Star Wars Universe Thread: May The 4th Be With You

Did you like The Last Jedi?

  • Yes

    Votes: 68 71.6%
  • Yes

    Votes: 27 28.4%

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  • Poll closed .
Yea man, it's glorious... a lot blending/editing from the laser discs, 2004 dvd set, and the newer bluray sets. It really was a team effort from various fans across the world.

So what the most efficient way for me to watch these despecialized versions? Is there someone that sells dvd/blu rays?

And would the official 2006 dvd release with the OG theatrical versions essentially be identical to these fan made despecialized versions?
Upon second viewing, I was able to pick up that Yoda already knew that Rey took the books when he burned that tree down. I'm guessing that's how she trains herself in the time until Ep. IX. She needs that ghost of Qui Gon to holla at her though.
which is why its on the director to SHOW these things to the audience, leaving no doubt

how much time/money would it have cost?


thats where the claims of being lazy come from

you’re like a Donald Trump press secretary
hey that hurt fam. low blow LMAO (i'm serious tho)

regarding the bomb thing, I just rewatched it last night. I paid attention to the trajectory and the mechanics of them "dropping" the bomb.
My conclusion is:
-the racks are catapults or at least they spring the bombs out the ship
-the bombs follow a straight line as they leave the ship and they don't break their formation so it's not indicative of any gravitational
pull. If there was any, they would "curve" towards the ship and sorta break the straight line formation as a result.
-The ship is moving at an angle and the drop line is not perpendicular to the Dreadnaught. If there was gravity, it would curve FOR SURE.

Anyway, I was with my buddy watching it for the first time and while he has some complaints, he thought it was a phenomenal film.
Dude really had fun watching the movie.
I think if you're relating my enjoyment of the film and me stating why I like the film and why people should like it too TO BEING DONALD TRUMP'S PRESS SEC... it might be too late for you. Just in general, like, why bring in politics? It's not me that's living in the USA. Let's not make light of what is going on in the US, I know people that are directly affected by his administration.

I like Last Jedi, making fun of people that like it is your choice. Same way you guys can b**** about everything trying to convince people not to like it. I'm trying to convince you to come over to my side.
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Upon second viewing, I was able to pick up that Yoda already knew that Rey took the books when he burned that tree down. I'm guessing that's how she trains herself in the time until Ep. IX. She needs that ghost of Qui Gon to holla at her though.
Yoda trolling Luke "girl already has what she needs" or whatever he said and then laughs. I honestly picked up on a lot of things my second viewing.

Wifey begging for a second watch as well so I'm going in with her for my third.
I'm not trying to convince no one to like or dislike a movie.
I'm just hurting. I grew up on Luke and it feels like the day you found out Santa was fake.
My fault I guess if you thought it was directed at you. It's directed towards people clowning people that like the film. "you dumb if you like ish like this" "you want a Harry Potter wand to go with that too?" type comments gotta go B. Let the debate go on without attacking each other.
been backreading... wow, I'm clearly the only one that loves the Leia superman marry poppins thing.
Girl autosaved her life lmao. She is POWERFUL. to each his own, I can see why it would turn off
been backreading... wow, I'm clearly the only one that loves the Leia superman marry poppins thing.
Girl autosaved her life lmao. She is POWERFUL. to each his own, I can see why it would turn off

The Force saves Leia’s life but essentially kills Luke.

No type of consistency in the movie.
hey that hurt fam. low blow LMAO (i'm serious tho)

regarding the bomb thing, I just rewatched it last night. I paid attention to the trajectory and the mechanics of them "dropping" the bomb.
My conclusion is:
-the racks are catapults or at least they spring the bombs out the ship
-the bombs follow a straight line as they leave the ship and they don't break their formation so it's not indicative of any gravitational
pull. If there was any, they would "curve" towards the ship and sorta break the straight line formation as a result.
-The ship is moving at an angle and the drop line is not perpendicular to the Dreadnaught. If there was gravity, it would curve FOR SURE.

Anyway, I was with my buddy watching it for the first time and while he has some complaints, he thought it was a phenomenal film.
Dude really had fun watching the movie.
I think if you're relating my enjoyment of the film and me stating why I like the film and why people should like it too TO BEING DONALD TRUMP'S PRESS SEC... it might be too late for you. Just in general, like, why bring in politics? It's not me that's living in the USA. Let's not make light of what is going on in the US, I know people that are directly affected by his administration.

I like Last Jedi, making fun of people that like it is your choice. Same way you guys can b**** about everything trying to convince people not to like it. I'm trying to convince you to come over to my side.

You got in deep with the bomb stuff there...One problem still remains with your theory though...The girl releasing said bombs and the remote detonator...

Both are clearly affected by gravity in that scene as they both fall towards the open bomb bay doors...

Again it’s up to the director / writers to explain these types of things...Just lazy writing otherwise...
I had to because people are bugging about it. (and I did enjoy advanced Physics and Geometry)

well, there is some type of gravity inside the ship correct? Even if you say the docks are open, they can still maintain atmospheric pressure depending on their technology. This is me speculating but I can see how it's a miss by the writers/director.
I had to because people are bugging about it. (and I did enjoy advanced Physics and Geometry)

well, there is some type of gravity inside the ship correct? Even if you say the docks are open, they can still maintain atmospheric pressure depending on their technology. This is me speculating but I can see how it's a miss by the writers/director.

That’s the whole point man...Shouldn’t have to think that hard...
been backreading... wow, I'm clearly the only one that loves the Leia superman marry poppins thing.
Girl autosaved her life lmao. She is POWERFUL. to each his own, I can see why it would turn off

No, you're not the only one. I thought the portrayal of it was what it needed to be. Leia is a beloved character and it was a majestic and graceful showing of her using the Force. I loved it.
No, you're not the only one. I thought the portrayal of it was what it needed to be. Leia is a beloved character and it was a majestic and graceful showing of her using the Force. I loved it.
agreed. if they showed her force cracking open a star destroyer I bet you people will STILL have mixed feelings about it too. Maybe visions or tracking something I'm also down with, if we're strictly working within what the character has shown so far.
You got in deep with the bomb stuff there...One problem still remains with your theory though...The girl releasing said bombs and the remote detonator...

Both are clearly affected by gravity in that scene as they both fall towards the open bomb bay doors...

Again it’s up to the director / writers to explain these types of things...Just lazy writing otherwise...

What I hate is that this chick was lying on her back paralyzed and that detonator floated all the way past her. Ain't no way she turned around and still caught it. Yes, that sounded petty af writing but still:lol:

But an another note, I also noticed all the Resistance Leaders were female too. The second in command chick who introduced Admiral Holdo, and I guess Carrie's real life daughter will probably be a General in the next movie now too.

Tallie Lintra is the one tho. That wink before she got blown up :blush:
the Dreadnaught scene is definitely flawed.
Canto Bight scene could've been something else entirely.
Phasma scene felt shoehorned.

I do like Snoke's ship trailing them slowly and bombing them constantly. I like that literally and metaphorically.

Finn might be the best "Hero" we have in the Resistance. Dude is badass love that character.
Why wasn’t the Asian girl sucked into space the second the doors opened :lol:

I was literally in the theater confused as to whether they were actually in space for a sec. I kno you suspend beliefs for certain move tropes but space is damn near a constant in every movie. Open Space = Death
Tallie Lintra is the one tho. That wink before she got blown up :blush:
Wish they hadn't killed her off so quick. Wonder what happened to the female X-wing pilot from TFA? I guess ALL of the Resistance fighter pilots but Poe got killed in the hangar at the beginning of TLJ... :frown::smh:

Between attacking the hangar and blowing away the command bridge, Kylo and his two wingmates dealt a much more serious blow to the Resistance than any of Hux's forces :wow: Makes you wonder why either side even messes with capital ships at all when starfighters are all you need to take down, well, anything... :stoneface:
Something that has occurred to me over the last few days, some of the angst about Luke Skywalker and what not, I realize, some of you don’t know what has gone on with the character of Luke Skywalker for the last 25-30 years.

I keep reading everyone so angry that THIS Luke Skywalker would never do this or that, etc, I can’t help but feel like you guys have already missed all the greatness that the character Luke Skywalker has put in, in the EU. He was the greatest Jedi of all time in those stories. I’ve already read for two and a half decades about him rebuilding the order, fighting off long dead Sith, turning to the Dark Side briefly to defeat the clone Emperor, fighting a massive invasion by an alien species from the unknown reaches that were voids in the force, to chasing down Abeloth and doing so with a Sith army at his side (and trying to stab him in the side at every turn) All the while, he raised his son Ben, after marrying Mara Jade, who wanted nothing more than to kill him from the day she met him. He also helped train Leia’s 3 kids. He also trained Leia, who would become a great Jedi Master, and a savage with a lightsaber herself.

A lot of you know nothing about those feats, because you don’t know the EU. So now you are expecting all these things in the movies, but Disney is going the opposite way, and showing you another path they COULD have gone. If they used Luke, great Jedi Master, rebuilder of the Jedi Order, then they’d just be rehashing the EU again, something they wiped out for the most part. They are taking a different path. I truly think that’s why I’m not bothered AT ALL about the path they chose, because I’ve already lived the greatness that is Luke Skywalker. I’ve already read 75+ books detailing his greatness, and that of his sister, and their kids.

You guys have the 3 OG movies, TFA he has nothing more than a silent cameo, and now this movie, basically his 4th, over the course of 30 years, and you guys are confused as hell how/why Disney would choose to go this route with him. It’s not like nothing has been done over the past 30-35 years with his character. It’s all out there. Rather than them adapting those stories on screen, they chose to completely “re-do” his character path, so to speak.

It’s very much the reasons I’ve stated since the day this thread was created, Star Wars >>>>>>> Skywalkers. The EU was FAR more reaching over 3 decades than the OG trilogy and then the prequel trilogy. Way more expansive, way more storytelling, way more characters to focus on. Far better than anything Lucas was ever able to detail as he kept coming back to the same planets, the same characters, etc over and over.
Why wasn’t the Asian girl sucked into space the second the doors opened :lol:

I was literally in the theater confused as to whether they were actually in space for a sec. I kno you suspend beliefs for certain move tropes but space is damn near a constant in every movie. Open Space = Death
had me scratching my head too.
Wish they hadn't killed her off so quick. Wonder what happened to the female X-wing pilot from TFA? I guess ALL of the Resistance fighter pilots but Poe got killed in the hangar at the beginning of TLJ... :frown::smh:

Between attacking the hangar and blowing away the command bridge, Kylo and his two wingmates dealt a much more serious blow to the Resistance than any of Hux's forces :wow: Makes you wonder why either side even messes with capital ships at all when starfighters are all you need to take down, well, anything... :stoneface:

Yeah, I was wondering where Poe's Squad was at. I'm sure JJ will bring back his boy Matt, from Heroes. I don't know his name:lol:
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