal definition why building.
That is exactly what I am trying to do, and which is exactly what I have been doing, in terms of the supplements usage, high nutrients, clean foods and A LOT of greens.
Luckily I really enjoy going to the gym and don't mind turning down beers/fastfood but this strict life won't last forever.. and the progress will be back to minimal. If I stopped working out as much as I do I know I'd loose everything.

It sucks being skinny.. I am actually considering a cycle
during the summer to boost progress and have it stay there. I'd rather live a life of maintenance than building from such a light frame.
Yea, I have been fast food free for quite some time now, except when I bought subway a while back. I do not drink a lot, so there isn't really a problem there, except for last weekend when I did drink.

What is your current routine like and how much do you weigh?
Originally Posted by Vancity74

Okay guys, I'm going to go against everything I've said before and ask you guys for help on a fairly simple topic that has probably been covered 10000 times in this thread.

What is a good cutting diet?

I've been doing CrossFit for the past 4 months, and since I thought I was getting a ton of exercise, I neglected my diet. I looked at myself in the mirror today and was disgusted with what I saw. Does someone have a sample of a good cutting diet? I'm thinking I need to keep it under 2,000 calories a day.

Please and thank you!
Just figure a way out to cut calories(fasting, replace meals with shakes, eating more veggies and less other foods, etc.)
Make, say lunch, a salad instead of chicken and rice. Eat the same breakfast and dinner.

A lot of CrossFitters use/promote Zone and Paleo. Maybe you'd want to give those a try as well?
I know white flood seems to be the popular N.O. product in this thread, but has anyone ever tried Jack3d? Saw a review on and's worth a anyone?
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