Star Wars Universe Thread: May The 4th Be With You

Did you like The Last Jedi?

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i just think the concept of a killer droid is cool

they had like a million droids in the prequels and they didnt do anything 
i was always partial to Bossk, the reptilian bounty hunter

I always appreciated how (In the EU) Boba Fett one-upped him every single time they met. :lol: **** was funny. But IG-88 is a character i've always wanted to see more of because the best representatives we have for Droids in this series are R2 and C3P0. Iconic and classic to be sure, but a badass droid bounty hunter is on an entirely different level. I'd honestly watch a movie based around
again, these are not star wars problems

they are the very basics of how to tell a good story and make a good movie

if the prequels were not star wars movies they would already be forgotten
Actually it's pretty much comic book arguments you're getting in to now.

Superman displays some super power, never uses it again to save the day. Dude once had mind control and telepathy, could make mini clones of himself, split himself in two, etc.

As far as the force which is mostly used as telekinesis, using the force is based on how much energy you have and concentration. So you just gotta assume the same way Spidey doesn't always use his super strength, speed, and agility to conquer most human or weaker opponents it's the same reason why force grabs, jumps and pulls aren't constantly being used in the middle of a battle.

With that said, force super speed as seen in the movie should've never been created :lol: It should've just been shown as a momentum thing like using the force can make you catch a fairly fast moving transport vehicle as you gain steam not some Flash level speed :lol:
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again, these are not star wars problems

they are the very basics of how to tell a good story and make a good movie

if the prequels were not star wars movies they would already be forgotten
Actually it's pretty much comic book arguments you're getting in to now.

Superman displays some super power, never uses it again to save the day. Dude once had mind control and telepathy, could make mini clones of himself, split himself in two, etc.

As far as the force which is mostly used as telekinesis, using the force is based on how much energy you are and concentration. So you just gotta assume the same way Spidey doesn't always use his super strength, speed, and agility to conquer most human or weaker opponents it's the same reason why force grabs, jumps and pulls aren't constantly being used in the middle of a battle.

With that said, force super speed as seen in the movie should've never been created
It should've just been shown as a momentum thing like using the force can make you catch a fairly fast moving transport vehicle as you gain steam not some Flash level speed
but like it was totally pointless, they could have walked to the right and no one would have had any issue with it

it wasnt even for the sake of being cool, im sure most people missed it

there is no defending it, its a power they have for literally no reason that serves no point that they didnt even need in the given situation.

and what you listed is exactly why superman is a stupid character in the comics. If this was a superman movie it would be the same example of bad screen writing/story telling
It's really about controlling the ability and giving it clear limits and not breaking that.

Supes is one example. Super speed if a huge problem in general. It's why a lot of Flash fights on his show aren't that good especially when they make him fight a lame human who only has arrows to attack with.

You can do a lot with telekinesis. A LOT but the force can let you read ppl's minds, erase memories, etc. I felt that was a bit much and it should've stopped at temporary mind control and only working on weak minded ppl.

But yeah that scene was too much :lol: and has no point. Almost could be taken as an editing error.
i mean that really is the core of scifi fantasy, establishing rules and building a story around these rules.

I cant stand the flash episodes where he is fighting regular dudes. like one scene he's catching a bullet and the next he's getting punched in the face 

but in terms of storytelling, the first act is where you establish rules that carry on throughout the movie. That force speed thing is a different kind of bad than the rest of the prequels, its just so strange that they would leave it in there. Maybe they forgot to shoot the scene where they leave so instead of reshooting they just cgi zip them off screen 
If the question is why don't characters with powers use a certain power at X point in time then you can pick at most series that deal with powers. Vader has Telekinesis but doesn't bother to use it when Luke allows himself to fall down the shaft on Cloud City, which would've easily allowed him to capture Luke then and there and changed the course of the series. Heck he could've used it to pull Luke to him before Luke fell in fact. Some things just are what they are.
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If the question is why don't characters with powers use a certain power at X point in time then you can nitpick most series that deal with powers. Vader has Telekinesis but doesn't bother to use it when Luke allows himself to fall down the shaft on Cloud City, which would've easily allowed him to capture Luke then and there and changed the course of the series. Heck he could've used it to pull Luke to him before Luke fell in fact. Some things just are what they are.
again, this is not a star wars problem

it is just an example of garbage storytelling and filmmaking

it doesnt matter if its starwars or the muppets movie, a mistake like that is just bad 

there was a point to using the force for telekinesis

there was literally no point for that force run thing other than possibly trying to cover up a mistake in editing 
If the question is why don't characters with powers use a certain power at X point in time then you can nitpick most series that deal with powers. Vader has Telekinesis but doesn't bother to use it when Luke allows himself to fall down the shaft on Cloud City, which would've easily allowed him to capture Luke then and there and changed the course of the series. Heck he could've used it to pull Luke to him before Luke fell in fact. Some things just are what they are.
again, this is not a star wars problem

it is just an example of garbage storytelling and filmmaking

it doesnt matter if its starwars or the muppets movie, a mistake like that is just bad 

there was a point to using the force for telekinesis

there was literally no point for that force run thing other than possibly trying to cover up a mistake in editing 

Don't really see how its garbage storytelling because they had them use the Force to speed out of a scene. :lol: They wanted the characters to be shown using the Force so they had them use the Force to escape in a quick manner. Big deal.
If the question is why don't characters with powers use a certain power at X point in time then you can nitpick most series that deal with powers. Vader has Telekinesis but doesn't bother to use it when Luke allows himself to fall down the shaft on Cloud City, which would've easily allowed him to capture Luke then and there and changed the course of the series. Heck he could've used it to pull Luke to him before Luke fell in fact. Some things just are what they are.
again, this is not a star wars problem

it is just an example of garbage storytelling and filmmaking

it doesnt matter if its starwars or the muppets movie, a mistake like that is just bad 

there was a point to using the force for telekinesis

there was literally no point for that force run thing other than possibly trying to cover up a mistake in editing 
Don't really see how its garbage storytelling because they had them use the Force to speed out of a scene.
They wanted the characters to be shown using the Force so they had them use the Force to escape in a quick manner. Big deal.

what was the point?

it clearly was not to look cool, it wasnt edited to look cool

It wasnt a situation where they needed some random force move to get out of, they could have just run

it just shows that the director doesnt even care about what he puts on screen, its incredibly lazy

these are the little things that not even a year 1 film student would do. 

like this is why we continue to get garbage movies year after year, people are okay with and even defend mediocrity. 

things like this should be a big deal, it is one of many inconsistencies and dumb things that happen in the movie that add up to a terrible film.

stop defending this trash just because it has the starwars logo on it, demand something better.
If the question is why don't characters with powers use a certain power at X point in time then you can nitpick most series that deal with powers. Vader has Telekinesis but doesn't bother to use it when Luke allows himself to fall down the shaft on Cloud City, which would've easily allowed him to capture Luke then and there and changed the course of the series. Heck he could've used it to pull Luke to him before Luke fell in fact. Some things just are what they are.
again, this is not a star wars problem

it is just an example of garbage storytelling and filmmaking

it doesnt matter if its starwars or the muppets movie, a mistake like that is just bad 

there was a point to using the force for telekinesis

there was literally no point for that force run thing other than possibly trying to cover up a mistake in editing 

Don't really see how its garbage storytelling because they had them use the Force to speed out of a scene. :lol: They wanted the characters to be shown using the Force so they had them use the Force to escape in a quick manner. Big deal.

what was the point?

it clearly was not to look cool, it wasnt edited to look cool

It wasnt a situation where they needed some random force move to get out of, they could have just run

it just shows that the director doesnt even care about what he puts on screen, its incredibly lazy

these are the little things that not even a year 1 film student would do. 

like this is why we continue to get garbage movies year after year, people are okay with and even defend mediocrity. 

things like this should be a big deal, it is one of many inconsistencies and dumb things that happen in the movie that add up to a terrible film.

stop defending this trash just because it has the starwars logo on it, demand something better.

True enough they could've just had them escape some other way, but i've always assumed they wanted them to use a noticeable display of the Force. I don't know about looking cool or anything, but i've never thought it looked bad.

If I defended something just because it has the Star Wars label i'd be talking about the Holiday special. :wink:
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its a basic rule of good science fiction

dont come up with some random bs to get your characters out of trouble, do so with the already established rules in the universe. or if you are establishing a new rule (like force speed is a thing), then it should be used in the future as it is something that now is possible in this universe. 

the worst part is they didnt even need to do that to get out of the situation, they could have just ran out of frame. Its just so confusing of a directorial choice because adding it makes less sense than what would happen without it. 

doing so just creates plotholes down the line and takes away from the credibility of the narrative 

is it that hard to understand? 
The better part was, "you're right about one thing, the negotiations were short", look, look, look, look again, look....... :rofl: :rofl:
You know this actually ties back into the convo you and Zik were having yesterday, because Force Speed showed up in the EU before it did on film.
i think they used the same effect for that force run as they did for han's head move when greedo shoots first 
why isnt ian mcdiarmid in more movies?

he was the best part of the prequels and great in ROTJ 
You know this actually ties back into the convo you and Zik were having yesterday, because Force Speed showed up in the EU before it did on film.

I only know the novels, nothing from the comics. I assume Force Speed was from the comics, cuz I don't remember ever reading about it.

Flow walking tho.....that sounded cool.
You know this actually ties back into the convo you and Zik were having yesterday, because Force Speed showed up in the EU before it did on film.

I only know the novels, nothing from the comics. I assume Force Speed was from the comics, cuz I don't remember ever reading about it.

Flow walking tho.....that sounded cool.

Well yeah it's appeared in comics as well, but I was speaking of a novel actually: Shadows of the Empire.
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