Sportbike Club terrorizes family in a Range Rover in Manhattan (vid)

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da epitome of stupidity...

that would've been of my dudes homie ran over and he wouldn't ever have a good night sleep in NYC.

no amount of brake checking deserves people getting run over...PERIOD.

im SO GLAD that dude's name is out in da public, karma is gonna catch up to dude.

They were the initial aggressor!!!!!...bro is common sense too much to ask of you?
da epitome of stupidity...

that would've been of my dudes homie ran over and he wouldn't ever have a good night sleep in NYC.

no amount of brake checking deserves people getting run over...PERIOD.

im SO GLAD that dude's name is out in da public, karma is gonna catch up to dude.
Didn't it already kinda catch up to him silly? 
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Not a single one of them dudes would have felt comfy enough to get within 5 feet of my car once they seen a couple of their tough friends fly off into the roof of Phuket lounge.
tough talk behind a wheel of a SUV, till you get caught and spanked in front of your family for being a *** hole.

and he's lucky none of them guys had a gun, cuz that would've REALLY sealed his fate.
Biker slowed down and looked back just to get hit.. Dude was in the ranges lane looking in his window looking like he wanted to start something. This is nothing but a bunch of cowards on their bikes and cause they had such a big group though they ran s---.. He should have turned around and ran over the rest of those bums
How's karma going to catch up with him? As if getting his *** beaten wasnt enough. I really hope he has the grounds to sue. He didnt deserve this.
tough talk behind a wheel of a SUV, till you get caught and spanked in front of your family for being a *** hole.

and he's lucky none of them guys had a gun, cuz that would've REALLY sealed his fate.
Exactly what I believe the driver was thinking ...

It's not rocket science, you making his point!
tough talk behind a wheel of a SUV, till you get caught and spanked in front of your family for being a *** hole.

and he's lucky none of them guys had a gun, cuz that would've REALLY sealed his fate.
This has turned into a "I'm glad he ran them over/I wish he hit more" vs. "I'm glad he caught the fade" pissing contest.

Real mature.
Both sides were wrong in their actions. Not much thinking was done.

If I was in the Range, cops would have been called instantly and kept on speaker as I drive to the 34th precinct. Either that or I'm speeding until highway patrol shuts down the 95. Local streets should not have been the move in his case.

On the biker side, couldn't expect anything else. Only fumble was the dude who did the recording and then decided to upload it. Now that the video is viral it's quiet for anyone down with that bike gang. NYC DT's will identify them ASAP.

Luckily the driver lived. God forbid he passed.. bike laws would have hit new levels for the city.


They were the initial aggressor!!!!!...bro is common sense too much to ask of you?

Stopping a bike isn't an aggressive action

That's not for you to determine. The man who had his family with him perceived the situation differently than the NTers watching via Live Leak.

What was the result of his actions? So do you think he would do the exact same thing again?
You cant just run over people.... Lol... wait til they start to take action. I dont think they were bout to do a damn thing to him inside his car. On the highway. With other cars witnessing. They couldve and could of got away with it since they are on bikes.. But judging from what i see, that was pretty dumb to just run over people on bikes. 
Stopping a bike isn't an aggressive action
What was the result of his actions? So do you think he would do the exact same thing again?

Brake checking = road rage

What he did was the definition of an aggressive action.


Someone remind me as to why we should be putting blame on the driver of the RR? Thanks.
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tough talk behind a wheel of a SUV, till you get caught and spanked in front of your family for being a *** hole.

and he's lucky none of them guys had a gun, cuz that would've REALLY sealed his fate.

Fam what options this man had once he tapped dudes bike? can't comprehend how cornering someone can be dangerous, specially with his family present, stop
Promoting this TOUGH GUY BS!...this man is not a coward, he acted on instinct and did what he felt he had to do for the safety of his family, only mistake he made was getting off that wishing Ill upon this man says a lot about you.
I bet if the biker that got tapped after the "brake check" and the other buddies would have stood in their place, pulled out a phone and called the cops instead of being aggressive, none of this would have happened....he got tapped because of his own STUPIDITY, and that's what you seem to not get....what idiot in a bike slams his brakes in front of an SUV on a highway?...what type of God-like complex these dudes are on? I said once he pulled over and that one dude bolted his car and tried to open his door, it was a free for all at that point....dudes would be flying off their bikes till I got to the toll booth where police would be waiting...he obviously didn't know the area and got out in the worst possible exit.

Pretty much but he was either going to Jersey, upstate or through the 95. All three scenarios he was a maximum 5 miles away from some sort of highway patrol.
Situations like this is why people clinge to their guns man. corner anyone and you might get reactions that not in your best interest. 
Ninja is such a gangsta, he would be a great asset on the front lines of our armed forces....he'd go up against 100+ hostiles alone to prove himself.
yes i would have, ask about me in da heightz elkin..i AM about that life if you take it there with me.

my heart doesn't pulsate wet pussycat juice da min im surrounded. da minute that guy decided to use his rover as a weapon

is da minute da guy earn every lump on his head as he was put to sleep.
What was the result of his actions? So do you think he would do the exact same thing again?
Maybe. Maybe not. Doesn't change the fact that his reaction was mitigated by him feeling threatened following the collision.
You cant just run over people.... Lol... wait til they start to take action. I dont think they were bout to do a damn thing to him inside his car. On the highway. With other cars witnessing. They couldve and could of got away with it since they are on bikes.. But judging from what i see, that was pretty dumb to just run over people on bikes. 
They had absolutely no problem smashing his window in, dragging him out and beating him in the middle of the city.  But you are probably right, they probably wouldn't of done anything with other cars witnessing.  
Not a single one of them dudes would have felt comfy enough to get within 5 feet of my car once they seen a couple of their tough friends fly off into the roof of Phuket lounge.
tough talk behind a wheel of a SUV, till you get caught and spanked in front of your family for being a *** hole.

and he's lucky none of them guys had a gun, cuz that would've REALLY sealed his fate.

Those bikers are lucky NY isnt a CC state or else Im sure alot of them would have met their maker before this incident.

Biker punks and goons in general only thrive in areas where its illegal for law abiding citizens to arm themselves.
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Just seen the video again..... This driver is dumb for that. he was no in Danger.... Dude was just feeling themselves cuz they are on bikes and deep. They were gon keep it moving. Its just a Cruise they are doing... 
My man said "brake checking" is not an aggressive action, in a highway of all places...
i retract my last 2 posts....

the bikers deserved it. They stopped traffic and surrounded him. they were deep.
Biker slowed down and looked back just to get hit.. Dude was in the ranges lane looking in his window looking like he wanted to start something. This is nothing but a bunch of cowards on their bikes and cause they had such a big group though they ran s---.. He should have turned around and ran over the rest of those bums


So dude in the Range would have acted the same way without being in a SUV?

Like I said before, if they were on the street blocking his way...he would have humbled himself and said pardon me...not push them out the way saying move it, even if they were slow moving. Why, because he would know his life could possibly be in danger. He didn't think they would go to that extreme.

Same situation, one dude and his family and one hundred dudes...he would have humbled himself.
Just seen the video again..... This driver is dumb for that. he was no in Danger.... Dude was just feeling themselves cuz they are on bikes and deep. They were gon keep it moving. Its just a Cruise they are doing... 

RR driver had every amount of right to be on that road as the bikers.
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