Star Wars Universe Thread: May The 4th Be With You

Did you like The Last Jedi?

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    Votes: 68 71.6%
  • Yes

    Votes: 27 28.4%

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George don't need **** no more. He got his $4Billy or whatever plus a whole hell of a lot of stock in Disney.

Yeah I don't get why Obi Wan wouldn't remember R2 and C3PO.

And when Han is talkin **** about the Jedi and the force, Chewie just stays quiet like he don't remember his boy Yoda :lol:

The prequels are just filled with question marks
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would y'all have liked this movie as much if it didn't have that last 30 seconds?

Absolutely. Said it in my review, I was satisfied by the first Vader scene we got and didn't expect to get another one. That ending was a phenomonal ending to an already great film, therefore serving as the icing on top of the cake for me.
George don't need **** no more. He got his $4Billy or whatever plus a whole hell of a lot of stock in Disney.

Yeah I don't get why Obi Wan wouldn't remember R2 and C3PO.

And when Han is talkin **** about the Jedi and the force, Chewie just stays quiet like he don't remember his boy Yoda :lol:

The prequels are just filled with question marks
Obi Wan didn't interact much with 3PO. Certain stuff like him not rembering r2 well who knows if he actually did or not.
Rewatched TFA on demand. Was better watching a second time. Finn grew on me. He wasn't as annoying this time around. Besides the plot retread, I enjoyed it a lot this go around.

I wonder if theyre gonna try to fill the gap from Episode 6 and 7.
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George don't need **** no more. He got his $4Billy or whatever plus a whole hell of a lot of stock in Disney.

Yeah I don't get why Obi Wan wouldn't remember R2 and C3PO.

And when Han is talkin **** about the Jedi and the force, Chewie just stays quiet like he don't remember his boy Yoda :lol:

The prequels are just filled with question marks
Obi Wan didn't interact much with 3PO. Certain stuff like him not rembering r2 well who knows if he actually did or not.
Easy solution; Obi-Wan had Alzheimer's (maybe Chewy too). All droids end up looking the same to him which is why he never said anything.

This also has the added solution that explains his accounts of Vader wiping out the Jedi and all the other details not meshing with the prequels :lol:

Obi-Wan solo with Ewan can be where we discover his illness. Only the force is driving him to stick around on Tatooine knowing he still has a purpose as a Jedi and personal motivation.
Me and my boy were talkin about a Wookie movie the other day. Imagine a movie full of Wookies and no "translator" :lol:
We already have that go watch the holiday special the first 20 minutes is all wookiee dialogue with no subtitles :x
Why dude introduced these holes into his own work, no one knows. I've been impressed with Marvel and how they juggle these huge projects keeping things mostly in check from film to film, George needed teams like that.

I've always said the prequels suffered from George insisting on doing everything, and also not having actors who were willing to stand up and call George out on dumb stuff like Ford & Fisher. They would say "nope, my character wouldn't say that," and George would listen. He filled the prequels with yes-people and others that just did whatever.

i think lucas just got cought up in the cgi.

its like he got this big bag of wonderful toys that he could do so much with and he got more occupied with it than the story.

crazy that phantom menace is almost 20 years old.
Random thing about the prequels I hated... Why didn't Chewie tell Luke about Yoda?...


There's a ton of that stuff if you go down that road haha. So much crap Lucas wrote in to try to force (no pun intended) everything to connect. So you're trying to tell me Obi Wan didn't remember R2 and 3PO? FOH George haha.


I actually always had the opinion that Obi-Wan did recognize R2, but pretended he didn't... Alex Guinness looked very quizzical when he saw R2 for the first time, IMO..
I think the line Obi Wan said was "I don't ever remember owning droids"

And technically he didn't own them. So he was right, from a certain point of view :lol:
I actually always had the opinion that Obi-Wan did recognize R2, but pretended he didn't... Alex Guinness looked very quizzical when he saw R2 for the first time, IMO..

it probably wasn't even thought of back when anh was made but I like that obi hits R2 with hello there come here my little friend when he finds luke , I feel like it holds that theory holds that together
Truth be told, I never thought it mattered. What meaningful conversation was going to come from Obi-Wan mentioning that he knew the droids when he had no intention of telling Luke about his parents in the near future anyways? Was he going to say hi to the droids? For what? They're machines. Very few people in this franchise treat droids as anything other than machines and Obi-Wan really isn't a character that's ever been much different. Don't remember if it's in the film, but the Revenge of the Sith novelization has him getting on Anakin for being too attatched to R2. I can't even remember any real conversation or interaction Obi-Wan ever had with C3P0 :rofl: I think Chewie never mentioning Yoda makes far less sense than Obi-Wan not saying anything about two droids that he was never close with anyways. And I also feel like he would have been aware about C3P0's mindwipe, due to some contact with Bail, making it even less necessary for him to greet them.

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I'd expect to see something like this before I saw Obi-Wan say anything to those droids.
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Truth be told, I never thought it mattered. What meaningful conversation was going to come from Obi-Wan mentioning that he knew the droids when he had no intention of telling Luke about his parents in the near future anyways? Was he going to say hi to the droids? For what? They're machines. Very few people in this franchise treat droids as anything other than machines and Obi-Wan really isn't a character that's ever been much different. Don't remember if it's in the film, but the Revenge of the Sith novelization has him getting on Anakin for being too attatched to R2. I can't even remember any real conversation or interaction Obi-Wan ever had with C3P0 :rofl:

It's not even that Obi Wan should, or shouldn't remember them. It's the pointless decision to tell a story a full 30 years before ANH, and bring those same droids into the films unnecessarily.

There was no reason to have Anakin be the one to create Threepio. It's pretty stupid really. All 3 films could have been done rather easily without those droids, or that connection to Obi Wan at all.

Having to go back and say, oh well, Obi Wan forgot, or oh well, he did remember but acted like he didn't, that's so stupid. Simply don't write the damn droids into 3 movies that take place decades before your original stories and you don't have to explain anything.

It's poor writing and storytelling. Ironically, he created a million new droids, but couldn't think to come up with two different ones to replace his misguided humorous droid sidekicks?

An entire galaxy of planets, and Threepio is going to survive 3 full decades and then get shot out of an escape pod and somehow end up on the farm of the son of his creator? Really? :lol:
in Ep. 3 Yoda said they should wait until the time is right to reconnect.

Seeing the droids come back that played an intricate part of the clone wars. Seeing the message from Leia with Luke around. And the message saying to find Senator Organa to connect again.

Never thought about it like that, but the signs for Obi Wan to recruit Luke were clearly obvious.

And in Ep. 3 Senator Organa giving 3PO and R2 to a Captain Antilles, but Wedge antillies' appearance in Rebels then doesn't make sense to me. Did I miss something? I know it might not the same Antillies but what are the chances :lol:
Truth be told, I never thought it mattered. What meaningful conversation was going to come from Obi-Wan mentioning that he knew the droids when he had no intention of telling Luke about his parents in the near future anyways? Was he going to say hi to the droids? For what? They're machines. Very few people in this franchise treat droids as anything other than machines and Obi-Wan really isn't a character that's ever been much different. Don't remember if it's in the film, but the Revenge of the Sith novelization has him getting on Anakin for being too attatched to R2. I can't even remember any real conversation or interaction Obi-Wan ever had with C3P0 :rofl:

It's not even that Obi Wan should, or shouldn't remember them. It's the pointless decision to tell a story a full 30 years before ANH, and bring those same droids into the films unnecessarily.

There was no reason to have Anakin be the one to create Threepio. It's pretty stupid really. All 3 films could have been done rather easily without those droids, or that connection to Obi Wan at all.

Having to go back and say, oh well, Obi Wan forgot, or oh well, he did remember but acted like he didn't, that's so stupid. Simply don't write the damn droids into 3 movies that take place decades before your original stories and you don't have to explain anything.

It's poor writing and storytelling. Ironically, he created a million new droids, but couldn't think to come up with two different ones to replace his misguided humorous droid sidekicks?

An entire galaxy of planets, and Threepio is going to survive 3 full decades and then get shot out of an escape pod and somehow end up on the farm of the son of his creator? Really? :lol:

Yeah, yeah, you hate the prequels. We know.
i think lucas just got cought up in the cgi.

its like he got this big bag of wonderful toys that he could do so much with and he got more occupied with it than the story.

crazy that phantom menace is almost 20 years old.
That's what I thought too... IIRC, CGI wasn't used that much back then (and it wasn't really good enough), so for TPM to use that much, it was quite a technological breakthrough.  I remember watching interviews of Lucas showing how excited he was by ILM's CGI development.  Definitely felt like he wanted to push those boundaries more than the story-telling.

As for Obi-Wan... when he helped Luke up after getting attacked by the Sandpeople, the look on his face when he saw R2 almost seemed like he knew something.  Maybe it was just how I wanted to read it, but I guess it could be opened for interpretation.  Furthermore, aren't there a lot of astromech droids in the galaxy?  Perhaps recognizing, specifically, R2D2 20 years later isn't as easy as it seems? 
Lucas always pushed the boundaries of filmmaking, it's part of the reason Star Wars is what it is. Saying he shouldn't have used so much CGI would go against everything he stands for, including the principles he used to create the OT.

BTW, I've never used the block function on NT until this thread a few days ago. Knowing the P word can come up, and I don't have to scroll through a wall of angry nerd rage, has made this thread much better.
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Why dude introduced these holes into his own work, no one knows. I've been impressed with Marvel and how they juggle these huge projects keeping things mostly in check from film to film, George needed teams like that.

I've always said the prequels suffered from George insisting on doing everything, and also not having actors who were willing to stand up and call George out on dumb stuff like Ford & Fisher. They would say "nope, my character wouldn't say that," and George would listen. He filled the prequels with yes-people and others that just did whatever.

From my recollection, George went to a short list of several directors and/or friends (Spielberg was one of them) and they all told George he should do it.

For w/e reason none wanted to touch it. George wasn't gonna hand it off to somebody he didn't trust or a newbie.
I haven't even seen a Revan yet. But I was patient with Kylo and Jango and it paid off, hope it does here too.
Truth be told, I never thought it mattered. What meaningful conversation was going to come from Obi-Wan mentioning that he knew the droids when he had no intention of telling Luke about his parents in the near future anyways? Was he going to say hi to the droids? For what? They're machines. Very few people in this franchise treat droids as anything other than machines and Obi-Wan really isn't a character that's ever been much different. Don't remember if it's in the film, but the Revenge of the Sith novelization has him getting on Anakin for being too attatched to R2. I can't even remember any real conversation or interaction Obi-Wan ever had with C3P0 :rofl:

It's not even that Obi Wan should, or shouldn't remember them. It's the pointless decision to tell a story a full 30 years before ANH, and bring those same droids into the films unnecessarily.

There was no reason to have Anakin be the one to create Threepio. It's pretty stupid really. All 3 films could have been done rather easily without those droids, or that connection to Obi Wan at all.

Having to go back and say, oh well, Obi Wan forgot, or oh well, he did remember but acted like he didn't, that's so stupid. Simply don't write the damn droids into 3 movies that take place decades before your original stories and you don't have to explain anything.

It's poor writing and storytelling. Ironically, he created a million new droids, but couldn't think to come up with two different ones to replace his misguided humorous droid sidekicks?

An entire galaxy of planets, and Threepio is going to survive 3 full decades and then get shot out of an escape pod and somehow end up on the farm of the son of his creator? Really? :lol:

Yeah, yeah, you hate the prequels. We know.
I read all that like I wouldn't ever pay that much attention to it cuz I didn't care.

I don't know how "poor" of storytelling it actually is tbh but hey maybe I'm like most in the movie and don't care about the droids for it to bother me.

If this was an actual person who did the same thing as both droids then it would stick out more.
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