Star Wars Universe Thread: May The 4th Be With You

Did you like The Last Jedi?

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    Votes: 68 71.6%
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Max Landis is a ******* moron. Dude is really saying Disney paid off reviewers to say Star Wars was great :rofl:

all because no one agrees with his opinion.

dude is still on twitter writing fan fict as to how the film should have went

What is he saying? I know he posted a video on YouTube saying he would have depicted Kylo Ren as someone seeking death but that's about it

Clone Wars is canon

Not the old 2D series from 2004 by Gendy Tartakovsky that was originally canon. It was replaced by the new one
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he look like young denzel

they need to get on that training day prequel :pimp:

I really hope sons career flourishes after this.

I didn't even realize he was son from that movie about the aliens in that london hood.

I remember watching that joint years back, didn't even piece it together until I saw an interview of him talking about it.
"come get it" was pretty alpha lol.

his voice had more bass in that moment than he had throughout the whole movie
reading rumors that the Blu-Ray release has been pushed to June with a re-release around Easter. Some people speculate a Rogue One teaser will be attached to it :nerd:
Am I the only one that is pissed about rogue one? After 30 years we finally get a sequel to return of the Jedi and they follow it up with another prequel? Why not just give us episode 8 and 9 already? I don't give a crap about the Death Star plans....
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They'd be giving us all the Episodes 2 years apart regardless. We're just getting more in between instead of nothing.
Max Landis is a ******* moron. Dude is really saying Disney paid off reviewers to say Star Wars was great :rofl:

all because no one agrees with his opinion.

dude is still on twitter writing fan fict as to how the film should have went

He's the worst right now. We get it you don't like the movie. Stop trying to ruin it for others and go make a better series. He's in the position to make a better movie but just sits there *****ing on the internet about it.

Entitled brat...

Keyboard Kylo Ren
Someone from the LucasFilm story group tweeted "for those who think Kylo's behavior is out of character for his age, he's the same age as Max Landis" :rofl:

Max Landis is a ******* moron. Dude is really saying Disney paid off reviewers to say Star Wars was great :rofl:

all because no one agrees with his opinion.

dude is still on twitter writing fan fict as to how the film should have went

What is he saying? I know he posted a video on YouTube saying he would have depicted Kylo Ren as someone seeking death but that's about it

Clone Wars is canon

Not the old 2D series from 2004 by Gendy Tartakovsky that was originally canon. It was replaced by the new one
i just glanced over but he's talking about how Han should of thought Kylo killed his son and shot him for Kylo to reveal that he's actually his son. Which is a reddit plot rumor for like a year ago lol

and my bad on the clone wars thing
damn marvel fanboys came out with the quickness to cape the franchise :lol:

my remark wasnt a knock on marvel it was saying star wars cant be used like marvel because marvel has different lead characters and universes that are already established over decades. star wars is just one saga and only one saga that people are familiar with.

people will get tired of star wars if disney pumps out movie after movie

i know they said trilogy but watch them make 4 or 5 movies splitting the last into two parts

You're drunk. They can release a movie a year for decades and not scratch the surface.

Rogue 1
Ep 8
Fett spin off
Ep 9
Solo spin off
Old republic
Fett sequel
Solo sequel
Old Republic sequel

That's 10 years without trying.

Kenobi series.
If they ever do a Vader spin off
Thrawn. :nerd:
Rebels series
Plageius tales

Maul spin off. :nerd:

Knights of Ren spin off.

X Wing series.

New era Jedi-Sith battle(s)

And all this without even finding what characters that people fall for. Maybe Captain Phasma blows up, people want spin off.

And they can still create new characters, stories from books, comics, games, etc. Can jump from era to era, tie characters together, spin them off, whatever.

And I'm just a jack off behind a keyboard, the Disney team of writers can run circles around me.

They'll never run out of material.

Every film won't do a billion, of course, but they'll earn enough, same as Ant-man, or Thor 1, etc.

Birth of the Sith film

Darth Bane series :nerd:

Old Republic trilogy that's focused on Revan

Saw someone mention Galen. Mads is rumored to be playing him in Rogue One :nerd:

I really don't think people understand just how expansive the Star Wars universe has the potential to be. It's nothing like what Marvel is doing because we all know what those films are leading up to and the eventually outcome of all the films we see prior to the 'endgame'.
Am I the only one that is pissed about rogue one? After 30 years we finally get a sequel to return of the Jedi and they follow it up with another prequel? Why not just give us episode 8 and 9 already? I don't give a crap about the Death Star plans....

I look at the Anthology films as "treats" while we wait for the saga films. Nothing bad at all, IMO. It'll give us stories about other people and places in the universe and may even expand upon what we know about in the saga films. Imagine actually seeing what Solo's Kessel run was all about?
cmon son Donnie Yen is in Rogue One. We got Donnie freaking Yen in the Star Wars universe. Who doesn't want to see that??

Rogue One cast is very lit
Am I the only one that is pissed about rogue one? After 30 years we finally get a sequel to return of the Jedi and they follow it up with another prequel? Why not just give us episode 8 and 9 already? I don't give a crap about the Death Star plans....

I look at the Anthology films as "treats" while we wait for the saga films. Nothing bad at all, IMO. It'll give us stories about other people and places in the universe and may even expand upon what we know about in the saga films. Imagine actually seeing what Solo's Kessel run was all about?


Saw this yesterday on... you guessed it Tumblr

I’ve heard the discussion about Han Solo’s famous “Kessel Run” time and time again - both inside the Star Wars community and outside it. Common consensus seems to be that Han Solo’s boast that the Falcon could do the run in 12 parsecs indicates that Solo has no idea what a parsec is, or else relies on the fact that his audience doesn’t know.
This discussion relies on two main facts:
A parsec is a unit of measurement equivalent to roughly 3.26 light-years. This means that a parsec is a unit of distance, not a unit of time.
The Kessel Run is a smuggling route in the Star Wars universe, running illicit spice from the spice mines of Kessel to its destination worlds. It is not a commonly-used trade route, partially because the route is fraught with danger - especially “The Maw” cluster of black holes.
The main mistake people seem to make when discussing this issue is believing that Han is boasting about the Falcon’s speed. This is understandable, because Han often boasts about the Falcon’s speed in other situations, and it is natural to assume that a vehicle owner boasts about the speed of their vehicle because that is what we Earthlings are used to when discussing cars and other machines.
As such, they think that Han is purporting that “12 Parsecs” is a quantification of the Falcon’s immense velocity.
This is an incorrect assumption, however. What Han is actually boasting about is the Falcon’s ability to safely navigate the dangerous Kessel Run by the shortest possible route.
Travelling at hyperspace is not a simple matter of moving the ship directly from A to B, since there are doubtless hundreds or thousands of intervening planets, stars, asteroids, and other dangers. A ship’s computer must be programmed with a route which avoids such obstacles - usually giving them a wide berth, just to be on the safe side. The computer can also adjust itself en route if an unforeseen hazard presents itself.
Han Solo programs the Falcon’s computer system to fly as close to these hazards - especially the forbidding Maw Cluster - as is possible without being destroyed. Most other pilots would see this behaviour as foolhardy, but Han apparently doesn’t care. Because the Falcon is programmed to fly closer to these obstacles than most other pilots would dare consider, it needs to “steer” far less, and so can traverse the route in a straighter line than any other starship. This means that the Falcon completes the Kessel Run in a shorter distance than other ships - a mere 12 parsecs.
This is backed up in The Force Awakens when Rey, impressed that the ‘hunk of junk’ she’s aboard is the Millennium Falcon, marvels that “This is the ship which ran the Kessel Run in 14 parsecs”. Han corrects her by saying “12″. This therefore implies that 12 parsecs is more impressive than 14 - something which is totally in keeping with the above.
Han isn’t talking out of his **** when he boasts about the Falcon’s record, nor is he demonstrating his lack of understanding of interstellar measurements. He’s just not talking about what many people think he’s talking about, which is their own lack of understanding, not Han’s.
this is what's so great about star wars

you will have one character that has one line and lasts 30 seconds and fans can turn him into a legend
:lol: Is that not the definition of overrating in this context?

I'd be on record that any character the fans do that to is really just a ******* lame character.
it is, but its also why we have so much lore and starwars backstory

its a credit to the movies that people care enough to do this stuff for minor characters

if the same situation played out in a lord of the rings movie no one would care about the character at all 

You don't get lore and back story from characters saying one line and being on screen for half a minute.

What happens is fans overrate ****, the ppl in merchandising profit off of that. The publishing get told to make some **** up so you can sell books and they do it. Now I haven't read the books and don't plan to but I'd assume in this case whoever was in charge got some good authors who probably never got the same mainstream appeal with their original ideas to write the stuff and the books came out good enough for fans to accept (not that if the books sucked they wouldn't have sold initially).

I find the Lord of the Rings boring so I wouldn't know but if they're caking off books or w/e it's not a surprise. That middle Earth **** has an audience. I highly doubt across the board they're having characters show up for a short time, say anything and then fans just gravitate to that character and the creators supply the demand with back story. You have to make good characters to properly create lore.

But hey I'm on record for not finding any of those characters you're referring to in OT interesting at all to really look up their back story in the first place. For me, George told a simple story about a father and son with a straightforward approach on the concept of good vs. evil. I was interested in the Jedi (and Sith), liked the amount of weird alien races he could come up with, and how the force worked. The smugglers, outlaws, bounty hunters, and specifically guys like Jabba the Hutt did nothing for me. I'd already seen stuff like that done better.
i dont read any of the books or comics and the only toys I buy are legos for my collection 

My point is that there are so many fans that are into this stuff (creating fan fiction/lore/backstory) and it's a major part of star wars culture

its unlike any other movie or pop culture franchise 
How is it unlike the Star Trek franchise and their fans? or any other huge franchise not based off a book or comic? I mean there's a lot of them.

If you got in to what's on the internet you'd see there's fan fiction and lore and backstory for just about anything. The more nerdy the franchise the bigger the fan base.

Max Landis is a ******* moron. Dude is really saying Disney paid off reviewers to say Star Wars was great :rofl:

all because no one agrees with his opinion.

dude is still on twitter writing fan fict as to how the film should have went

He's the worst right now. We get it you don't like the movie. Stop trying to ruin it for others and go make a better series. He's in the position to make a better movie but just sits there *****ing on the internet about it.

Entitled brat...

Keyboard Kylo Ren
:lol: Been saying dude is a clown

He's be attention whoring like a IG ho :smh: If he hasn't given his opinion on something and repeatedly brought up in different ways and then argue on twitter of all places about it his work isn't done.
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