Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Originally Posted by ptrakarn23

any brands of jump ropes to consider? im tryna order off eBay...

Why don't you just walk into a Sport Chalet or something of that nature and buy it?  Shipping will probably not make it worth it.

There are different variation of ropes too.   Speed rope which are lighter, meaning you have to exert more energy from your hands to spin it.  There are also the thicker ropes, I don't know the name for them but I used them at my Muay Thai gym.  Those things make you jump because if you try to get sloppy and jump half way and the rope hits hurts like hell.
Originally Posted by iLLest

Can someone put me on, on how to utilize Jump Roping best?

In between sets of regular workouts? Before working out? After?

1. I suck at Jump Rope.
2. Whenever I do it for more than 30 seconds I get a HUGEEEEE migraine tension in the back of my head, I get dizzy and just sit down and don't know where i am.

I wanna try something new and not run on the treadmill everyday so help me out. And should you jump rope everyday?

My guess is that you're too gotta loosen up and find a rhythm and let the rope do the work for you. Don't trip, it takes some practice but once it's down its DOWNNNN. Back in high school i was able to jump rope for about an hour straight, couple minutes just doing double unders at a time...I thought those were most effective. 
The hardest part with jumping rope is finding a rhythm like keepz said. I used to count when I started, ie: when I started swinging the rope I would jump and count "1, 2" and it would be time to jump again. At first I would only last a minute or two w/o having the rope hit my legs. Then I eventually got better.

I was at the gym tonight, saw 2 dudes doing P90X in the aerobics room from a laptop. But man they paused the laptop when they got winded out.
Ok so assuming my diet is fine(which it is), how is this regimen in order to gain muscle while losing body fat -

Mon - Back/Bi
Tues - HIIT
Wed - Tri/Chest
Thurs - HIIT
Fri - Legs/Shoulders
Sat - HIIT/
Sun - Off

During the last month of lifting and running 4-5 days a week, I went from 170 to 162 and went from a waist size of 34 to a 32 but haven't really gained any muscle, I just got firmer. I want to gain more muscle which is why I'm cutting the Cardio from 5 to 3 days a week, and from endurance jogging on a treadmill to HIIT at the park. Thoughts?
^Usually its chest/tri's and back/bi's since they use a similar motion. Maybe legs with shoulders together and I would consider adding another off day and merging another hiit with a body group, you also forgot abs. What kinda diet are you running?

I Started a low carb diet today to get into summer shape, felt bad and weak all workout. Doing 5 sets of 10 dropsets. Also I've been bugged by some shoulder pain, wondering if anyone has used super cissus ? Ordered it today on a buddies advice.
Ok so I'm confused as hell...I read things that say in order to lower body fat is to watch your diet and do cardio..Other places say that cardio kills muscle and lowers your metabolism so you won't lose body fat..Which one is it, and which one will make me lower my body fat % faster? Lifiting? Cardio?
Originally Posted by NikeTalker23

Ok so I'm confused as hell...I read things that say in order to lower body fat is to watch your diet and do cardio..Other places say that cardio kills muscle and lowers your metabolism so you won't lose body fat..Which one is it, and which one will make me lower my body fat % faster? Lifiting? Cardio?

The type of cardio that "kills" your muscle would be long steady state cardio such as running for x-minutes. HIIT will lower your BF and keep your muscle. Just look at the different body types between top level marathon runners, and sprinters to illustrate the difference.
I would say a combination of both. Lifting will definitely help you keep/build muscle while the cardio should help you burn fat. Mind you, if getting more muscular is a bigger priority than shedding fat, I would just lift first, and watch my diet. By doing so, you'll build muscle at a more progressive rate than working out with cardio in your regiment, but fat loss will not be as significant. I still lost fat as a result of lifting, btw. Your body tends to lose fat in less vital areas first, though. Chances are you'll shed fat off your arms and legs before you shed fat from your torso.

Here is another completely different approach that I was just reminded of:

My friend's buddy used to be obese, but he took up running and put his diet on lockdown, and basically he shed all his fat but became a stick figure....but it was at that point he began his lifting (with a strict diet of course) With this approach, you'll be gaining without the simultaneous tasks of losing fat..making things easier if your goal is to look big and cut. I've come too far for that now, but this guy looks friggin built. He's at about 5'9, 170-180 or so lbs, all muscle.
any tips on handling weights ?

by this i mean when i db bench, or press i use a lot of energy just to stabilize the weights.

and i start at 80's finsh at 100's and ive had a few too many close calls....

also this happens a lot when im going for failure...
what should i do if i want to get cut like david beckham or someone, not huge at all tho
(don't feel like reading 200 pages)
Bulking Up Then Dieting Down: Good or Bad?
Traditionally, bodybuilding training and nutrition has been divided into bulking and cutting phases. Both phases use extreme approaches, although the strategy used is the opposite: when you're in a bulking phase the objective is to get big without really concerning yourself with fat gain.

During that phase you eat as much food as you can handle (some even recommend force-feeding yourself) and don't perform any cardio or physical activity that might slow down your weight gain. Success in that type of phase is normally measured by the increase in scale weight, without much regard to appearance.
The reasoning is that you'll be able to diet off the fat afterward. Then you start a cutting phase in which the objective is to shed as much fat as possible. To do this, calories are drastically restricted and cardio or other physical activity is increased to speed up the fat loss process.

During the bulking phase you gain a lot of weight and (supposedly) muscle, while during the cutting phase you starve off the fat and keep (again, supposedly) the muscle you gained. On paper it looks great. However, there are several problems with that approach:

Problem #1: As I mentioned earlier, you can't force your body to add more muscle simply by eating more. Once you reach a point where you're giving your body as many nutrients as it can use to build muscle (the limit rate permitted by its natural biological properties), simply adding more food won't lead to more muscle growth. Instead it'll lead to an increase in weight in the form of body fat.

Problem #2: For a natural trainee, it's virtually impossible to lose a significant amount of fat while gaining muscle. That's one thing you can be sure of: when you're cutting calories to lose fat, you won't add muscle. In fact, in most cases you'll lose some muscle in the process. So the time spent on shedding the fat you gained during your bulking season (an amount of fat that's much larger than most people believe) is a period of time where you won't be able to add muscle tissue.

Now, we know that your body can't build muscle faster than its biological properties will allow. Since your body can't be forced into adding muscle rapidly, the only way to add more muscle is to spend more time in a positive muscle-building state. When you're severely restricting calories you aren't in such a state.

So if you bulk for six months and cut for three months, three of those months won't be muscle-growth months. If you want to gain more muscle you have to avoid non-building months. If you don't gain a significant amount of fat while you're gaining muscle, you won't need to spend a lot of time dieting down, hence you'll have more muscle-growth months.

Since most people will add around 1.5 pounds of muscle per month under ideal circumstances, and you can't increase that amount by force-feeding yourself, which one of the following situations is better?

Situation A: Go on an all-out bulking phase, gain 25 pounds over a period of six months.

Around 5-10 of these pounds will be muscle (12 at the most) and the rest will be from glycogen storage (2-4 pounds) and fat (10-15 pounds). To shed the excess fat, you have to go on a severe diet. If you never cheat and are super strict, you can hope for one or two pounds of fat loss per week without losing muscle. So in the best case scenario, it'll take you anywhere from 6 to 12 weeks to lose the fat.

However, fat loss isn't linear. The body adapts to caloric restriction and ''falling off the wagon'' will happen to most. So in "real life," losing the gained fat (if you don't want to lose muscle) will actually require 12 to 20 weeks of dieting. So over a 9 to 11 month period you gained around seven pounds of muscle (if you didn't lose anything while dieting). That gives you an average of 0.6 to 0.75 pounds of muscle per month. Reported over a year, it comes up to a total of seven to nine pounds.

Situation B: Ingest a caloric excess, but just enough to give your body the required amount of nutrients for optimal muscle growth. You can still manage a gain of around 1.5 pounds of muscle per month, but the fat gain will be much lower.

So after the same initial six months, you also gained 5-10 pounds but only 3-5 pounds of fat. So you really have to diet only for around a month to lose what you gained. So you gain around seven pounds of muscle over a seven month period, or one pound per month for a total of around 12 pounds reported over 12 months.

Full article here.
Originally Posted by keepzdasneakz

I wouldn't go too heavy without a spotter....

ugh lift heavy (with good form) = get big

i lift as heavy as i can (by myself) i rarely do PR, so i just bench 80's and 100's because my gym only goes up to these, but especially on shoulders if i bring up 90's for 6 i sometimes get tired just getting it up (no $*@%)
im 6'4-6'5 around 230 so im not like 140lbs lol
Originally Posted by minnetrapolis

what should i do if i want to get cut like david beckham or someone, not huge at all tho
(don't feel like reading 200 pages)

lol at people like you.

cut like becks? hes most likely around 8-10% bf so why dont you give that a try.

or maybe just play soccer for years and run miles and miles a day.
Hey guys...

Um it was my 1st time back in the Gym (its been a while)

And im tryna Burn Fat/Weight Loss..

I heard alot of HIIT on here and many sitess.. well would The tredmill be considered a HIIT exercise? Like If i go for 2Mph for 1 min, The switch it up to 6Mph for 2mins; And keep that process goin for about 12-15mins?

Cause i did that and i did work up quite a sweat...

Thanks in advanced..
Originally Posted by CHICAGORILLAS

Originally Posted by keepzdasneakz

I wouldn't go too heavy without a spotter....

ugh lift heavy (with good form) = get big

i lift as heavy as i can (by myself) i rarely do PR, so i just bench 80's and 100's because my gym only goes up to these, but especially on shoulders if i bring up 90's for 6 i sometimes get tired just getting it up (no $*@%)
im 6'4-6'5 around 230 so im not like 140lbs lol
try holding them on your knees arms extended sitting up. then in one motion kind of boost them up with your legs and lie down so you are now lying down holding the weights up, arms extended

the danger of using heavy db's actually comes from putting them down/sitting up after a set though, if you dont drop them you need to be careful how you go about doing this so you dont injure yourself
Originally Posted by AirPhilippines

Originally Posted by NikeTalker23

Ok so I'm confused as hell...I read things that say in order to lower body fat is to watch your diet and do cardio..Other places say that cardio kills muscle and lowers your metabolism so you won't lose body fat..Which one is it, and which one will make me lower my body fat % faster? Lifiting? Cardio?

The type of cardio that "kills" your muscle would be long steady state cardio such as running for x-minutes. HIIT will lower your BF and keep your muscle. Just look at the different body types between top level marathon runners, and sprinters to illustrate the difference.
Que?  I've been running the treadmill set at 8mph for about 20-25 minutes before any kind of lifting 5 days of the week.  I'm trying to lose some stomach fat.  Am I doing it wrong?
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]This man rite here is a beast....[/color]
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)] [/color]

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]Crossfit is it, better than regular la fitness training in my opinion...[/color]
NO^^^^ Slow, steady cardio is a better for burning fat while retaining as much muscle-mass as possible. HIIT is fine once a week if you're trying to lean out, but it is very taxing on the body and more demanding on the muscles, and if you're doing HIIT once a week or more, and any anaerobic cardio on a regular basis at a high intensity while trying to add mass, it's counterproductive. Only exception is if you have a large frame and a slow metabolism.
Originally Posted by derrty6232

Originally Posted by AirPhilippines

Originally Posted by NikeTalker23

Ok so I'm confused as hell...I read things that say in order to lower body fat is to watch your diet and do cardio..Other places say that cardio kills muscle and lowers your metabolism so you won't lose body fat..Which one is it, and which one will make me lower my body fat % faster? Lifiting? Cardio?

The type of cardio that "kills" your muscle would be long steady state cardio such as running for x-minutes. HIIT will lower your BF and keep your muscle. Just look at the different body types between top level marathon runners, and sprinters to illustrate the difference.
Que?  I've been running the treadmill set at 8mph for about 20-25 minutes before any kind of lifting 5 days of the week.  I'm trying to lose some stomach fat.  Am I doing it wrong?
no you're doing it right. marathon runners dont bulk up only because they don't need to carry the extra weight. running around with extra weight uses more energy

also running outside it better than a treadmill
^I used to run like 3.5 miles around a lake, but I won't break a sweat until at least the 2 mile mark. On a treadmill, I'll be sweating at the 1/2 mile mark and I sweat way more on the treadmill.
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