Stay/Get Back In Shape.... Vol 2.0

Originally Posted by SupremeApe

Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

I wanted to shed some BF% today and work on abs...

-10 mins medium intensity rowing
-3 sets of 10 wood choppers
-3 sets of 10 cable crunches
-10 mins medium intensity running (tried not to die)
-40 russain twists
-2 mins plank
-1 min side plank (each side)

Is this effective??? Advice?
Seems okay but i would try and make it into a circuit, and increase the intensity for ur cardio
Example my abs days go

15 Hanging leg raises
Side planks 30 secs both side, regular plank 30 secs
15 weighted sit ups
30 bicycle kicks
10 bench leg raises ( u bench like normal but u keep ur legs straight and when u push the bar up, raise ur legs up and when u lower the bar, lower ur legs)
15 push ups
skip as fast as u can for 1 min
break for 2-3 mins

Then do it again, 3 sets
at the end 20 mins of cardio

Do you do this every other day? How many times a week?  
Originally Posted by Billy Hoyle

anyone wanna help me out with a 4 day split? Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri
Mon- Chest/Tris
Tues- Legs/Abs
Thurs- Back/Bis
Fri- Shoulders/Forearms/Neck

I wasnt sure what to do with shoulders so I threw in forearms and neck... Try to also do cardio at least 3x
Originally Posted by Goldmember

Originally Posted by SupremeApe

Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

I wanted to shed some BF% today and work on abs...

-10 mins medium intensity rowing
-3 sets of 10 wood choppers
-3 sets of 10 cable crunches
-10 mins medium intensity running (tried not to die)
-40 russain twists
-2 mins plank
-1 min side plank (each side)

Is this effective??? Advice?
Seems okay but i would try and make it into a circuit, and increase the intensity for ur cardio
Example my abs days go

15 Hanging leg raises
Side planks 30 secs both side, regular plank 30 secs
15 weighted sit ups
30 bicycle kicks
10 bench leg raises ( u bench like normal but u keep ur legs straight and when u push the bar up, raise ur legs up and when u lower the bar, lower ur legs)
15 push ups
skip as fast as u can for 1 min
break for 2-3 mins

Then do it again, 3 sets
at the end 20 mins of cardio

Do you do this every other day? How many times a week?  
Tues,Thurs and Sat
Originally Posted by xDOEBOIx

Originally Posted by Billy Hoyle

anyone wanna help me out with a 4 day split? Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri
Mon- Chest/Tris
Tues- Legs/Abs
Thurs- Back/Bis
Fri- Shoulders/Forearms/Neck

I wasnt sure what to do with shoulders so I threw in forearms and neck... Try to also do cardio at least 3x
Maybe on Fri do Shoulders/abs
The neck should be incorporated on back exercises.
Abs can generally be worked more than once a week. If anything split abs between Obliques and Abs
Originally Posted by bLaZ3n

Just to make sure I am on the same page.. When you guys say planks.. you are referring to this right:


(random Google image)

What is the right way to do this? Because I have been doing planks for a while now, and can normally hold for 1-1:30 mins, and I feel that its not really helping.. I feel the most tension in my shoulders/arms.
I def feel it in my shoulders+arms..
I think the idea might be the flex are hard as humanly possible, your abs. Then Once you switch over to the sides, it will have a higher impact than going immediately to the side.
Originally Posted by Carlos Tevez

I benched heavy today and my 1-rep max went up by 5-pounds. Finally some progress after 3-months

I never realized how important one's legs were for benching until today. As I was pushing the bar up, I could feel my hip and thigh muscles tightening up like crazy...first time I ever got that feeling. If I can increase my bench by another 30-40 pounds by the end of the year without gaining weight then I will be a happy camper.
This is so true. There's this 60-year old American guy at my gym (I live in Rio de Janeiro) and dude spends most of his time just helping people out. If you imagine yourself driving your legs into the floor while benching... you can rest assured your bench will increase.

Why don't you want to gain weight though? (out of curiosity)
I think I'll post progress pics in like a week when I finish another lifting cycle. I've noticed very solid results (can someone say v-cut abs

but still, can someone comment on my 4 days lifting, then cardio for 2 out of the 3 remaining days?
its been hard for me to lose weight this month im stuck at 155 (was at 170) so lately ive been going hard with the cardio, i jump rope for a good minute after finishing a set. anyone do this and see any result?
Originally Posted by ricerocket1

its been hard for me to lose weight this month im stuck at 155 (was at 170) so lately ive been going hard with the cardio, i jump rope for a good minute after finishing a set. anyone do this and see any result?

Man -155 you wanna lose? How tall you is?
Alright, someone needs to help me understand this...

A hydrolysate protein is already partially broken down due to heat, acid, etc.  This denatures the protein.  Whats the benefit from someone taking this form of protein?

Wouldnt the denaturing of it affect who its used within the body?

It's baffling me.
Originally Posted by Klipschorn

Real talk, move this back into GENERAL. More responses, replies, and "help".

Back on topic, mannnnnnnnnnn jump roping is no joke. I can only do an average of 20 secs before messing up. My peak was 45 secs, I'm going to work on it5 days a week. Heard jump roping improves stamina and helps you lose weight easily.
How is this coming along.

I usually try to set goals for myself (Ie... consecutive jumps). My goal a few years ago was 1000 in a row. I surpassed it a few times but never got to it again.

I will probably do the 300 today and jumprope at the end. I do NOT feel like doing ANYTHING today man

Originally Posted by TheTrapezeSwinger

Originally Posted by McStabb05

Cansomeone put me on to a good/easy healthy meals that yall are eating tohit your daily protein goals? I'm already eating chicken, turkeypatties, tuna, but i need some new variations and ideas

Salmon, cod, halibut (any fish pretty much), shrimp, eggs are a great source, beans, pork tenderloin, the list goes on.

Here's what I had for dinner tonight:

Lowfat chicken meatballs, lightly stir fried asparagus with garlic and ahalf teaspoon of olive oil, and roma tomato slices. Had an apple fordessert so I had some carbs in the meal. For those of you trying tolose weight, a simple tip for ya: use smaller plates. I cheated byusing two plates, but the plate with the asparagus on it is only about7 inches in diameter. Smaller plate = eat less food. Small tip thatmight work for some of you trying to control portions.
Thislooks good. BUt I am not really a fan of eating less. If you eat a mealand you are STILL hungry, that isn't a good thing. You should neverleave the table hungry because that will promote snacking. I am notsaying eat until you burst, but you should feel good when you leavethat table
Originally Posted by brettTHEjett

Originally Posted by bLaZ3n

Just to make sure I am on the same page.. When you guys say planks.. you are referring to this right:


(random Google image)

What is the right way to do this? Because I have been doing planks for a while now, and can normally hold for 1-1:30 mins, and I feel that its not really helping.. I feel the most tension in my shoulders/arms.
I def feel it in my shoulders+arms..
I think the idea might be the flex are hard as humanly possible, your abs. Then Once you switch over to the sides, it will have a higher impact than going immediately to the side.

Keep the same posture except bring your elbows forward as much as you can...this is going to burn..make sure your back is straight
Originally Posted by Durden7

Alright, someone needs to help me understand this...

A hydrolysate protein is already partially broken down due to heat, acid, etc.  This denatures the protein.  Whats the benefit from someone taking this form of protein?

Wouldnt the denaturing of it affect who its used within the body?

It's baffling me.
Denaturing a protein doesn't render it useless or make it less effective than a non-denatured protein.  When you cook chicken, you denature the protein, but it's still the same protein, same calories, same amount of amino acids.  Chicken is a great source of protein, but you wouldn't want to go eating it raw, or "medium rare" just to make sure the protein isn't denatured.  Did a quick google search on it:

Denaturation of proteins involves the disruption and possible destruction of both the secondary and tertiary structures. Since denaturation reactions are not strong enough to break the peptide bonds, the primary structure (sequence of amino acids) remains the same after a denaturation process. Denaturation disrupts the normal alpha-helix and beta sheets in a protein and uncoils it into a random shape.

Hydrolyzed protein just absorbs faster.  It's like a protein version of baby food.

Originally Posted by PanaRicanRetro

Originally Posted by Durden7

Alright, someone needs to help me understand this...

A hydrolysate protein is already partially broken down due to heat, acid, etc.  This denatures the protein.  Whats the benefit from someone taking this form of protein?

Wouldnt the denaturing of it affect who its used within the body?

It's baffling me.
Denaturing a protein doesn't render it useless or make it less effective than a non-denatured protein.  When you cook chicken, you denature the protein, but it's still the same protein, same calories, same amount of amino acids.  Chicken is a great source of protein, but you wouldn't want to go eating it raw, or "medium rare" just to make sure the protein isn't denatured.  Did a quick google search on it:

Denaturation of proteins involves the disruption and possible destruction of both the secondary and tertiary structures. Since denaturation reactions are not strong enough to break the peptide bonds, the primary structure (sequence of amino acids) remains the same after a denaturation process. Denaturation disrupts the normal alpha-helix and beta sheets in a protein and uncoils it into a random shape.

Hydrolyzed protein just absorbs faster.  It's like a protein version of baby food.

Ohhhh ok, It makes more sense now.  Thank you.

Ok, the follow up questions arent really scientific but its more of a general question that anyone can feel free to answer.

Does anyone truly need hydrolyzed protein?  Obviously the human body needs a source of energy after it exerts itself.  Is there truly a need for a protein that digests that quickly though?

In terms of exercise/fitness, is technology outpacing science?
Originally Posted by PanaRicanRetro

Originally Posted by Scott Frost

Joined a new gym on Friday, Boston Sports Club, nice amenities, equipment, etc. Has the feel of a health club, was going to the YMCA by my place but needed a change of scenery and only paying $4 more a month for a much, much nicer gym.

Sounds like you might be in Central Square.  If so, come see me, I'll be happy to do your intro session.  I'm the trainer with the bald head and the goatee.
Pana, appreciate the help.  Actually over @ the BSC in Watertown.  Is the one in Central nicer?  I've been to the BSC in Allston and like the Watertown location better.  Any way you can hook a man up w/the passport for the same rate I get to stay local.....

Originally Posted by Cobra Kai

workout i just finished doing.

bench press - 3x10
db incline - 3x10
db shoulder press 3x10
tricep extension - 3x10
skull crusher - 3x10 (these were a +%#%%)
Can anyboyd set me up with a next day workout from what I did yesterday. quoted is what my workout yesterday was. 

Originally Posted by JOE CAMEL SMOOTH


a highly hydrolyzed protein will absorb and be digested very rapidly, even faster than free-form amino acids.
I think Durden meant: are there any benefits of having a protein that is absorbed faster?
Originally Posted by Cobra Kai

Originally Posted by Cobra Kai

workout i just finished doing.

bench press - 3x10
db incline - 3x10
db shoulder press 3x10
tricep extension - 3x10
skull crusher - 3x10 (these were a +%#%%)
Can anyboyd set me up with a next day workout from what I did yesterday. quoted is what my workout yesterday was. 

not regarding the workout the next day, but you should do tricep pulls right after the skull crushers, 10 reps as well.
Originally Posted by Cobra Kai

Originally Posted by Scott Frost

^How about some back & biceps?
thanks. you know any to do? the gym in my apartment is kind of limited.

Without knowing what equipment you have available, here are some excercises I do

Wide Grip Lat Pulldowns
Reverse Grip Pulldowns
Bent Over Barbell/Dumbell Rows
Seated Cable Rows

Barbell Curls
Hammer Curls
EZ-Bar Curls, close grip/wide grip/reverse grip
Concentration Curls

Originally Posted by Scott Frost

Originally Posted by PanaRicanRetro

Originally Posted by Scott Frost

Joined a new gym on Friday, Boston Sports Club, nice amenities, equipment, etc. Has the feel of a health club, was going to the YMCA by my place but needed a change of scenery and only paying $4 more a month for a much, much nicer gym.

Sounds like you might be in Central Square.  If so, come see me, I'll be happy to do your intro session.  I'm the trainer with the bald head and the goatee.
Pana, appreciate the help.  Actually over @ the BSC in Watertown.  Is the one in Central nicer?  I've been to the BSC in Allston and like the Watertown location better.  Any way you can hook a man up w/the passport for the same rate I get to stay local.....

Oh, OK, no Watertown is WAAAAY nicer than my gym.  My gym is almost a little bit like Allston, but not as split up in sections, it's in the basement level, and there's no basketball court or racquetball.  And people always ask for that passport hookup, but I'm a trainer, I have nothing to do with that.

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