(Spoilers) ASOIAF Books Discussion (All Books Read Edition) (Spoilers)

Nah.  I think they do try to find Bran and Rickon but I don't remember them sending a dude to the wall for Jon?
I don't even think anyone knows they're still alive as of right now in the books. They knew that Arya was Jeyne but that was about it IIRC. Theon never divulged to them that he killed farm boys.
I don't even think anyone knows they're still alive as of right now in the books. They knew that Arya was Jeyne but that was about it IIRC. Theon never divulged to them that he killed farm boys.

The only people who know are Ramsey because as Reek he gave Theon the idea to kill the farm boys. Ramsey told Roose. The Liddell Bran and company ran into on their way north of the wall recognized Bran so that ties into the northern conspiracy.

Manderly know because of Wes Theon's squire. I think most of the northern lords know. Lady Barbery did not go down to those crypts for nothing. I am positive she knows.
Do you guys know about the great northern conspiracy?!

Now THIS would be how I'd move forward with the series :pimp: :pimp:, so much win if this actually ends up being how things go down.

I'm not keeping my hopes up though after what happened to Jon in the last book with his fate currently being up in the air along with Bran and Rickon still being around but man would that be great if it ended up being true. Probably my favorite fan theory I've read so far,definitely the most in depth one that could actually fit.
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I don't even think anyone knows they're still alive as of right now in the books. They knew that Arya was Jeyne but that was about it IIRC. Theon never divulged to them that he killed farm boys.

The only people who know are Ramsey because as Reek he gave Theon the idea to kill the farm boys. Ramsey told Roose. The Liddell Bran and company ran into on their way north of the wall recognized Bran so that ties into the northern conspiracy.

Manderly know because of Wes Theon's squire. I think most of the northern lords know. Lady Barbery did not go down to those crypts for nothing. I am positive she knows.

:lol: I completely forgot the whole "Reek was Ramsay" scenario, thanks a lot for that refresher :pimp:
Now THIS would be how I'd move forward with the series :pimp: :pimp:, so much win if this actually ends up being how things go down.

I'm not keeping my hopes up though after what happened to Jon in the last book with his fate currently being up in the air along with Bran and Rickon still being around but man would that be great if it ended up being true. Probably my favorite fan theory I've read so far,definitely the most in depth one that could actually fit.

Am I the only one not worried about the Starks and Jon?

When Jojen said the wolves would come again that told me they would be at least reunited. Though I do fear Arya will die and Bran is going to become a tree.

Do you guys think Aegon is real? I am of the belief he is fake and planted by Varys but Lord Connington is too into his feelings for Rhaegar to realize.
He's got the right hair and eyes to be a Targ. People just question which group of the family he is from.
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Just realized you can see what looks like a man in a black hood, face obscured, (Coldhands or just a mutineer?) in the last scene of the episode 5 preview fighting Jon.

I completely forgot Robb meant to name Jon heir. There was never any mention in the show right?
In the show there's a scene where he talks to his mom about needing an heir. And then writes a letter and sends a raven somewhere, but I don't think it's ever specified what is said in the letter.

I just dont remember if it was justification for marrying what's her name ...
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I wonder how they will bring Jon back

I hope Aegon is who he says he is

I loved his story in the book

I wonder how they will bring Jon back


I think this is where the show story line will have an affect on the books story line (as GRRM himself said he has taken some ideas from the show)
but remember when Melisandre visited Thoros of Mir. and was stunned that he had the power to bring back Beric dondarrion. and said you shouldn't have this power (In the show)

that will probably be taken and she'll try to preform the whole thing.
Now if Jon truly has some type of power in him (not saying Targaryeon or old blood of Stark, just in general ) hey may not lose a piece of himself as beric dondarion did, but possibly all the knowledge we don't know about him may come in to the light like a huge flashback of who his mother and father really are or even how it came to be. .

Thats just what I'm guessing though.
Good news.

It's real to me :frown:.

It's just something fun fans make up like when they have screenshots of the characters commenting on each other's fb walls.
Am I the only one not worried about the Starks and Jon?

When Jojen said the wolves would come again that told me they would be at least reunited. Though I do fear Arya will die and Bran is going to become a tree.

Do you guys think Aegon is real? I am of the belief he is fake and planted by Varys but Lord Connington is too into his feelings for Rhaegar to realize.

Aegon is a Blackfyre i think.
Did y'all see that theory that Benjen Statk is Daario Naharis in disguise?! :rofl:

I saw the article from vanity fair I think. Really dumb theory to write a story on. They said it's a terrible reach but the new actor playing daario might've been hired because he has the look of a stark / benjen.
Did y'all see that theory that Benjen Statk is Daario Naharis in disguise?! :rofl:

I have to laugh when I read some of these show only theories. People have been complaining since last season that Daario is supposed to have blue hair now Benjen got lost from beyond the wall and ended up across the narrow sea with Dany. Wouldn't ser.Jorah recognize the northern accent. And high born act different from the rest even northern highborns.

I'm kind of leaning towards Aegon being the son of Illyrio and his first wife Sera. All the *****'s of Lys have the Targeryen look be a use they also come from old Valyria.

Anyone heard October 2015 for the book release?

I felt like in the show what Littlefinger has done has been downplayed. Like it should be a bigger deal than it is lol.

Glad Bran and Joh Snow didn't end up meeting

Not sure what you mean with the littlefinger comment. It went down the exact same way in the books. I think it's just tough for show watchers to care about an event that calls back to the very first episode. Even though it was the whole reason for everything.

Hodor with the hybrid mortal kombat scorpion/ big show choke slam tho :x
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