Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Originally Posted by Durden7

Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

I've been doing some treadmill prior and after weight lifting (10,10 as opposed to 20min after) and I'm the typical skinny but trying to stay lean whilst building muscle.

Is what I don on the treadmill "HIIT". I do 3 min warm up and then 1min@4 and 1min@9 for about ten mins and cool down for a few mins.
Is that HIIT???

Is it ineffective for me to do this before and after lifting?

What was the reason for splitting it up into 10/10 instead of 20?
It hasn't been quite clear to me which is more effective.
By splitting it up I can still have energy to lift and finish off the workout with a fat burner.

Bla23n, Abs are a lot like every other muscle group. You don't work your pecs everyday.. I'd take AT LEAST a day off between ab exercises.
Originally Posted by bkmac

Who wants to put me on a solid/semi-OD ab workout? I have the flat stomach, and am on the verge of having a 6-pack come summer time, as long as I work out my abs correctly/thoroughly.


If you are relatively new to ab exercises I suggest trying out the following exercises with proper form and just putting together a few in each workout that you enjoy.
don't forget about your obliques which are often overlooked as unnecessary. 


-planks (up to 2:00)

-side planks (up to 2:00)

-6" foot raises


-cable crunches

-weighted sit-ups

-renegade pulls

-hanging leg raises

-Russian twists

there are tonnes of exercises.

As mentioned before, Abdominals are much like every other muscle group. Work them in 3ish sets of 5 reps for strength and 12 reps for muscle size (hypertrophy). 

My current routine is:

woodchoppers, hang leg raises, 6" raises, planks (all) and russian twists.

To my understanding, crunches are the king but they are limiting.

Hope that helps
Originally Posted by HueyP in LouieV

Excellent info.

Thanks a lot.

Last week was my warm up week as far as nutrition and weight lifting, this week I am going all in.

One more question, if you would be so kind....

My goal is to have a lean, flexible defined and noticeably muscular, fighter type body . I am going to work out for 45 minutes to an hour in the morning, train MA for 1-2 hours (3 days a week) and strength & weight train in the evening for an hour.

Would you suggest cardio/calisthenics in the morning and weight training in the evening? Or vice verse?...Perhaps a mix of both? Will too much cardio (bike/running) eat away at my muscle building gains?

To get a Van Damme, George St. Pierre, Michael Jai White body type what type of schedule and balance of regimen would you suggest?
I'm honestly not sure what order would be best between MA and weight lifting, but if I had to guess I'd say MA first, lift second. All I know is if you're doing MA you probably don't need to do cardio unless your goal is to actually become a fighter. That cardio for prolonged periods will certainly eat away at muscle and strength, rendering your time pumping iron useless. 
Idk. I'm tired of seeing people on the crunch machine doing 30 sets with mad light weight. <<<< And I actually seen this, I wanted to sock dude in the face for trying to be sarcastic but he was serious and let me knock out my sets first.

Have you guys ever tried indoor rock climbing?  A lot of upper body strength being put to test and its fun
.  I'ma go again this spring break.
Originally Posted by Klipschorn

Have you guys ever tried indoor rock climbing?  A lot of upper body strength being put to test and its fun
.  I'ma go again this spring break.

The best first date in my opinion.
A subtle way to show off your upper body strength, test hers, check out dat #@! in dem lulu lemons
, and what kind of chick isn;t into a little sporting activity pre-sex??

It's a little bit pricey, but tonnes of fun.

They have the rope, ladder and 2 finger pull up tests at my local rockclimb
anyone know any good supplements to take for Fat burning/weight loss? I know there's a million of em, I'm just wondering which, if any, are good?
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Originally Posted by Klipschorn

Have you guys ever tried indoor rock climbing?  A lot of upper body strength being put to test and its fun
.  I'ma go again this spring break.

The best first date in my opinion.

.  Develop that "trust" issue as a spotter, my girl initially was spooked when I told her she can let go
.  Overall, great experience, will climb again for kicks.

I tried climbing the vertical rope they have there, went up 3/4s of the way with no leg help, straight upper body.  I was dead tired already from climbing.  Next time I'll definitely try to conquer that before anything else.
My 5lb. tub of Pure Protein came in the mail today, was on sale for about $23, came to about $35 with shipping
I been reading this thread for a while and been working out for around 1 year. I posted a while back about not seeing great results and was told some info about workout programs and what not....thing is I been hitting the weights 3-5 times a week and been through various workout programs.. I use to weigh 160 of fat, but went down to 140.  Right now Im at 145, but I noticed no matter how hard or efficient I work out, I still dont see huge results.  Although I look skinny and "healthy", I actually have a belly and a love handles.  Also my chest is not developed at all and I been eating properly (no junk food, soda and fatty foods).  I actually looked it up and found out "skinny fat" in which u appear to be skinny with clothes on, but have a belly and what not.  I also read stuff about being insulin resistant in which my body isn't breaking down the protein properly or what not. I been taking whey protein as well, but dont see a huge difference.  Right now I am doing the MAX- OT workout which focuses on 2-3 sets of 4-6 reps of heavy weights..... 

Im sort of stuck in a huge rut and was wondering if anyone else was in a similar boat as I am in.  Should I cut back on carbs or change my workout into a more intense one?  Funny thing is that I want to gain muscle while losing the belly, which most people say u cannot do. So Im trying to pick the best read ahead..... I am stuck at a cross road.... if anyone can help me out.... it would be great... TY!
For me, getting bigger consisted of 3 sets, 10-12 reps per set...with only 30 seconds between sets. It helped burn the most fat and built the most muscle. Lifting heavy with 4-6 reps doesnt change you aesthetically very much, especially not at 3're supposed to do at least 4-5 sets if you're going make up for the lack of reps in each set with more sets.
i drink one postworkout and pre-bed. the postworkout one is a mix of whey isolate (fast-absorbing) and casein (slow-absorbing). pre-bed is all casein. the postworkout shake stimulates protein synthesis and muscle repair, the pre-bed one provides steady elevated bcaa levels in the blood, which also helps muscle growth and repair and prevents catabolism.

while they aren't "necessary" they work pretty well, especially if you want an easy to prepare, low calorie boost of protein. i would definitely recommend one post-workout, pre-bed is not neccessary, any sort of protein-rich food will suffice. i just drink one then for convenience.

i would also recommend a postworkout meal after the shake- your body needs more than just protein. get some carbs and healthy fats in there as well.

as for recipes, protein w/milk tastes good but it's even better blended with milk, a banana, and ice. you can throw in other fruit, peanut butter, etc. as well depending on your tastes as well as what flavor the protein is.
Wow...I actually came in here to ask when the best time to have a shake would thanks for that info.

Had my first shake today... 1 cup ON Whey (Vanilla Ice Cream), 1/2 cup of 1% Milk, 2 ice cubes, and a tasted decent, but it's gonna take some getting used to. I'll prob try another recipe tomorrow.

I'm still having problems w/ weights during my workout. I find myself getting fatiqued pretty quickly during my sets leaving me unable to finish. Worked on my shoulders today using 20's and found myself shaking after I hit 5...this is a problem that's been happening to me alot lately. I continue to be sore a day or even two after my workouts. I just don't get it...

Maybe I just need consistency, or start from 20's for a week straight and work my way up? I don't know what to do!
Originally Posted by LESGodSonC0

i drink one postworkout and pre-bed. the postworkout one is a mix of whey isolate (fast-absorbing) and casein (slow-absorbing). pre-bed is all casein. the postworkout shake stimulates protein synthesis and muscle repair, the pre-bed one provides steady elevated bcaa levels in the blood, which also helps muscle growth and repair and prevents catabolism.

while they aren't "necessary" they work pretty well, especially if you want an easy to prepare, low calorie boost of protein. i would definitely recommend one post-workout, pre-bed is not neccessary, any sort of protein-rich food will suffice. i just drink one then for convenience.

i would also recommend a postworkout meal after the shake- your body needs more than just protein. get some carbs and healthy fats in there as well.

as for recipes, protein w/milk tastes good but it's even better blended with milk, a banana, and ice. you can throw in other fruit, peanut butter, etc. as well depending on your tastes as well as what flavor the protein is.
Wow...I actually came in here to ask when the best time to have a shake would thanks for that info.

Had my first shake today... 1 cup ON Whey (Vanilla Ice Cream), 1/2 cup of 1% Milk, 2 ice cubes, and a tasted decent, but it's gonna take some getting used to. I'll prob try another recipe tomorrow.

I'm still having problems w/ weights during my workout. I find myself getting fatiqued pretty quickly during my sets leaving me unable to finish. Worked on my shoulders today using 20's and found myself shaking after I hit 5...this is a problem that's been happening to me alot lately. I continue to be sore a day or even two after my workouts. I just don't get it...

Maybe I just need consistency, or start from 20's for a week straight and work my way up? I don't know what to do!
you get used to it quick.

for reference: first protein i ever bought was ON 100% whey, vanilla ice cream flavor. i almost puked trying to drink it with water. couldn't do it. tried it with milk, same reaction. wasn't happening.

now, with milk almost any protein tastes pretty damn good to me. and even with water i don't even notice the taste, i can chug it or just slowly sip it and not feel grossed out or anything. i'm on a little spring break cut right now and i'm doing all my shakes with just water to reduce my caloric intake.

btw some people hate vanilla flavored proteins. try chocolate if you're having trouble with it. also, for casein i'd def recommend chocolate. i just finished a tub of vanilla and it was terrible.
Went from 190 back to 196 in about 2 weeks. Thank goodness for not being sick and getting back on my diet and into the gym.
Originally Posted by Klipschorn

Have you guys ever tried indoor rock climbing?  A lot of upper body strength being put to test and its fun
.  I'ma go again this spring break.
I really want to try it out. I'm probably gonna go during spring break and finally give it a shot. That along with kayaking are 2 things that I want to try out this summer.
Originally Posted by hombrelobo

Went from 190 back to 196 in about 2 weeks. Thank goodness for not being sick and getting back on my diet and into the gym.

....that translates into about .5 lbs of muscle, 1.5 lbs of water and 4lbs of fat
Originally Posted by JordanPP30

Been playing racquetball after I lift lately.

Me and my friend have gotten alright at it.

Good cardio.
Yeah. Definitely a lot of fun. Especially when you get good at it. I've been playing for about 3 or 4 months now. It's great to pick up new sports/activities, even if they're out of the 'norm'.
Originally Posted by Derek916

Originally Posted by hombrelobo

Went from 190 back to 196 in about 2 weeks. Thank goodness for not being sick and getting back on my diet and into the gym.

....that translates into about .5 lbs of muscle, 1.5 lbs of water and 4lbs of fat
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