Sportbike Club terrorizes family in a Range Rover in Manhattan (vid)

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Read through some pages on here and ninjahood and goldenchild are on the money.

Never honk your horn at a bunch of goons on bikes that think they own the road. By honking the horn you are escalating the situation and potentially starting a confrontation. Then, you should always control your vehicle so you shouldn't rear end someone no matter what. That's the first rule of driving a vehicle, always control your vehicle.

Next, it doesn't matter whether there is 1 person or 500, whether they have criminal records or not, it does not justify leaving the scene of an accident and possibly killing bikers because "they look scary".

So no, you don't have the right to kill people because they "look scary" or "look like they want trouble", nor is it justified. :smh:

You sound even more clueless than ninjahood and goldenchild. He didn't kill anyone nor did he leave the scene of accident because they looked scary :lol: you blind son? They ATTACKED his car, which his family was in. That's not looking scary, that is scary. That's not looking like they want trouble, that is trouble.
Read through some pages on here and ninjahood and goldenchild are on the money.

Never honk your horn at a bunch of goons on bikes that think they own the road. By honking the horn you are escalating the situation and potentially starting a confrontation. Then, you should always control your vehicle so you shouldn't rear end someone no matter what. That's the first rule of driving a vehicle, always control your vehicle.

Next, it doesn't matter whether there is 1 person or 500, whether they have criminal records or not, it does not justify leaving the scene of an accident and possibly killing bikers because "they look scary".

So no, you don't have the right to kill people because they "look scary" or "look like they want trouble", nor is it justified. :smh:

You sound even more clueless than ninjahood and goldenchild. He didn't kill anyone nor did he leave the scene of accident because they looked scary :lol: you blind son? They ATTACKED his car, which his family was in. That's not looking scary, that is scary. That's not looking like they want trouble, that is trouble.

I said "the right to kill someone" in reference to posters that said they would have killed the bikers.

He nearly killed a biker. The video doesn't show them attacking his SUV when they stopped.

Lien stepped on the gas, plowing into three more bikers, including Edwin Mieses, who was critically injured.
Mieses' family says he is the real victim. "All of his ribs are fractured. His lungs are so badly bruised that he's still on a ventilator," Yolanda Santiago, his mother, told CNN affiliate WCBS.

Mieses' wife, Dayana, told CNN affiliate WBZ that he got off his bike to help the SUV driver. She blamed Lien. "He got scared; he peeled off, and he paralyzed my husband on the way," she said.
I said "the right to kill someone" in reference to posters that said they would have killed the bikers.

He nearly killed a biker. [COLOR=#red]The video doesn't show them attacking his SUV when they stopped. [/COLOR]

"To have been justified in the use of deadly physical force, the defendant must have honestly believed that it was necessary to defend himself/herself [or someone else] from what he/she honestly believed to be the use or imminent use of such force by (specify), and a “reasonable person” in the defendant’s position, knowing what the defendant knew and being in the same circumstances, would have believed that too"

So let's ask our peers if a group of bikers surrounded them on the highway, laid their bike down so he can't drive off, and attack their car, what they would do? We all know what you would do, stay there :lol:

Lien said he stopped his vehicle and was swarmed by about 20 motorcycles, according to law enforcement officials. The bikers then started kicking his SUV, breaking his mirrors and stabbing his tires, he told police. Lien took off, hitting Mieses and sparking a chase by the motorcyclists.

Lien pulled to a stop, and angry bikers surrounded his vehicle, hitting it and spiking its tires, police said.
Lien stepped on the gas, plowing into three more bikers, including Edwin Mieses, who was critically injured.

As some bikers attacked the SUV, Lien sped off, running down a rider who was standing in front of him. After a 50-block chase, the group cornered Lien, smashed in his window with their helmets and beat him, police said.

In the video, one rider approaches the vehicle and peers into the driver's side window. Police said others tried to damage the SUV before the driver, Alexian Lien, took off and plowed over Mieses.

oh and look, the commentary from one of the bikers who was there, (who now deleted his account)

View media item 602413

...but nah you right, the police and news report are incorrect

Mann a lot of you guys are "rustled" by this thread.
Ppl on both sides.

RR defense team seems to neglect this one fact...

Thats the most important question nobody has an answer to.
Just keep making blind assumptions based on old videos

This thread should be locked, its not going anywhere.

The picture is bigger here though...
We should really speak on stereotypes, image, and subconscious behavior.
Solely bc ppl are siding with individuals we know nothing of and making judgements.

If it were such a straight forward case, why are they investigating? Why does the plot keep getting thicker?

Its a lot we dont know and yall really trying to MAKE ppl side with you.
Agree to disagree
RR defense team seems to neglect this one fact...

Thats the most important question nobody has an answer to.
Just keep making blind assumptions based on old videos

1. He doesn't need a defense team he wasn't charged with anything, the bikers were

2. Because he tapped the back of the guy's bike, I thought we established that. You alright in the head?
Looked like the Range was blowing his horn. Biker got upset and brake checked, situation got out of control from there. Range and bikers are dummies.

I wonder how many of ya'll so called educated guys on here went to college parties and learned that you don't get in the way of the line of Kappas/Grooves at the party. It's basically the same concept.

You brought back memories with that reference
Read through some pages on here and ninjahood and goldenchild are on the money.

Never honk your horn at a bunch of goons on bikes that think they own the road. By honking the horn you are escalating the situation and potentially starting a confrontation. Then, you should always control your vehicle so you shouldn't rear end someone no matter what. That's the first rule of driving a vehicle, always control your vehicle.

Next, it doesn't matter whether there is 1 person or 500, whether they have criminal records or not, it does not justify leaving the scene of an accident and possibly killing bikers because "they look scary".

So no, you don't have the right to kill people because they "look scary" or "look like they want trouble", nor is it justified.
This is why I have zero empathy for criminals, I'm debating quitting my job and going back to law school or becoming a politician so I can lock these scum up forever. We could use the cheap labor.

The only arguments I'm hearing from certain people in this thread is that we should YIELD to a-holes. I'm against the "stand your ground" laws cause people aren't mature enough for it to work, but I understand why it was implemented.
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Looked like the Range was blowing his horn. Biker got upset and brake checked, situation got out of control from there. Range and bikers are dummies.

I wonder how many of ya'll so called educated guys on here went to college parties and learned that you don't get in the way of the line of Kappas/Grooves at the party. It's basically the same concept.

I think the situation is more like walking down a hallway to your class and the kappas/grooves barrel through expect you to jump aside...and when they bump into you surround you and start beating you so you bum rush one of them to get away and they all chase you down.
What you've just posted... is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever read. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this board is now dumber for having read it. I award you no reps, and may God have mercy on your soul...
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What you've just posted... is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever read. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this board is now dumber for having read it. I award you no reps, and may God have mercy on your soul...
dudes post just gave me leukemiA
Why is the driver obligated to let them go ahead? Why couldn't they wait for him to go ahead?
I have read these comments and in conclusion I realize that the attitudes that most of you have are the very reasons bikers have to always be on the defensive. The real menace is you with the road rage. I have been riding for decades. This is an escalation of unfortunate events. Until you have been damn near killed by a non caring, Bigoted against bikers, simply because they are on a bike and you dont like it hater, then you feel that he is somehow justified in almost killing someone. I have been on rides where there were 100 to 500 bikes and traffic control is extremely important due to the fact that anxious to go nowhere *** haters feel as though somehow a motorcycle rider is trying to take something from them. MOst times when we are that deep there is a police escort to protect us from you. I have damn near been run over more times than I care to remember by arrogance from the driver of a car.
I stop reading right here ....

I been riding for years and I don't remember a driver trying to run me over once. Have their been the occasional close call when I'm on someone's blind spot and they try to cut in, yes .. that has happen both when in car or on a bike!

You might friend seem to be a reckless driver that somehow is always in the wrong place and the wrong time when these drivers have tried to run you over, or are just reckless period and you are all over the road when you ride.

Anyways, you really have some guts or lack of their off or are pretty pathetic to make a new screen name to have another supporter for bikes .. either way you made a new name and claimed that after you read these comments to came to the conclussion .. ***** ....

Man up and continue your argument on your on screen name .. 

P.S. Bikers are still going down and snitching on each other .. what a band of ...... hahahahha
is it possible to IP ban people? this guy must have made at least 5 accounts just for this thread. on or off the internet, these people are experts at being annoying low lives (not all sport bikers, just the ones breaking the law)
NEW YORK (WABC) -- Eyewitness News has learned that among the bikers on the Henry Hudson last weekend, were five off-duty NYPD officers.

Sources say at least two detectives witnessed the attack on Alexian Lien and did not directly intervene. And investigators are still working to determine what role, if any, was played by the other three officers.

What is clear, sources say, is that the men did not begin to come forward until late Wednesday, four full-days after the incident.

And detectives are also investigating reports that several others in the group may have been off-duty New York City correction officers.

An undercover detective has informed Internal Affairs that he was present at the time of the confrontation.

The undercover narcotics detective, himself a motorcycle rider, was off duty. Official sources say he did not get involved because he did not want to blow his cover. Internal Affairs is now investigating. The undercover detective is being advised by an attorney.

Rest of Article in Link

5 NYPD officers :smh:

And look at how long it took for them to come forward... :smh:

Also, if this other officer is working undercover for the purposes of busting up some sort of narcotics dealing etc., how law abiding can these guys be?

This just gets worse and worse for all those riders...and they deserve it.
Only argument I have heard ...

RR should of have let them get in front! 

The fact that he didn't, does not give the bikers any rights whatsoever to get in front break check him and victimized the RR and his family.

He was not wrong for not letting the bikers go ahead, could he have, yes - but the fact that he didn't does not excuses the actions the bikers took. They instigated the entire situation by demanding a law abiding citizen to move over and yield when they had no rights ...
I have read these comments and in conclusion I realize that the attitudes that most of you have are the very reasons bikers have to always be on the defensive. The real menace is you with the road rage. I have been riding for decades. This is an escalation of unfortunate events. Until you have been damn near killed by a non caring, Bigoted against bikers, simply because they are on a bike and you dont like it hater, then you feel that he is somehow justified in almost killing someone. I have been on rides where there were 100 to 500 bikes and traffic control is extremely important due to the fact that anxious to go nowhere *** haters feel as though somehow a motorcycle rider is trying to take something from them. MOst times when we are that deep there is a police escort to protect us from you. I have damn near been run over more times than I care to remember by arrogance from the driver of a car. Bikers have kids wives and families which we also want to go home too. Someone bumps your car you get out and check the damage. Someone bumps your bike you are on your way to the emergency room. Big difference. If the man in the car had simply let them just go ahead, this would never have happened. If he was so interested in protecting his family he would have stopped when he saw the commotion that could cause his family to be put in harms way.

I dont condone the actions of anyone in this scenario especially the hit and run driver who was in such a hurry he said **** those bikes and hit one of them regardless of the bikers foolishness. What would it have cost him to just let them pass ? They did not give a damn about him or his Rover til he hit a bike. I can tell you this much , He got off light. I know cats who would have beat him and his wife to death. Tensions are just s high with bikers who want to stay alive. On the other hand if that were Texas there would have been shots fired probably by the driver and the bikers. I said all that to say Was it worth not letting the pack go on about their business rather than exercise the road rage by hitting one of them then more of them ?.. and with your family in tow ?

To All you biker haters ,,, the next time someone discriminates against you for being black or female or dark or ligh skinned, just remember your attitude as it pertains to bikers and the broad brush you paint us all with. You're the reason I stay strapped at all times and especially when I ride.

Hmmmmm ..... Another brand new account posting in defense of these bikers ......

seems legit
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Only argument I have heard ...

RR should of have let them get in front! 

The fact that he didn't, does not give the bikers any rights whatsoever to get in front break check him and victimized the RR and his family.

He was not wrong for not letting the bikers go ahead, could he have, yes - but the fact that he didn't does not excuses the actions the bikers took. They instigated the entire situation by demanding a law abiding citizen to move over and yield when they had no rights ...
if this reasoning is used then it can also be said that the bikers should not have parked in front of him to block his path, what did they think was going to happen?
Undercover dudes could've texted a buddy cop when they first stopped to get some cops out there :smh:
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