Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Originally Posted by Cronicmolemolereturns

so me and my friend are having an argument He is saying people shouldnt wear wifebeaters at the gym because theyonly do so to show off. I tell him people like seeing their muscles work while they are doing an excersise what do you guys think
I agree that it is done to show off. I used to do it but then I thought about it and haven't done it since. NO gym I work out in is ever that hot..
I believe there should be a No phones policy. Im getting tired of people sitting on the machine talking about NOTHING important while I actually am interested in using the machine. %*#% and go home. That is why I leave my phone in my truck while Im at the gym.
i used to wear my school shirt and school shorts (lol), but i realized i was restricted in my movements, so i would roll up my sleeves (which was pretty douchy looking). now i only wear tanks (or wifebeaters as you guys call mysogonistic sounding for me). they let me move well in all directions. i don't sweat tons, so my tank looks crispy white throughout the workout. i wipe stuff down just for the sake of doing it sometimes, though. sometimes i feel like i do get looked upon as a douche, but i'm so focused i don't even flinch.

anyone else have little quirks at the gym? like little things you do that make people look at you like "...the hell lololol"? for instance, when i rerack stuff and put things away, i usually do so with "style". if you get me. like, i'll pull some michael jackson leg slides and i'll flip 5lb plates around and stuff lol

i hope my chobani didn't expire, i've had it for a week, just sitting there. anyone in the bar area know where i can pick up vanilla?
smh at ppl thinking wearing sweaters and extra clothing will burn extra fat when they go to the gym and do their thing.
What other people wear shouldn't bother you and vice versa. it's not a WDYWT with the gym rat regs.

All this talk about people commenting on physique is motivation... yet demotivating know I aint heard %!#%! ahha
yo can wipe down the machines after you use them

at the dudes that wear hoodies, sweatpants, and timbs/nike boots to the gym
How many people do you know that wipe the machines down?  Most gyms cant even get people to put the weights back.  Even if you do wipe them down, it stills ruins the leather.  It doesnt bother me if they wear them, but it is a health concern.
so me and my friend are having an argument He is saying people shouldntwear wifebeaters at the gym because theyonly do so to show off. I tellhim people like seeing their muscles work while they are doing anexcersise what do you guys think
Thats why there are mirrors.

Originally Posted by Durden7

yo can wipe down the machines after you use them

at the dudes that wear hoodies, sweatpants, and timbs/nike boots to the gym
How many people do you know that wipe the machines down?  Most gyms cant even get people to put the weights back.  Even if you do wipe them down, it stills ruins the leather.  It doesnt bother me if they wear them, but it is a health concern.
so me and my friend are having an argument He is saying people shouldntwear wifebeaters at the gym because theyonly do so to show off. I tellhim people like seeing their muscles work while they are doing anexcersise what do you guys think
Thats why there are mirrors.

People at my gym wipe machines down.  Its common sense to.  Once you get that rash I bet you will remember too  #imjustsaying
Originally Posted by jdub55

^^^ I get the same thing

I used to be skinny when i played baseball baseball and lifted weights some. Hurt my shoulder playing baseball, didn't have surgery and decided to hit the gym

Now i see people i haven't seen in awhile and they always make comments. Like they never would have recognize me, is being fit make you that unrecognizable?

I get asked on a daily basis what i eat and how i work out and its got to the point where Ive told people things here and there but what works for me isnt nessisarly going to work for you and I workout how i workout and it works for me.

Genentics play a huge part in it and thats what people don't get, your not going to look like me no matter how hard you workout and diet.

Oh and you know you've made progress when you've put on 30 pounds of muscle in a year, You up your personal best in box jumps to 55", got the 40 time down from 4.72 to 4.56, when the big guys in the gym joke with you about how they wanna get like me and im trying to put on more weight to look like that.

You can't be serious. Unless... well, let's not go down that road.
Originally Posted by Cronicmolemolereturns

so me and my friend are having an argument He is saying people shouldnt wear wifebeaters at the gym because theyonly do so to show off. I tell him people like seeing their muscles work while they are doing an excersise what do you guys think

Your friend is definitely a hater. 
StaXX wrote:
Originally Posted by Cronicmolemolereturns

so me and my friend are having an argument He is saying people shouldnt wear wifebeaters at the gym because theyonly do so to show off. I tell him people like seeing their muscles work while they are doing an excersise what do you guys think

Your friend is definitely a hater. 

I end up rolling up my sleeves at some point during my workouts (except for leg day--can't stand having the bar on bare skin), so I'm probably just gonna say eff it and buy a bunch of beaters today.
Originally Posted by IICEMAN83

Grimm-???? I was just askin general questions about the training. Im all for learning new types of training if it doesnt contradict what im aiming for
high intensity fatigue training...

he actually introduced me to this because i was plateauing for a while...but i definitely broke through after i got on his routines
1. This post a made a funny turn. In reference to the "Juice talk" - LOL

2. FOlks don't wipe down machines man. I see nasty sweaty folks use machines and not even think to wipe them down. The majority of folks DON'T

3. Grimm, how many times are you going to change you picture man. Hahahahahahhaah

4. Plus I stopped wearing beaters because I didn't want to appear that I am trying to show up anyone. So I stopped. Plus it gets cold in the gym sometime.
Im starting to think I'm plateauing, So its time to switch up the workout.

Anyone have a good 5 day split I could try? I have trouble coming up with new routines so all suggestions are welcome
Originally Posted by DaCitySlanga

Originally Posted by Durden7

yo can wipe down the machines after you use them

at the dudes that wear hoodies, sweatpants, and timbs/nike boots to the gym
How many people do you know that wipe the machines down?  Most gyms cant even get people to put the weights back.  Even if you do wipe them down, it stills ruins the leather.  It doesnt bother me if they wear them, but it is a health concern.
so me and my friend are having an argument He is saying people shouldntwear wifebeaters at the gym because theyonly do so to show off. I tellhim people like seeing their muscles work while they are doing anexcersise what do you guys think
Thats why there are mirrors.

People at my gym wipe machines down.  Its common sense to.  Once you get that rash I bet you will remember too  #imjustsaying

Well just because they wipe them down at yours doesnt mean they do at other players.  They dont.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

 4. Plus I stopped wearing beaters because I didn't want to appear that I am trying to show up anyone. So I stopped. Plus it gets cold in the gym sometime.
Not when you're working hard for longer periods of time. I never feel cold when I workout. I always manage to start sweating, even if it's 30 degrees.
Wow, this thread took a big turn.
Naw, no big turn. This is pretty standard lol.

I honestly don't think I could ever go for a 4 or 5 day split. I really enjoy full body stuff. I do 3 days a week and I try to do everything. It wouldn't feel right or me to go to the gym and only do legs/hams/abs one day a week. Any other full body-ers with me?
In March 2009 I hated doing legs. Now in March 2010 leg days are my favorite. Funny how things change.
I'm about to start up after a 6 month "break" (just got lazy).

Should I just get on the treadmill for today, or can I incorporate other workouts as well?
^ You are really lingin up to the live fast..really fat motto there.

Do a full body work out and it the treadmill for your 1st day back. Take the first week slow.. and get into a routine asap after getting back into the mode of working out.
Originally Posted by hombrelobo

^ You are really lingin up to the live fast..really fat motto there.

Do a full body work out and it the treadmill for your 1st day back. Take the first week slow.. and get into a routine asap after getting back into the mode of working out.


I'ma see how the first day goes.
One thing for sure though. Tomorrow I'm gonna be sore as hell.
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