Sportbike Club terrorizes family in a Range Rover in Manhattan (vid)

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This was a case of Big Ego.

Bikers was stupid for trolling the freeway (biker messed with the wrong person)

Guy was stupid for having a huge ego ( he could had just wasted 5 minutes of his life, let them all pass and move on)

Not trying to advocate being a coward, but i would rather avoid the "wrong person". that person might carry a gun and had a really bad day. 
clown talk...and you would've got it just like that idiot in da range rover..what are implying, that you were gonna just hit any and everyone

driving beside you...meanwhile this is getting caught on camera? you would've been UNDER riker's island till they knew what to do with

you after you would've woken up from that month long coma from getting completely pounded to a pulp.

Cool I'll take that, I would have been that dude that took out 40+ of their homeboys while they attempted to get at me for something THEY instigated.
Y'all never got trolled on the highway before?

No one ever cut in your lane or slowed down in front of you for honking at them?


Y'all are completely ignoring the fact that the Range driver HIT a biker with his SUV.

Ok, so you got trolled on the road by a biker....that's justification to hit the driver with your vehicle?

Then run over a bunch more people when your stopped and confronted about it?

Stop it.

What he did was akin to stabbing someone for getting in his face.
They don't seem to get that a traffic violation doesn't give you the right to hit someone with your car/SUV.

Everyone who does something wrong on the road, I can hit them with my car? What about jaywalkers, bike and moped riders?

Once dude called the police, he should have slowed down and let them handle it.
all of this, especially da underlined.
NH, why did the range hit the bike to begin with?

You are justified to run over those morons if you feel like your life or families life is being threatened. Surrounding a car with bikes leads me to believe that they wanted to do mre than talk. Those fools should have thought about the fact that they were putting themselves in harms way the second they decided to try to block his truck w/ their bikes.
Not a single one of them dudes would have felt comfy enough to get within 5 feet of my car once they seen a couple of their tough friends fly off into the roof of Phuket lounge.
This was a case of Big Ego.

Bikers was stupid for trolling the freeway (biker messed with the wrong person)
Guy was stupid for having a huge ego ( he could had just wasted 5 minutes of his life, let them all pass and move on)

Not trying to advocate being a coward, but i would rather avoid the "wrong person". that person might carry a gun and had a really bad day. 

All of this.
You're telling the driver to be the bigger man in the situation. Stop, handle the accident, etc. I get that.

I'm challenging the bikers to be bigger men in the situation that when dude speeds off, don't go beating him in front of his family, especially when the entire accident is caused by somone in the crew brake-checking him.

Sure, sure, it may have escalated because dude in Range was verbally popping off. But as a biker, you got power in numbers, you're clogging up the lanes, and fully capable of keeping it moving as well.
Bigger man?

Dude he just hit them with a damn Range Rover.

Take away the if you're out with your boys, and one of them gets hit with a're going to be the bigger man and not stomp him?
all of this.
**** out of here with that **** ....

I would of have ran all them cats over anyday of the week.

After the dude hit the guy with the bike, it's clear that he stop as everyone stop for a hot minute. There had to be a reason why he took off running over people. 

Then after he was stopped the second time, they surrounded his *** again and even tried to open his door. So you can clearly see these cats were going to handle it a different way.

Only thing I would of have done different, once they caught me in traffic, I would of have put my joint in reverse ran a few more over before making my get away. After the act of vigilante they tried to pll by opening the door, I know I would of have gotten away with it ... Word to Zimmerman ...

I can't believe ninja is even taking the bikers side after the stand he took with Zimmerman ... that made me laugh ....
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coward mentality.

da driver just hit a're supposed to STOP...PERIOD, ITS DA LAW. you DO NOT LEAVE DA SCENE OF A ACCIDENT.
Car honks his horn since the cyclists are driving below the speed limit on a highway and taking up all lanes like they own the road, cyclist stops completely because he feels he is untouchable in his bike and his "people".....and gets bumped, but somehow "da driver hit a cyclist" as if it's all his fault and he asked for it.

Then multiple people get off their bikes and approach him vehicle. 30 seconds elapsed between the slight bump and him driving off frantically. You don't know what the cyclists said or did while approaching his vehicle, you think they were being civil about it if the SUV drove off frantically?
and da next smartest course of action is to RUN MORE PEOPLE OVER at FULL SPEED? so much wrong it makes my head spin..

once you hit another vehicle, you are supposed to stop, period..speeding off made da situation worst...ALOT worst.
Ninja is such a gangsta, he would be a great asset on the front lines of our armed forces....he'd go up against 100+ hostiles alone to prove himself.
and da next smartest course of action is to RUN MORE PEOPLE OVER at FULL SPEED? so much wrong it makes my head spin..

once you hit another vehicle, you are supposed to stop, period..speeding off made da situation worst...ALOT worst.

YES!!!!!...if I tap one of 100 bikers when he "brake checks" me then they stop traffic, sorround my car and a couple of them begin to approach in an aggressive matter THAT IS EXACTLY what I'll do, he was gonna catch a beating REGARDLESS.
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This was NOT a routine traffic violation. Get outta here w/ that.

Routine or non routine, it's still a traffic violation and wasn't putting his family in danger.

It was reckless driving initially. If anything they were in danger, because they were on bikes.
coward mentality.

da driver just hit a're supposed to STOP...PERIOD, ITS DA LAW. you DO NOT LEAVE DA SCENE OF A ACCIDENT.

that dude not only hit someone, RAN MORE people over who had NOTHING to do with it, and tried to get away...i GLAD

he caught that *** whooping..and let that be a lesson to da idiots here advocating you run over cyclist because they intimidate you..

i've never seen some much chicken **** displayed in a thread before today...
So which state you live in where is LEGAL to "brake check"?....and I'm a coward because I fear for te life of my wife and child as well as mines when I'm sorrounded by 50+ hostiles?...that's not being a coward is called being are outnumbered and cornered....GROW UP.
so brake checking = run over hoards of cyclists and try to get away? yeah...coward.

that dude was so smart he was laid out COLD, and his rover ruined....someone give that K.O.'ed idiot a medal on 178th street.
and da next smartest course of action is to RUN MORE PEOPLE OVER at FULL SPEED? so much wrong it makes my head spin..

once you hit another vehicle, you are supposed to stop, period..speeding off made da situation worst...ALOT worst.
BRUH - **** OUT HERE ...

You have 50+ people surrounding your vehicle and you are with your wife and daughter .. you mean to tell me you are going to try and make sense?

You was the guy that was defending Zimmerman correct? 

Routine or non routine, it's still a traffic violation and wasn't putting his family in danger.
That's not for you to determine. The man who had his family with him perceived the situation differently than the NTers watching via Live Leak.
so brake checking = run over hoards of cyclists and try to get away? yeah...coward.

that dude was so smart he was laid out COLD, and his rover ruined....someone give that K.O.'ed idiot a medal on 178th street.

I bet if the biker that got tapped after the "brake check" and the other buddies would have stood in their place, pulled out a phone and called the cops instead of being aggressive, none of this would have happened....he got tapped because of his own STUPIDITY, and that's what you seem to not get....what idiot in a bike slams his brakes in front of an SUV on a highway?...what type of God-like complex these dudes are on? I said once he pulled over and that one dude bolted his car and tried to open his door, it was a free for all at that point....dudes would be flying off their bikes till I got to the toll booth where police would be waiting...he obviously didn't know the area and got out in the worst possible exit.
clown talk...and you would've got it just like that idiot in da range rover..what are implying, that you were gonna just hit any and everyone

driving beside you...meanwhile this is getting caught on camera? you would've been UNDER riker's island till they knew what to do with

you after you would've woken up from that month long coma from getting completely pounded to a pulp.
Cool I'll take that, I would have been that dude that took out 40+ of their homeboys while they attempted to get at me for something THEY instigated.
da epitome of stupidity...

that would've been of my dudes homie ran over and he wouldn't ever have a good night sleep in NYC.

no amount of brake checking deserves people getting run over...PERIOD.

im SO GLAD that dude's name is out in da public, karma is gonna catch up to dude.
Both sides were wrong in their actions. Not much thinking was done.

If I was in the Range, cops would have been called instantly and kept on speaker as I drive to the 34th precinct. Either that or I'm speeding until highway patrol shuts down the 95. Local streets should not have been the move in his case.

On the biker side, couldn't expect anything else. Only fumble was the dude who did the recording and then decided to upload it. Now that the video is viral it's quiet for anyone down with that bike gang. NYC DT's will identify them ASAP.

Luckily the driver lived. God forbid he passed.. bike laws would have hit new levels for the city.
BTW, when watching the video, it's clear he stopped. There was something said, done, that made this man take off frantically. 

I cannot seat here and say this man intentionally tried to injured these cyclist, but I can understand why he took off.

The second time he was stopped these people again came at him on some, we are going to kill you type of attitude. I'm not thinking about me, I'm thinking about my wife and kids .. so **** yes I'm running people over .....

Look at the Rodney King riots - the truck driver had two choices - Run people over or stop .. he stopped and he was ******!

Case Close ...
Both sides were wrong in their actions. Not much thinking was done.

If I was in the Range, cops would have been called instantly and kept on speaker as I drive to the 34th precinct. Either that or I'm speeding until highway patrol shuts down the 95. Local streets should not have been the move in his case.

On the biker side, couldn't expect anything else. Only fumble was the dude who did the recording and then decided to upload it. Now that the video is viral it's quiet for anyone down with that bike gang. NYC DT's will identify them ASAP.

Luckily the driver lived. God forbid he passed.. bike laws would have hit new levels for the city.

I think the man in the car was on the phone with the police the entire time.
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