(Spoilers) ASOIAF Books Discussion (All Books Read Edition) (Spoilers)


i could have sworn when ghost killed that guy that it was coldhands

I was hoping Coldhands would save them
when they showed the guy running away, i was convinced it was going be him.. 
I asked my brother what hat door was and he said that's where Ghost was locked up. Was Summer locked up in there with Ghost too? So Hodor was the one who let the two of them out?
I asked my brother what hat door was and he said that's where Ghost was locked up. Was Summer locked up in there with Ghost too? So Hodor was the one who let the two of them out?
Summer was either in a ditch or also in that cage. We can assume Bran and co released them and rescued Summer as well. He mentioned them after he escaped.

Was funny to see my friends be like "WHAAAAAAT? She's not going to Westeros yet? Ok, well I hope she shows up at Kings Landing at the end of the season like in Bran's vision"


By next season tv people will be annoyed with her like how other people are.

I'm not sure if she'll ever even make it out there. Maybe she'll die beforehand or just decide to never leave. People were saying it'd be cool if Arya assassinated Dany.
She's been dead to me ever since she got with that clown looking fool.
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She's been dead to me ever since she got with that clown looking fool.
Hi hater.

Step your blue beard swag game up.


Okay so I just saw the preview for the next episode. Correct me if I'm wrong but I think most of it are different from the books:

1. Yara/Asha Greyjoy and her troops didn't fight with Ramsay right? I remember them being taken captive by Stannis and co.

2. Stannis coming to the Iron Bank of Braavos. It should be the other way around right? Plus Tycho came when Stannis was already up north.

3. The council discussing Dany. Don't remember this happening.

Interesting to see how this goes.

P.S Hurry the **** up GRRM we need the next book already. >:

Yea, none of that stuff happened :lol:

But it might not even go down that way. Maybe Asha gets there after Moat Cailin in taken by Ramsay and sees the flayed Ironborn? In the preview she was still at sea.

This was thrown out by a friend but does anyone else think the fact that the Hound was talking down on Meryn Trant might be a hint that Syrio may have made it out alive? Huge stretch, I know :lol:
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^^I was thinking the same thing

Book readers need to pay extra attention to all the possible hints on the show now. You never know what they might be alluding to down the line.

I'm pretty sure everybody hopes that syrio was jaquen was the beginning.

Hopefully GRRM had some elaborate plan from the get go to make it work.

^^I was thinking the same thing

Book readers need to pay extra attention to all the possible hints on the show now. You never know what they might be alluding to down the line.

I'm pretty sure everybody hopes that syrio was jaquen was the beginning.

Hopefully GRRM had some elaborate plan from the get go to make it work.

Yeah I agree. I caught the foreshadowing of Sansa killing littlefinger. After the last book I thought she would anyway but now I'm sure.

^^I was thinking the same thing

Book readers need to pay extra attention to all the possible hints on the show now. You never know what they might be alluding to down the line.

I'm pretty sure everybody hopes that syrio was jaquen was the beginning.

Hopefully GRRM had some elaborate plan from the get go to make it work.
Yeah I agree. I caught the foreshadowing of Sansa killing littlefinger. After the last book I thought she would anyway but now I'm sure.
I must have missed it? What was it?

I feel strongly that the rest of the Starks are safe from here on out, though.
I must have missed it? What was it?

I feel strongly that the rest of the Starks are safe from here on out, though.

When Jamie and Tyrion are talking. Jamie says that maybe Sansa killed Joffrey but Tyrion says she's not a killer yet. Right after they cut to a scene with Sansa and Littlefinger walking in.

In the books when Arya is with the brotherhood the ghost of high heart says she saw the maid with purple serpents in her hair slaying a giant in a castle made of snow.

I fear for Arya in the first book when Jon says jokingly that when winter comes they are going to find her buried in the snow with needle clutched between her fingers. I hope she doesn't die but I can't see her going back into weterosi society after all she's seen and done. I think she's going to die young like Lyanna.
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Great episode last night. I really appreciate how Cogman wrote so many little reminders to the non-book readers of what's going on with people.

I loved everything about the episode except Asha's "escape". Ramsay is just going to let her escape like that? Didn't seem very believable unless he was doing it for sport.

Can't wait to see the reactions from people in 2 weeks when everyone will be like "Oberyn is gonna murk this dude! Tyrion is gonna be saved!" "WAIT!!! WAIT!!! WAIIIIIIT! WHATTTTTT?!?!?!?"

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

dudes in the show thread blatantly posting spoilers :lol: :smh:

dude's and their "theories" are way too convenient.
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Great episode last night. I really appreciate how Cogman wrote so many little reminders to the non-book readers of what's going on with people.

I loved everything about the episode except Asha's "escape". Ramsay is just going to let her escape like that? Didn't seem very believable unless he was doing it for sport.

Can't wait to see the reactions from people in 2 weeks when everyone will be like "Oberyn is gonna murk this dude! Tyrion is gonna be saved!" "WAIT!!! WAIT!!! WAIIIIIIT! WHATTTTTT?!?!?!?"

It looked like it was for sport when he let the dogs loose on them kind of like earlier on in the season when they were hunting that girl. 

"The Mountain and the Viper" episode is gonna be too good 
. Personally I can't wait to see the reactions when they finally show Tyrion offing both Tywin and Shae during his escape,it's definately gonna be one of the most crowd pleasing moments of the season.
Wonder how much they'll change those scenes if they do want to make it a little different. Funny to see tv people starting to get irritated with Dany. Maybe the show will try to make her storyline more interesting for the next few seasons.
It looked like it was for sport when he let the dogs loose on them kind of like earlier on in the season when they were hunting that girl. 

"The Mountain and the Viper" episode is gonna be too good :pimp: . Personally I can't wait to see the reactions when they finally show Tyrion offing both Tywin and Shae during his escape,it's definately gonna be one of the most crowd pleasing moments of the season.

A lot of people will be upset when Tywin dies, but it will be completely nullified by the pleasure they get from watching Shae getting murked. I've been waiting to watch her die forever.
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Personally I can't wait until he dies. I really cannot think of a tv father that is worse than Tywin. I will be sad for the red viper though. He could have been so much more. If only Dany would die I would do a happy dance.
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