Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

how can i practice good form for deadlifts? i wanna start doing them. also what do they work out???
Originally Posted by Durden7

Well........... yeah, but why?

Because I have a heavyweight boxing match coming up.

No, but seriously..I don't have an answer for that. Can you help me out with sup info or.....?
Originally Posted by hombrelobo

Originally Posted by Durden7

Well........... yeah, but why?

Because I have a heavyweight boxing match coming up.

No, but seriously..I don't have an answer for that. Can you help me out with sup info or.....?
It's hard to answer your question because nobody's sure what your goal is. Gaining 20 lbs of muscle or 20 lbs of fat? Or a combination of both? How tall are you?

If you said something like, I'm 6'6" and want to get to 220 then that'd make it easier to answer your question.  If you'll say, I'm 6'0" and want to get to 220 then that'd require some different advice.
Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by hombrelobo

Originally Posted by Durden7

Well........... yeah, but why?

Because I have a heavyweight boxing match coming up.

No, but seriously..I don't have an answer for that. Can you help me out with sup info or.....?
It's hard to answer your question because nobody's sure what your goal is. Gaining 20 lbs of muscle or 20 lbs of fat? Or a combination of both? How tall are you?

If you said something like, I'm 6'6" and want to get to 220 then that'd make it easier to answer your question.  If you'll say, I'm 6'0" and want to get to 220 then that'd require some different advice.
Ok..Hmm. I suppose overall 215 of muscle. I'm 6'1. I was initially thinking of just getting to 220 by any means (dirty bulk) and cutting down to 215. But i'm not here to say what I think I should do..i'm looking for other peoples imput.
What kind of input do you really expect?

It's common sense.

Eat a lot and lift hard. Not gaining any weight? Eat more. Gaining too much fat? Eat less.
shoveling snow=arms, back,triceps,and chest

havent been to the gym since Wed. due to this snow but I made up for it today. 4 hours shoveling and im sore like a @(#*&4
Originally Posted by hombrelobo

Originally Posted by wawaweewa

Originally Posted by hombrelobo

Originally Posted by Durden7

Well........... yeah, but why?

Because I have a heavyweight boxing match coming up.

No, but seriously..I don't have an answer for that. Can you help me out with sup info or.....?
It's hard to answer your question because nobody's sure what your goal is. Gaining 20 lbs of muscle or 20 lbs of fat? Or a combination of both? How tall are you?

If you said something like, I'm 6'6" and want to get to 220 then that'd make it easier to answer your question.  If you'll say, I'm 6'0" and want to get to 220 then that'd require some different advice.
Ok..Hmm. I suppose overall 215 of muscle. I'm 6'1. I was initially thinking of just getting to 220 by any means (dirty bulk) and cutting down to 215. But i'm not here to say what I think I should do..i'm looking for other peoples input.

Forget about bulking/cutting. Honestly, it's somethign that is mostly relevant to pro BB'ers who consider being at 10-12% body fat "bulking".

20 of muscle in 4 months is prob not going to happen by the summer. My advice would be to scrap the "bulking" thing, eat well, get down to your BF% goal (7-8 maybe?), train smart, and see where that takes you.

Most supps aren't there to help you gain weight. They're thee to keep you healthy so you can train or aid in training.
The reason I feel it's possible to meet my goal is because I put on 25 pounds of muscle from Oct-to now. Please, don't give me the eat lots lift hard stuff. I'm ON that. I just wanted more imput on the supplements in my original post.
Originally Posted by hombrelobo

The reason I feel it's possible to meet my goal is because I put on 25 pounds of muscle from Oct-to now. Please, don't give me the eat lots lift hard stuff. I'm ON that. I just wanted more imput on the supplements in my original post.
If you can put on 45 lbs of muscle in less than a year's time then you really shouldn't be asking any questions. We should be the ones asking you
However, I'm highly skeptical.
I ate bad today, might find myself running tomorrow
Originally Posted by Billy Hoyle

how can i practice good form for deadlifts? i wanna start doing them. also what do they work out???

Watch a few reputable youtube vids and start with lighter weights.

I noticed an individual doing deadlifts every sunday (same day as me) and he obviously knew what he was doing.
So, no @%+* but I asked the guy if he could show me if I'm using incorrect form.
Originally Posted by hombrelobo

The reason I feel it's possible to meet my goal is because I put on 25 pounds of muscle from Oct-to now. Please, don't give me the eat lots lift hard stuff. I'm ON that. I just wanted more imput on the supplements in my original post.

if you've put on 25lbs in muscle in 4 months you obviously know what's going on.
if eating and lifting is suiting your needs hit the gear
Originally Posted by hombrelobo

Originally Posted by Durden7

Well........... yeah, but why?
No, but seriously..I don't have an answer for that. Can you help me out with sup info or.....?
This is from the Sherdog D&S FAQ (VERY good resource for fitness nutrition/suppliments IMO).  You're goal is mass, right?

"Q: How do I gain weight:

A: There are a couple of factors to gaining weight. Eat big but eatclean, lots of whole grains, lots of leafy greens, lots of leanprotein, simple carbs in moderation. At least 5-7 meals per day. Snackon things like almonds and yogurt, things with good calories and highnutritious value. If your numbers of calories in is greater than yourcalories out, you should be gaining weight. If you're eating is clean,you should be gaining lean muscle. Lift BIG. Lots of guys think theylift heavy and really haven't scratched the surface of what their bodyis capable of. Big weight = big muscles. And get AMPLE rest. 7-8 hoursof UNINTERRUPTED sleep per night, and on your days off at-least haveone day where you barely move. Your body needs to heal to grow."

It's that simple

Also scope this out:
Just got done with leg day.

Did lite weights 3x10.. I find squatting 10 8 6 takes me days to recover, +*%# sake
General question with supplements:
When I take a pre-workout drink such as NO and I'm also taking other powder form supp i.e. creatine, is it OKAY to mix in the same drink??
Originally Posted by gatorad3

Originally Posted by Smedroc

Originally Posted by gatorad3

Man I've been eating at about 1400-1600kcals a day for awhile sometimes I eat at 2000. But yesterday I went crazy and I'm just gonna guestimate that I ate around 10,000kcals haha. Today I feel the most energetic I've felt in a long %$% time, almost feel like a new person lol with like a new found self confidence
. I usually feel tired, get bored easily, less confidence in myself, don't wanna talk. Unfortunately I gotta go back to eating low calories again

edit: Not gonna look at the scale for a bit lmao. I bet I gained like 10 lbs of water weight. FML.
see i dont get that logic....

you been eating woman calories and been feeling like $ why would you go back to that??? i think your 'pig out' was telling you something....
I got to though bro because I'm trying to lose weight. Like 10-15 more lbs to go.

You tryng to lose weight....Okay what weight did you start off at and what weight you trying to get to??
Originally Posted by EveryDayKicks

Originally Posted by I3

Just got done with leg day.

Did lite weights 3x10.. I find squatting 10 8 6 takes me days to recover, +*%# sake
My squat day is 10, 8, 8, 6, 4

It might be down to my form?

Because seriously, I tried doing 10 8 6 on Mondays as I have ball on Weds.. but the damn thighs/quads/gluts just wont take a bar of it.  I lift heavy, pretty much 70%-80% of my 1RM.  And after nearly 3-4 months of doing squats once a week it'll take me 3-5 days to heal. 

So now ive just decided to lift lite, or alternatively preform squats every second week.  I can deadlift heavy one day and be fine the next.  But with ball season coming around and training regularly, the downtime just aint cutting it.
Originally Posted by hombrelobo

Originally Posted by Durden7

Well........... yeah, but why?

Because I have a heavyweight boxing match coming up.
No, but seriously..I don't have an answer for that. Can you help me out with sup info or.....?

Thats a really bad goal.

The reason I feel it's possible to meet my goal is because I put on 25pounds of muscle from Oct-to now. Please, don't give me the eat lotslift hard stuff. I'm ON that. I just wanted more imput on thesupplements in my original post.
Im 100% confident you did not put on 25 lbs of muscle in 4 months.

General question with supplements:
When I take a pre-workout drink such as NO and I'm also taking otherpowder form supp i.e. creatine, is it OKAY to mix in the same drink??
If the NO product doesnt contain creatine, then yes.
This thread is too cluttered.  On a side note, I have two friends that take something called M14, it's supposed to be an illegal growth hormone.  They stack it with something called Lypol. (sp)

-One friend's plateau was 245 on the bench and when he cycled the M14 it jumped to 300. 
-Second friend always has back problems after leg day.  He needs to use proper form when squatting, but it could be his kidney's too. 

Anyone here can shed some light on growth hormones?  I don't take this crap btw.
Originally Posted by Durden7

Yeah, I know about the energy systems already, and I agree with you if you're doing aerobic cardio to do it last.  To me, however, aerobic cardio is a waste of time if weight loss and sports performance is your goal.  So if you're doing anaerobic cardio in addition to resistance training, the order IMO would depend on the individual's goals. 

I still cant get used to the term anaerobic cardio.  It just doesnt seem right to me.

It's an uncommon term, but when you think about doing HIIT, you're not training your body's aerobic systems; you're training the ATP-CP and lactic acid systems (anaerobic), which you probably already know.  
Originally Posted by ChewToy112

Originally Posted by Durden7

Yeah, I know about the energy systems already, and I agree with you if you're doing aerobic cardio to do it last.  To me, however, aerobic cardio is a waste of time if weight loss and sports performance is your goal.  So if you're doing anaerobic cardio in addition to resistance training, the order IMO would depend on the individual's goals. 

I still cant get used to the term anaerobic cardio.  It just doesnt seem right to me.

It's an uncommon term, but when you think about doing HIIT, you're not training your body's aerobic systems; you're training the ATP-CP and lactic acid systems (anaerobic), which you probably already know.  

...Depending on how you do interval training.

When you actually break down the terms, it doesnt make sense either.  Anaerobic cardio is training the heart without oxygen.

Do people actually stop walking/running when they do intervals?
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