Originally Posted by Tony Starks

Something like this.



From that angle, what's wrong with Brias body? It's almost identical to Laurens. You cant say it's because her hips are wide, because so areLaurens. Cant blame it on her arms or anything like that because they're also about the same. Brias legs are a little larger, but if you can dig Lauren,that's not that much of a difference. That's like saying you love pizza, but you hate bread and cheese.
Bria Myles is unattractive and big from all angles.

I've seen enough Bria Myles pics, and I don't think she's "just a little thick" like some people on here say she is.

She's way too big.
Originally Posted by Tony Starks

Bria Myles is unattractive and big from all angles.

I've seen enough Bria Myles pics, and I don't think she's "just a little thick" like some people on here say she is.

She's way too big.

And here we go........
Originally Posted by THE FAME

Originally Posted by Tony Starks

Bria Myles is unattractive and big from all angles.

I've seen enough Bria Myles pics, and I don't think she's "just a little thick" like some people on here say she is.

She's way too big.

And here we go........

You must be thinking what I'm thinking

Dont know why people like to beat around the bush.
Originally Posted by Tony Starks

Bria Myles is unattractive and big from all angles.

I've seen enough Bria Myles pics, and I don't think she's "just a little thick" like some people on here say she is.

She's way too big.

Son is on a mission..
Originally Posted by Tony Starks

On a mission to do what? Beating around the bush?

What am I trying to do?

You honestly might not even know, but I see it...

Look at both of their bodies in the pics. You see how Lauren is stretched out, and Bria is in a more natural position?

Look at their stomachs. If Lauren were to stand in the same position that Bria is in, Lauren would obviously have a fatter stomach than Bria does. EvenLaurens legs look less toned than Brias does.

I'm not going to argue this any further, but I see what you did there.. Even if you dont.
Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

Thick or slender women can get bigger after pregnancy. All it has to do is with genetics and how well you take care of your body after pregnancy. I know plenty of slender women who blew up after giving birth and their body has not gotten back to the slender look.

My mom had us four girls and she has an amazing body, as do all her sisters. The women on my dad's side, not so lucky. I am hoping I will inherit my mom's body genes.

True but I rather take my chances and start as skinny as possible. Thick women definitely have the propensity to get fat after pregnancy, slender women are atoss up.
From the lurking thread...girl on the left of your screen in black. The girl is SUPER cute IMO but needs to drop a few pounds. (and in no way, out of shapeor form am I an adonis to be telling people what to do with their bodies...)


But I prefer a healthy, athletic woman versus an inactive woman, at the end of the day.

Yeah, I was out of left field for that one...
Im such a sleezball because I don't care how skinny or thick you are ill do almost any woman with a pulse!
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