Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Originally Posted by Durden7

ChewToy112 wrote:
Originally Posted by Durden7

ChewToy112 wrote:
Durden7 wrote:
cguy610 wrote:
Aerobics might be better before weight training because when he first starts working out, he'll have more energy and that energy will be devoted to aerobics, so he'll push himself harder in aerobics.  Then when he does weight training, he can still work out, but he'll probably do lower weight because he spent alot of energy on aerobics. 

Just my thinking, I've tried both out before. 
But with the way the body produces/uses energy, its most efficient to do strength training first followed by aerobics.

Most efficient in what way? Can you elaborate? 

Here's how I see it. To get technical, I wouldn't have them do aerobic training at all;  I'd have them do anaerobic cardio before weightlifting.  In any case, my reasoning was what cguy was saying.  If one's primary goal is weightloss and building strength is secondary, then I would suggest he/she expend more energy working specifically towards his/her ultimate goal.  I think we can agree that if I do one form of exercise first, I'm not going to be able to work as hard on the second portion due to fatigue induced by the first session.  So, if someone's goal is weight loss and they do cardio second, they're not able to work as hard during their cardio portion. In this way, they're not working "efficiently" towards their personal goal. 
Ill come back in a bit and edit this when I have time.  Ill explain how its more efficient to do resistance training first then aerobics second.

What do you mean by anaerobic cardio?

Cool, looking forward to your response to see if it makes sense with what I'm learning in my PT courses.

By anaerobic cardio, I meant HIIT and the like.
The body has 3 ways in which it can produce energy (ATP).

Creatine Phosphate, Anaerobic Glycolysis, and Aerobic Respiration.

CP is used for very short activities, Glycolysis is used for slightly longer activities and the Aerobic pathway is used for much longer exercises.  The major sources of energy for the first 2 are creatine phosphate and glucose (respectively).  Obviously the aerobic pathway uses oxygen and it also creates a massive amount of energy compared to the other two.  It uses a lot more sources of energy as well.  It makes more sense to use the sources of energy that require the smallest amount of energy needs first before moving onto to something that requires more.  Short bursts of energy also have a more rapid recovery period, but aerobic exercises take much longer before the body can recover.  It just makes more sense to perform activities that require the smallest amount of energy first/recover quicker and do the more tasking activities last.  
Yeah, I know about the energy systems already, and I agree with you if you're doing aerobic cardio to do it last.  To me, however, aerobic cardio is a waste of time if weight loss and sports performance is your goal.  So if you're doing anaerobic cardio in addition to resistance training, the order IMO would depend on the individual's goals. 

Side note:  Doesn't it feel great when you have a cheat meal, then wake up the next day ripped and not bloated?  One meal won't negate all your hard work, obviously, but I went to the pub yesterday and had potato skins, bacon burger, and fries.  Woke up this morning like, "
, got away with it"
Originally Posted by Smedroc

Originally Posted by DaCitySlanga

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH


this is a good look too imo not that big but lean

dude's veins got veins though
I want to be a little bigger mainly like this guy although he is a little defined more than the CK model

I dunno, if i had to be one i'd go with ck dude cuz he's got bigger junk
^ I hope to god you are a girl
Originally Posted by FilthyMcnasty

Originally Posted by Smedroc

Originally Posted by DaCitySlanga

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH


this is a good look too imo not that big but lean

dude's veins got veins though
I want to be a little bigger mainly like this guy although he is a little defined more than the CK model

I dunno, if i had to be one i'd go with ck dude cuz he's got bigger junk
^ I hope to god you are a girl

That's maaaad suspect
Originally Posted by FilthyMcnasty

Originally Posted by Smedroc

Originally Posted by DaCitySlanga

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH


this is a good look too imo not that big but lean

dude's veins got veins though
I want to be a little bigger mainly like this guy although he is a little defined more than the CK model

I dunno, if i had to be one i'd go with ck dude cuz he's got bigger junk
^ I hope to god you are a girl
why you wanna hit??
Best thing about being a hard gainer scrawn is... there isn't really such thing as a bad meal. it just goes through me.
gaining muscle on the otherhand...

and as far as veins popping, aside from low body fat, I find nothing better than creatine makes mine like garden hoses.
Originally Posted by FilthyMcnasty

Originally Posted by Smedroc

Originally Posted by DaCitySlanga

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH


this is a good look too imo not that big but lean

dude's veins got veins though
I want to be a little bigger mainly like this guy although he is a little defined more than the CK model

I dunno, if i had to be one i'd go with ck dude cuz he's got bigger junk
^ I hope to god you are a girl
cuz  girls always want bigger junks?
Man I've been eating at about 1400-1600kcals a day for awhile sometimes I eat at 2000. But yesterday I went crazy and I'm just gonna guestimate that I ate around 10,000kcals haha. Today I feel the most energetic I've felt in a long %$% time, almost feel like a new person lol with like a new found self confidence
. I usually feel tired, get bored easily, less confidence in myself, don't wanna talk. Unfortunately I gotta go back to eating low calories again

edit: Not gonna look at the scale for a bit lmao. I bet I gained like 10 lbs of water weight. FML.
Originally Posted by DaBuddhaWitJays

Originally Posted by Klipschorn

Gold's Gym on laguna.  I have two "famous" people that go to my gym, Darrell Taylor personal trainer (from mtv ruins) and Kris Dim (pro Cambodian bodybuilder, dude is YOLKED).

Which gym do you go to?

Apparently that guy (Kris Dim) owned a bunch of Max Muscle stores. Yeah he's pretty big (nh), short though.

I go to 24 hr. No celebs there. Usually Laguna or the one in downtown. I was close to joining that Gold's Gym though because I remember driving past it so many times before and thinking about getting a trial. Looks nice.

Al Audi, that pic you posted awhile back, made your body look real lean. You mean you want to get smaller?

Lol, that's ideal for me.
530! Catch me at the's goin' downnnnn
Originally Posted by keepzdasneakz

Originally Posted by DaBuddhaWitJays

Originally Posted by Klipschorn

Gold's Gym on laguna.  I have two "famous" people that go to my gym, Darrell Taylor personal trainer (from mtv ruins) and Kris Dim (pro Cambodian bodybuilder, dude is YOLKED).

Which gym do you go to?

Apparently that guy (Kris Dim) owned a bunch of Max Muscle stores. Yeah he's pretty big (nh), short though.

I go to 24 hr. No celebs there. Usually Laguna or the one in downtown. I was close to joining that Gold's Gym though because I remember driving past it so many times before and thinking about getting a trial. Looks nice.

Al Audi, that pic you posted awhile back, made your body look real lean. You mean you want to get smaller?

Lol, that's ideal for me.
530! Catch me at the's goin' downnnnn
You're in the 530
thats more boonies than where I stay
Originally Posted by rck2sactown

Originally Posted by keepzdasneakz

Originally Posted by DaBuddhaWitJays

Originally Posted by Klipschorn

Gold's Gym on laguna.  I have two "famous" people that go to my gym, Darrell Taylor personal trainer (from mtv ruins) and Kris Dim (pro Cambodian bodybuilder, dude is YOLKED).

Which gym do you go to?

Apparently that guy (Kris Dim) owned a bunch of Max Muscle stores. Yeah he's pretty big (nh), short though.

I go to 24 hr. No celebs there. Usually Laguna or the one in downtown. I was close to joining that Gold's Gym though because I remember driving past it so many times before and thinking about getting a trial. Looks nice.

Al Audi, that pic you posted awhile back, made your body look real lean. You mean you want to get smaller?

Lol, that's ideal for me.
530! Catch me at the's goin' downnnnn
You're in the 530
thats more boonies than where I stay
Let's network
, what kind of connects do you guys have?
^lol i'm here in college that's why...and you're right, it is the boonies so I got nothing to do except study/lift/party. SMH at friday night...
Originally Posted by ChewToy112

Originally Posted by Durden7

ChewToy112 wrote:
Originally Posted by Durden7

ChewToy112 wrote:
Durden7 wrote:
cguy610 wrote:
Aerobics might be better before weight training because when he first starts working out, he'll have more energy and that energy will be devoted to aerobics, so he'll push himself harder in aerobics.  Then when he does weight training, he can still work out, but he'll probably do lower weight because he spent alot of energy on aerobics. 

Just my thinking, I've tried both out before. 
But with the way the body produces/uses energy, its most efficient to do strength training first followed by aerobics.

Most efficient in what way? Can you elaborate? 

Here's how I see it. To get technical, I wouldn't have them do aerobic training at all;  I'd have them do anaerobic cardio before weightlifting.  In any case, my reasoning was what cguy was saying.  If one's primary goal is weightloss and building strength is secondary, then I would suggest he/she expend more energy working specifically towards his/her ultimate goal.  I think we can agree that if I do one form of exercise first, I'm not going to be able to work as hard on the second portion due to fatigue induced by the first session.  So, if someone's goal is weight loss and they do cardio second, they're not able to work as hard during their cardio portion. In this way, they're not working "efficiently" towards their personal goal. 
Ill come back in a bit and edit this when I have time.  Ill explain how its more efficient to do resistance training first then aerobics second.

What do you mean by anaerobic cardio?

Cool, looking forward to your response to see if it makes sense with what I'm learning in my PT courses.

By anaerobic cardio, I meant HIIT and the like.
The body has 3 ways in which it can produce energy (ATP).

Creatine Phosphate, Anaerobic Glycolysis, and Aerobic Respiration.

CP is used for very short activities, Glycolysis is used for slightly longer activities and the Aerobic pathway is used for much longer exercises.  The major sources of energy for the first 2 are creatine phosphate and glucose (respectively).  Obviously the aerobic pathway uses oxygen and it also creates a massive amount of energy compared to the other two.  It uses a lot more sources of energy as well.  It makes more sense to use the sources of energy that require the smallest amount of energy needs first before moving onto to something that requires more.  Short bursts of energy also have a more rapid recovery period, but aerobic exercises take much longer before the body can recover.  It just makes more sense to perform activities that require the smallest amount of energy first/recover quicker and do the more tasking activities last.  
Yeah, I know about the energy systems already, and I agree with you if you're doing aerobic cardio to do it last.  To me, however, aerobic cardio is a waste of time if weight loss and sports performance is your goal.  So if you're doing anaerobic cardio in addition to resistance training, the order IMO would depend on the individual's goals. 

Side note:  Doesn't it feel great when you have a cheat meal, then wake up the next day ripped and not bloated?  One meal won't negate all your hard work, obviously, but I went to the pub yesterday and had potato skins, bacon burger, and fries.  Woke up this morning like, "
, got away with it"

I still cant get used to the term anaerobic cardio.  It just doesnt seem right to me.
Originally Posted by gatorad3

Man I've been eating at about 1400-1600kcals a day for awhile sometimes I eat at 2000. But yesterday I went crazy and I'm just gonna guestimate that I ate around 10,000kcals haha. Today I feel the most energetic I've felt in a long %$% time, almost feel like a new person lol with like a new found self confidence
. I usually feel tired, get bored easily, less confidence in myself, don't wanna talk. Unfortunately I gotta go back to eating low calories again

edit: Not gonna look at the scale for a bit lmao. I bet I gained like 10 lbs of water weight. FML.
see i dont get that logic....

you been eating woman calories and been feeling like $ why would you go back to that??? i think your 'pig out' was telling you something....
Yo seriously.... 
Originally Posted by mcnoodlez


I have syntha-6 with or for breakfast, "healthier" food throughout the day(still need to find more healthy options), a whey protein shake after my workout, and syntha-6 again an hour or so before bed.

I lift...

Fri- chest/bis
Sat- legs
Sun- Tris/shoulders
Wed- HIIT (cardio)
Thurs- off


EDIT: I also bought Hemp protein to try it out. I heard it was very high in amino acids, so I'm gonna try it out as well. 
I can't comment on syntha-6 or hemp protein, never used them.

Depending on your goals in relation to your current height/weight (which is..?)
"Fri- chest/bis
Sat- legs
Sun- Tris/shoulders
Wed- HIIT (cardio)
Thurs- off"

Maybe put chest with triceps and back with biceps because they compliment eachother in many compound exercises. I personally focus on shoulders alone for a workout and inbetween chest day and back day. Maybe do some ab exercises at the end of your shoulders if you have the energy.
Other than that, your scheduling is good... i see you put chest/bi on friday for the bar pump lol
Originally Posted by Smedroc

Originally Posted by gatorad3

Man I've been eating at about 1400-1600kcals a day for awhile sometimes I eat at 2000. But yesterday I went crazy and I'm just gonna guestimate that I ate around 10,000kcals haha. Today I feel the most energetic I've felt in a long %$% time, almost feel like a new person lol with like a new found self confidence
. I usually feel tired, get bored easily, less confidence in myself, don't wanna talk. Unfortunately I gotta go back to eating low calories again

edit: Not gonna look at the scale for a bit lmao. I bet I gained like 10 lbs of water weight. FML.
see i dont get that logic....

you been eating woman calories and been feeling like $ why would you go back to that??? i think your 'pig out' was telling you something....
I got to though bro because I'm trying to lose weight. Like 10-15 more lbs to go.

Im going on a fast for 2 days starting tomorrow. I plan to drink water and a little orange juice to stop the hunger.Has anyone ever did one of these? Did you lose any weight?
Originally Posted by af1pops12

Im going on a fast for 2 days starting tomorrow. I plan to drink water and a little orange juice to stop the hunger.Has anyone ever did one of these? Did you lose any weight?
this won't help bc your body goes into starvation mode and your metabolism slows down so you get most of it back when you start eating. fasting is good for cleansing your system, but that's about it....
Originally Posted by af1pops12

Im going on a fast for 2 days starting tomorrow. I plan to drink water and a little orange juice to stop the hunger.Has anyone ever did one of these? Did you lose any weight?

Diet Soda works best for me. Diet Sunkist
Diet Cherry Coke
Originally Posted by af1pops12

Im going on a fast for 2 days starting tomorrow. I plan to drink water and a little orange juice to stop the hunger.Has anyone ever did one of these? Did you lose any weight?

Lost 5 pounds on a 3 day fast last month.

Do your research on how to prepare for the fast and how to break it.

Don't just jump into it and try starving yourself.

You have to eat light, green and clean the days leading up to the fast and an all water fast is rougher than a juice fast. You're going to start craving junk and a big meal at the end of 48 hours-72, resist it. Eat an apple, and small meals to break the fast.

Theres a lot of info online. Check it out.

Any of you guys work out twice a day? Morning and evening? If so, what do you work on during those session?
Could I get some suggestions from you guys that are really on the supplements? See I have a problem.

I'm 197 right now and I can't get past that right now. I'm intaking about 4000 calories a day. And for the most part i'm seeing good results. I understand that you have to eat to grow. The only problem is i'm trying to get to about 215-220 by summer time and i'm thinking about supplementing.

I'm a pretty basic guy. I take an ON Multi Vit. ON Fish Oil. ON Flax Seed. ON 100% Whey. GNC Creatine Monohydrate. And ON Glutamine.

What else can I take for grows? Or to help my recovery or..? I really don't even know what to ask.

Glycomaize? Glucosamine? L-Carnitine? Aminos? BCAAs?
Originally Posted by hombrelobo

Could I get some suggestions from you guys that are really on the supplements? See I have a problem.

I'm 197 right now and I can't get past that right now. I'm intaking about 4000 calories a day. And for the most part i'm seeing good results. I understand that you have to eat to grow. The only problem is i'm trying to get to about 215-220 by summer time and i'm thinking about supplementing.

I'm a pretty basic guy. I take an ON Multi Vit. ON Fish Oil. ON Flax Seed. ON 100% Whey. GNC Creatine Monohydrate. And ON Glutamine.

What else can I take for grows? Or to help my recovery or..? I really don't even know what to ask.

Glycomaize? Glucosamine? L-Carnitine? Aminos? BCAAs?
Why do you have to gain 20 lbs by summer???
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