Star Wars Universe Thread: May The 4th Be With You

Did you like The Last Jedi?

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    Votes: 68 71.6%
  • Yes

    Votes: 27 28.4%

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What scene would be better for Luke?

Vader got a 10/10 ending scene because he’s a Sith Lord and killed all of them MFers.

Like would have killed all them AT-AT’s and Kylo? Is that your ideal ending?
Why wasn’t the Asian girl sucked into space the second the doors opened :lol:

I was literally in the theater confused as to whether they were actually in space for a sec. I kno you suspend beliefs for certain move tropes but space is damn near a constant in every movie. Open Space = Death
I think it's pretty clear that atmosphere is retained even as the docks are open. You can see this even as the first bomber prepares to
deploy the payload and the tie fighter crashes into it. The operator, before he died, is bound by gravity/just chilling. Now if you're question is what technology do they use for this, you may as well ask how hyperspace works or how lightsabers work.

The Holdo hyperspace jump attack is unforgivable. Destroys the canon.
how does this destroy canon?
What scene would be better for Luke?

Vader got a 10/10 ending scene because he’s a Sith Lord and killed all of them MFers.

Like would have killed all them AT-AT’s and Kylo? Is that your ideal ending?

Ideally if you showed me Luke step out in front of 7-8 AT AT walkers by himself I’m thinking he’s going to fold them up. The scenery is a complete tease to expect that and the submerged x-wing you see in ach-to is meant to aid in that even more but like I said when I first gave my review for this film Rian Johnson wanted to make twists for the sake of twists and many of them were to spite fandom while not making any sense within the realm of Star Wars. With the display of force powers Leia just showed, why didn’t she walk out there herself? At least Kylo and his mom could actually have a scene together :rolleyes :rolleyes
What scene would be better for Luke?

Vader got a 10/10 ending scene because he’s a Sith Lord and killed all of them MFers.

Like would have killed all them AT-AT’s and Kylo? Is that your ideal ending?
I firmly believe this: People don't have a clue what they want. Complaining will come no matter what.
If Empire dropped in 2017, people will hate on every single little detail.

Luke was never meant to be the main driver of Action, he was the main driver of Emotion in these two films.
I know the feeling of wanting MORE for him to do in the movie... But this is Rey and Kylo's film if that's not obvious.
I firmly believe this: People don't have a clue what they want. Complaining will come no matter what.
If Empire dropped in 2017, people will hate on every single little detail.

Luke was never meant to be the main driver of Action, he was the main driver of Emotion in these two films.
I know the feeling of wanting MORE for him to do in the movie... But this is Rey and Kylo's film if that's not obvious.

This is what many of you fail to one asked Disney to bring back the OT3. No one at all. You could have made your Star Wars movie 100 years in the future and not even mention any of the previous 6 films. You used our nostalgia and our heroes to put butts in seats but then don’t want to go through the process of giving them satisfying and serviceable character arcs. You brought Luke Skywalker back only to say we don’t want Luke Skywalker to overshadow our new characters. I’m not going for it. I’m glad the fandoms discontent with this film is growing. Straight soulless cash grab.
People upset with people complaining about this movies but yet trash the prequels. Yeah the prequels has terrible story. But I’d take ever one of their action scenes of the last Jedi. Not saying the movies are better well IMO revenge is better then this
Though it looked stunning, it was probably one of the most egregious things they did. How many lives could’ve been saved if you just hyperdrived xwings into the death star.

JJ is gonna make it to where Rey takes off her mask and it was Luke the whole time :smh:

finn gonna vomit thinking back on the times he fapped to rey.
No one can ever flex on Revenge of the Sith after this film.
hayden christensen's AWFUL acting ruined this movie. natalie portman was trash interacting with him too. dialogue was horrible.
there were some great scenes and visuals though (bouncing yoda fight was not one of them).
I thought Yoda fighting Dooku in AotC was terrible, terrible, terrible.

But Yoda fighting Sidious in RotS was pretty bad ***. I thought that was done much much better.
I was fine with how they handled Luke. It's the approach they took and it worked well when I watched it. I am salty about how Ackbar went out, though.

Would have I also loved if Luke brought the X-Wing out of the water, flew there, and fought Kylo in an epic lightsaber duel? Absolutely, that would have been amazing.

But instead we got an incredible display of strength and power from a Jedi Master who used his fame and legend to inspire hope one last time. He learned from his past failures, he didn't go back to face Kylo in person, but instead he took the advice from Yoda. He had a goodbye with Leia, he gave us hope one last time and a great twist in his force projection. I think overall, the twists and subverting of tropes worked really well. Some things were too much, like Luke dusting off his shoulder, but overall all of the misdirection worked for me.

I"m glad they gave us something different, something not what we all expected or even wanted. It's not a perfect movie, there's always going to be issues in the writing, plots, pacing, etc., but I still loved what they did and the direction they went.
I still can't get over how dumb this movie was :lol:
Rian's writing is poor. The forced jokes didn't get a single laugh in my theater.
Dead serious moment with Rey and Kylo and first line is "Can you put a towel on?"
The editing was pretty poor too.
You can argue about what happens in the actual movie but as a film itself it just wasn't good. Tried to throw a lot of style and flash and ended up with a meh movie.
Are ANY of these characters that likable/interesting? I feel like Rey gets a pass from a lot of people because she's pretty :lol: Maz is cool but is in it for like 10 seconds. Kylo I do find interesting because he does have the most interesting backstory/growth but that's about it. The almighty Snoke couldn't sense the force being used half an inch away from him after manhandling Rey with the force in a way we haven't seen in this trilogy yet?
And that Leia "force" scene is a bottom 5 moment in all Star Wars films :lol:
There's a ton of potential with the current trilogy but I've been underwhelmed thus far.
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This is what many of you fail to one asked Disney to bring back the OT3. No one at all. You could have made your Star Wars movie 100 years in the future and not even mention any of the previous 6 films. You used our nostalgia and our heroes to put butts in seats but then don’t want to go through the process of giving them satisfying and serviceable character arcs. You brought Luke Skywalker back only to say we don’t want Luke Skywalker to overshadow our new characters. I’m not going for it. I’m glad the fandoms discontent with this film is growing. Straight soulless cash grab.
when you watched the film, you left the theatre mad/unhappy?
all the screenings I've been to people were giving standing Os.
Not that it's a measure of anything, but there was nothing but love
in both screenings.
Because it destroyed The Supremacy's weapons. That's why they had to land on the planet to destroy the base.
bro, you missed what's going on.
when you watched the film, you left the theatre mad/unhappy?
all the screenings I've been to people were giving standing Os.
Not that it's a measure of anything, but there was nothing but love
in both screenings.

Only crowd reactions in my theater were two people clapping when they thought Kylo turned, and I was in an IMAX theater so I'm sure a fair share of die hards were in there. End of movie people got up and left, no claps or standing or anything. No laughs at any of the jokes in the movie. My brother is a bigger Star Wars head than me and liked it more than I did but it is kinda crazy seeing how polarizing the response has been.
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